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Путовање на гробље Савана Бонавентуре

Бонавентуру не треба само обилазити, о њој треба причати! Док вас Шенон Скот или његов надарени протоге шетају сањивим музејом уметности, живота и смрти на отвореном са спектакуларним природним сјајем, бићете запањени не само дубином прича, већ и скривеним значењима уметности и симболике која красе гробове и како то много тога се повезује не само са Саваном, већ и са ширим светом! Нема обиласка Саване без Бонавентуре, а ми смо екипа приче која је највише посвећена доказивању те добро познате локалне истине!
Цити: Савана
Thu 24 Oct
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Thu 24 Oct
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Гробље Бонавентуре
Домаћин Шенон Скот или његов високо оцењени штићеник прошетаће вас најпожељнијим историјским деловима гробља Бонавентура са детаљним заустављањима која покривају приче о славним мртвима, статуама, симболиком, обредима сахране, биљним светом и још много тога. Места гробова углавном укључују Џонија Мерсера, Конрада Ејкена, Литл Грејси и локације које се посебно односе на Поноћ у башти добра и зла.
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Коментара (703)
May 2017
Now that perhaps I have piqued your interest, allow me to state upfront you are dealing with a person who does not dole out compliments liberally. Having taken tours covering many different subjects across the country - some fantastic, some dreadful, I can say in all honestly that the tour given to my family and me from Alyssa of Bonaventure Cemetery Tours w/Shannon Scott was nothing short of amazing. Coming on this tour with little to no expectations upfront, only to leave with a strong desire to learn more about Bonaventure is a testament to Alyssa's professionalism and her fantastic ability to keep you entertained while educating you in the process. As you will discover, Bonaventure is a beautiful cemetery in its own right and you will be overwhelmed with its unique beauty. But one must keep in mind that it is easy to forget that each monument tells a story, and what stories you will hear! Devoid of drab facts that are the result of rote memorization, our wonderful guide put a real human element to each memorial we stopped at, telling amazing stories about the people who resided under them. You will also get a real appreciation for the intricate carvings and the stories behind them. Before you know it, you are looking at this beautiful area in a different light - These were people with lives like you and me, with day-to-day problems. If there is one very minor regret I have, I failed to ask Alyssa if she knew if there was some book available that covered theses stories to the same effect, as it would afford me the ability to reflect on what I had just learned. Unfortunately, I have yet to find one, as most merely provide dry facts and nothing along the lines of the lives of these people and those interesting stories Alyssa shared with us. Perhaps if Mr. Scott should catch this review, he may be able to suggest something? Finally, please, by all means, if you are coming to Savannah, do invest the time to take a tour with this wonderful company [just be sure to take a morning tour and bring water!]. This skeptic-at-large left was won over completely, leaving with the knowledge that this was the highlight of my entire trip here. I cannot heap enough praise and cannot wait to come back again. In the meantime, my best wishes for continued success. They most certainly deserve it. And thank you, Now that perhaps I have piqued your interest, allow me to state upfront you are dealing with a person who does not dole out compliments liberally. Having taken tours covering many different subjects across the country - some fantastic, some dreadful, I can say in all honestly that the tour given to my family and me from Alyssa of Bonaventure Cemetery Tours w/Shannon Scott was nothing short of amazing. Coming on this tour with little to no expectations upfront, only to leave with a strong desire to learn more about Bonaventure is a testament to Alyssa's professionalism and her fantastic ability to keep you entertained while educating you in the process. As you will discover, Bonaventure is a beautiful cemetery in its own right and you will be overwhelmed with its unique beauty. But one must keep in mind that it is easy to forget that each monument tells a story, and what stories you will hear! Devoid of drab facts that are the result of rote memorization, our wonderful guide put a real human element to each memorial we stopped at, telling amazing stories about the people who resided under them. You will also get a real appreciation for the intricate carvings and the stories behind them. Before you know it, you are looking at this beautiful area in a different light - These were people with lives like you and me, with day-to-day problems. If there is one very minor regret I have, I failed to ask Alyssa if she knew if there was some book available that covered theses stories to the same effect. Unfortunately, I have yet to find one, as most merely provide dry facts and nothing more along the lines of the lives of these people, along with those interesting stories Alyssa shared with us. Perhaps if Mr. Scott should catch this review, he may be able to suggest something? Finally, please, by all means, if you are coming to Savannah, do invest the time to take a tour with this wonderful company [just be sure to take a morning tour and bring water!]. This skeptic-at-large left was won over completely, leaving with the knowledge that this was the highlight of my entire trip here. I cannot heap enough praise and cannot wait to come back again. In the meantime, best wishes for continued success. They deserve it. And thank you, Alyssa!!!!! . .
May 2017
Shannon Scott is obviously charmed by Bonaventure Cemetery! His quick wit, charm, humor, and extensive knowledge is infectious. It was a lovely tour and I left feeling a true appreciation of the beauty, history, and mystery of a wonderful part of Savannah and its past.
May 2017
Yes, you can tour Bonaventure Cemetery by yourself. But you'll only get the full picture and the history with a guided tour by Scott Shannon's tour company. Scott was not our tour guide, but the woman guide for our group was great! Knowledgeable, engaged, relaxed, took the time to answer all of our questions. We took the afternoon tour (2:00). It was hot, but there is plenty of shade. Some folks brought folding stools to sit on at each stop. There is a lot of walking involved of course. Advance purchase advised. If you're visiting Savannah, don't miss the opportunity to take a guided historical tour of Bonaventure Cemetery with Scott Shannon.

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