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Путовање на гробље Савана Бонавентуре

Бонавентуру не треба само обилазити, о њој треба причати! Док вас Шенон Скот или његов надарени протоге шетају сањивим музејом уметности, живота и смрти на отвореном са спектакуларним природним сјајем, бићете запањени не само дубином прича, већ и скривеним значењима уметности и симболике која красе гробове и како то много тога се повезује не само са Саваном, већ и са ширим светом! Нема обиласка Саване без Бонавентуре, а ми смо екипа приче која је највише посвећена доказивању те добро познате локалне истине!
Цити: Савана
Thu 24 Oct
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Thu 24 Oct
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Проверите упутства за паркирање и састанке.<ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица, али постоје неравне површине за које може бити потребан помоћник<ли>Ради у свим временским условима , обуците се прикладно
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Гробље Бонавентуре
Домаћин Шенон Скот или његов високо оцењени штићеник прошетаће вас најпожељнијим историјским деловима гробља Бонавентура са детаљним заустављањима која покривају приче о славним мртвима, статуама, симболиком, обредима сахране, биљним светом и још много тога. Места гробова углавном укључују Џонија Мерсера, Конрада Ејкена, Литл Грејси и локације које се посебно односе на Поноћ у башти добра и зла.
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Коментара (703)
Jun 2017
Besides being a gifted storyteller, Shannon Scott is a dedicated researcher who goes to great lengths to obtain information from original sources to bring the people he talks about to life for the listener. On the Bonaventure By Day tour, rather give us a superficial, diluted overview of the many notable people buried in the cemetery, he perceptively chose to talk about a few key people whose lives had a profound impact on the Savannah community at the time in history they were alive - whether the person was an athlete, a musician, a freemason, a sculptor, an author, a poet, or a child who brought joy to everyone who met her. Shannon Scott has a talent for bringing to life the people whose stories he chose to highlight, so that the magnitude of their contributions are not overlooked and can continue to touch the lives of the people who hear their stories today. If you want to participate in a tour in which the guide makes you feel that the experiences of those long gone still have the power to teach and impact you today, this is the tour for you. I am sure that Shannon Scott's other tours are equally exceptional, but the brevity of my trip only allowed for this one tour. I hope to take the other tours Shannon Scott offers on future trips to Savannah.
Corbin S
May 2017

Skillfully managed variation to the standard tour since much of Bonaventure itself was off-limits because of hurricane damage Shannon is full of stories, lore, history, and insights, and an excellent guide whose delivery is enthusiastic and not canned. Highly recommended.

May 2017
Our family of three took the 10:00 am tour of Bonaventure Cemetery with Shannon Scott. The cemetery is beautiful and the architectural design of the tombstones and gravesites are very interesting. Shannon is a wonderful speaker with a deep voice that draws you into the story. He is very knowledgeable about the local history and the people buried at Bonaventure. We all enjoyed the historical stories. The tour is listed as a walking tour, because you walk all the way to the back of the old part of the cemetery, to the river's edge. This is also a standing tour; at each gravesite that Shannon told a story, we stood for long period of time. The long standing is hard on my feet, so I would suggest a small folding chair (like you take to a golf tournament) that you can sit on during the stories. By the end of the tour, my feet were very sore from all of the standing. This tour is definitely not for children, and the teenagers on the tour were hardly listening by the end. Otherwise, I highly recommend Shannon's tour...it was very enjoyable!

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