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Путовање на гробље Савана Бонавентуре

Бонавентуру не треба само обилазити, о њој треба причати! Док вас Шенон Скот или његов надарени протоге шетају сањивим музејом уметности, живота и смрти на отвореном са спектакуларним природним сјајем, бићете запањени не само дубином прича, већ и скривеним значењима уметности и симболике која красе гробове и како то много тога се повезује не само са Саваном, већ и са ширим светом! Нема обиласка Саване без Бонавентуре, а ми смо екипа приче која је највише посвећена доказивању те добро познате локалне истине!
Цити: Савана
Mon 06 Jan
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Mon 06 Jan
Са почетком у $25.65
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Проверите упутства за паркирање и састанке.<ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица, али постоје неравне површине за које може бити потребан помоћник<ли>Ради у свим временским условима , обуците се прикладно
Шта да очекујете
Гробље Бонавентуре
Домаћин Шенон Скот или његов високо оцењени штићеник прошетаће вас најпожељнијим историјским деловима гробља Бонавентура са детаљним заустављањима која покривају приче о славним мртвима, статуама, симболиком, обредима сахране, биљним светом и још много тога. Места гробова углавном укључују Џонија Мерсера, Конрада Ејкена, Литл Грејси и локације које се посебно односе на Поноћ у башти добра и зла.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (703)
Mar 2015
It was a chilly February morning when I was part of a tour at Bonaventure Cemetery tour with Shannon Scott. Having Shannon as our tour guide made it one of the most memorable parts of our trip to Savannah. He is a master storyteller, historian, and artist that made this experience incredible! From the start of the tour, we were mesmerized by his stories and fascinated by the amount of knowledge he has about Bonaventure and its people, as well as how they tie into Savannah. I asked him a lot of questions and he was always willing to answer. If you are looking for a tour in Savannah, check Shannon's tour out - you will be fascinated and hang on every word!
Lindsay O
Feb 2015
My husband and I bought tickets to this tour,because I had, had, had to see Bonaventure this time in Savannah. I chose from the few walking guided tours of Bonaventure on a weekday in February. I picked this one, because I had read reviews and they raved about it. Got a little nervous finding the spot, but directions in email were good. Once we got there, it was rainy but still insanely beautiful. When our tour guide Shannon Scott got there we were immediately mesmerized by his knowledge of the cemetery. I was so impressed by the links to the Free Masons. I know a little about them and may checked it out in the future, but I never realized the connection. Then it proceeded to the amazing history of the land, the people buried there and of the incredible art throughout. I know a decent amount about American history/Confederate History but the knowledge expressed on this tour blew me away. In my husbands words "He was really excited about it all and he got me in to it. I almost cried at Gracie's grave." All said and done we were really lucky because we were the only ones on the tour, but it was an awesome tour. I learned so much!!! One of the bartenders in Savannah suggested before hand that we do it on our own. I am incredibly glad we did not. I will recommend this tour to everyone we know and do it again myself!
Nov 2014
If you go to Savannah Georgia, you must make a trip to the Bonaventure Cemetery and do the tour with Shannon Scott. He is an amazing story teller and will hold your attention throughout the tour. His strong voice and attention to detail is not boring or tiring.

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