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Групни обилазак гробља Бонавентуре у Савани после радног времена

Саваннах САМО после радног времена, обилазак гробља! Ову специјалну турнеју за одрасле води Шенон Скот, ова специјална турнеја за одрасле задире у слојеве тема о тајном друштву, ритуалном раду лекара, гангстерима, кријумчарима, љубавницима убицама и другим тајним драгуљима прича које Скот дефинише као „табу приче“ Бонавентуре. За фанове Поноћ у башти добра и зла? Ово је врхунски шоу док лутате теренима о којима се говори у роману где су многи ликови сада закопани и према очекивању испричане на веома лични, маверички начин од стране Барда од Бонавентуре, Шенона Скота!
Цити: Савана
Sun 20 Oct
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Са почетком у $56.42
Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $56.42
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Не препоручује се путницима у трудноћи<ли>Купци морају да имају мобилни телефон на себи и да наведу број мобилног телефона у тренутку резервације.<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо вас да се обуците прикладно
Шта да очекујете
Сханнон Сцотт Тоурс
Обиђите најславније, викторијанско гробље на југу са 29-годишњим приповедачем, Шеноном Скотом или неким од његових других врхунских водитеља прича! Бонавентура је дом песника, текстописаца, глумаца, уметника, индустријалаца, дуелиста, конфедераната и сваке животне приче под једним сунчаним гробљем! Љубитељи тајних друштава као што су Слободни зидари такође неће бити разочарани јер је Бонавентура свуда утиснут њиховим амблемима! Погледајте Литтле Грацие, Јохнни Мерцер, Цонрад Аикен, Нобле Јонес и још много тога! Обожаваоци "Поноћ у башти добра и зла?" Приближите се ликовима! Разговарајте о личном и утицајном дану! Распитајте се о превозу хотела Хисториц Дистрицт!
Гробље Бонавентуре
Током ове турнеје од 2,5 сата, придружићете се веома ексклузивном клубу људи који су видели гробље након што се затвори за јавност. Није то била прилика од када је отворен 1846. године, али захваљујући вашем посебном локалном домаћину, сада јесте. Ви сте буквално закључани на гробљу све време; за правог корисника, не постоји цена коју можете ставити на радост због тога. Замислите да имате спокој, тишину и тишину гробља, коју не омета живи свет. Приче се протежу од данашњих дана па све до почетка Бонавентурине плантаже 1754. Наше теме сежу од смешних и узбудљивих до најморбиднијих сабласних. Неке од прича које ће бити покривене укључују оне: • "Хооцх руннер" за Ал Капонеа • Бизарна љубавна прича која се завршила једним убиством и једном посетом електричној столици • Саванина улога у ДаВинцијевом коду • Лејди Минерва и Џим Вилијамс у Поноћи у Врту добра и зла
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (142)
Tammy P
Apr 2016
Every couple of years my closest girlfriends (over 30 years now) and I take a weekend road trip together. The last couple of trips have been to Savannah and I doubt we will ever go anywhere else because Savannah is such a fun and unique city to visit. We've toured almost every house so on this trip I suggested we try to find a Bonaventure Cemetery tour. I've loved Bonaventure for years and years, but I've never toured it. I did make my husband drive around the place for a couple of hours on our honeymoon (14 years ago) looking for Bird Girl, but that's another story. We didn't do too much research. We just googled it and booked it. We got lucky that it happened to be Shannon's tour! Shannon is a very charismatic storyteller! I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he had a strong theatre background. He made each story more interesting than the last. You can tell that he really enjoys his job and that makes the tour all that more enjoyable! He really knows his stuff! I learned so many cool things about this beautiful cemetery. I didn't want the tour to end! I wanted to know more and more! I cannot sing this tour's praises enough! I can't wait to return with my husband and teen daughters! They will love taking this tour. I can't imagine any other tour being as awesome as this one was! If you are planning a cemetery tour I highly recommend you choose Shannon Scott's tour! A note though - this is nearly a 3 hour walking tour. If you have any type of orthopedic issues (mine are ankle and hip) or disabilities you need to prepare to be walking for that length of time! This is not a tour you wear heels on. Don't get me wrong, it's totally worth it and I'm proud that I made it through, but wear your walking shoes and bring some water and Tylenol! Hahaha! A+++++ all the way!
Mar 2016
While in Savannah with a large group of college friends, we were privileged to do a private After-Hours tour of Bonaventure with Shannon. He was an excellent and knowledgeable host who made the stories and secrets of the cemetery come to life. I have always been fascinated with old cemeteries and their stories, and this was the best! It was so peaceful being in the cemetery as night fell and walking among the trees draped in Spanish Moss. Shannon's love of Savannah and history shone through as he spoke, and we were all captivated. The stories he told were not silly or "fake-scary" but interesting tales of real people who had walked where we were walking. I came away eager to return to Savannah and explore Bonaventure in more depth!
Dec 2015
My husband and I were looking for something different to explore on our most recent trip to Savannah when we came across this tour, the highest ranked cemetery tour in town. Intrigued, we booked our tickets not knowing what to expect. Boy, were we pleasantly surprised! We did the morning tour at 10 am on a perfectly foggy and gloomy morning. At Shannon's arrival we immediately got a sense that not only did he know his history, but also that he himself was a fan of the fascinating background stories of the extraordinary people buried at Bonaventure. As we walked through the graves we discovered the beauty and magical appeal of the place, and thanks to Shannon we were pointed at all the symbology and beautiful craftsmanship found at this massive grave site. But was sold us on the tour was his passion for thorough research, his great orator skills, and masterful storytelling. Shannon was quick to ease us into picturing the past, sprinkling each of his tales with detailed insights and multiple references. His tour (a 2.5 hour love affair with Bonaventure) was an absolute delight, transporting us to multiple eras and unearthing mind blowing secrets buried only in history books and forgotten records. A true keeper of the buried history of Bonaventure, Shannon's tour is not to be missed! We had to create a trip advisor account to give Shannon a well deserved excellent review. Next time we pass by Savannah we are booking his Dinner Tour!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2015
Well what can I possibly say to return such a compliment to what I do? Wow. I think I can retire now! Your right, Bonaventure is full of story treasure and I've been one of the hunters and mappers of it for a very long time. And no, not afraid to share the booty with me tour mateys! And as you yourselves discovered, this tour is about the heart and soul of Savannah while also being a platform to discuss the nation, the world, culture, politics and so many things that are just as much current, as they are the past. I like to remind people that 100 years ago is just at the end of an arm's reach. 200 years ago you can still lay your hand on Bonaventure's trees and a few monuments that survive from the period. Its literally the living history of the dead come alive and in some ways, never really went anywhere. Anyway, such a gem of a compliment to receive here at the end of 2015 and look forward to carrying all of this into the next!

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