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Ноћни обилазак града духова у Савани "Мртва ноћ".

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Цити: Савана
Sun 17 Nov
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Sun 17 Nov
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Упознајте се код великог белог споменика у центру Џонсон сквера (Споменик Натанаела Грина)
Гробље колонијалног парка
Место сахране Томо-Чи-Чија и најстарије општинско гробље у Савани
Историјски округ Савана
Кућа Марсхалл: једна од најлепших у Савани и историјских хотела. То је такође један од најуклетијих у Савани…
Рајтов трг
Познат као "Трг за вјешање", ово је трг на којем је погубљена Алис Рајли, прва жена обешена у Џорџији.
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Коментара (1000)
Oct 2022
Based on the description of the tour, I was under the impression that we would be going in to the places that were being toured. Which was not clarified in the description. When it said "going to the locations where savannahs darker hauntings take place" I was not expecting a story told from across the street. Reviews even made the impression they were able to walk through the cemetery, and stopped by a pub and grab a drink. I'm still a bit unsure of what makes it an "adult" tour as nothing was gruesome or scary by any means. I've taken the trolly tours on multiple occasions and this seemed like a "your walking on dead bodies" version of that. I would not go again and would not recommend any one that wants something scary. Overall, not worth the money or the time.
Oct 2022
The tour was just ok. Our guide was young and perhaps needed some polishing on the history of the city. Our biggest issue; however, was the fact that the stories told were all about of rich white people with somewhat “spooky” endings with no mention of possible paranormal activity of those enslaved by them. As a matter of fact there was no mention of slavery as part of the town’s history what so ever. With ships of slaves coming in regularly, holding blocks present, auction sites identified, and slave quarters within their masters homes one would think that would at the very least deserve a mention. Our guide spend at least 10 minutes speaking about a ghost cat but not one speaking of enslaved individuals. We’ve been on tours in other “haunted” cities and this one by far was the least inclusive and probably least accurate. On the positive note…they did keep it PG for the kids present.
Oct 2022
We originally had Nick as our tour guide, and that was the funniest thing we have ever experienced but not in a good way. He was wobbling all over the place and never checked me and my friend in and was getting a bit too close and then when the tour started he was talking about random stuff and random movies and taking weird pauses in between talking that didn’t fit into the moment😭 we literally only made it to 2 places before he finally said “I have to go i’m sorry” and said we could get a refund and started walking freely the opposite direction. We were left speechless and historically laughing and we when back to our original meeting place and met Jared who was more than happy to take us along his tour and is was amazing! He was the most intentionally funny tour guide! He was amazing and Thank him for handling the stress of an unexpected big group!

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