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Mon 18 Nov
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Mon 18 Nov
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Место сахране Томо-Чи-Чија и најстарије општинско гробље у Савани
Историјски округ Савана
Кућа Марсхалл: једна од најлепших у Савани и историјских хотела. То је такође један од најуклетијих у Савани…
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Познат као "Трг за вјешање", ово је трг на којем је погубљена Алис Рајли, прва жена обешена у Џорџији.
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Коментара (1000)
May 2017
Been wanting to go on a ghost tour in Savannah for some time now. Finally did it this time and went on the dead of night tour (which is BTW for adults only) on a Friday night. There were allot of people booked that night and the tour was split up into 2 groups which went off in different directions passing each other only once around the middle of the tour. We were in Skippy Spiral's group. Very interesting and informative. Skippy is a master at telling the stories of Savannahs past. We learned allot of things about Savannah I'm sure Savannah wants to forget. We'll have to try one of Ghost City's other tours next time.
May 2017
We did the 9:00pm Grave Tales Tour. Half the ghost stories were pretty lame and the other half were decent. For example, the guide spent several minutes telling us about a little girl ghost who hid behind a staircase and pulled people's pant legs. She also spent a long time telling us about a ghost of a local Indian chief who can be seen walking around and lost due to his burial site mishap. We just felt like those types of stories are not worth paying for especially if it's going to take the guide a decent amount of time to tell the story. The guide was excited to have everyone take photos to see if they captured any orbs....there were streetlights close by everywhere we went so of course people were going to have odd lighting in their photos. The tour group was HUGE and at times we had a hard time hearing the guide. We also saw two random people join the group midway but the guide had no clue because the original group was so huge. We didn't say anything because we didn't want to a cause a scene and because the company should know better not to schedule such big tours. Overall, we felt the price was too high for the quality of the tour.
May 2017
Myself, wife, daughter, and her boyfriend took the beyond good and evil tour this past Tuesday (5/16). We were all very disappointed in the tour. It was more of a stand up comedy act then ghost tour. I have taken many ghost tours around the country and this one was not one we would do again. Too much flirting and non-related conversation. Tours like this, in a town like Savannah, should have you walking fast on the way home....it didn't. Also, the tour guide made some un-informed comments about Free Masons and their practices. As a Free Mason I was insulted and wanted to just walk away from the tour. Maybe in the future your guides should stick to what they know or at least do some research, and not make comments that are not factual. Lastly, leave the comedy to the professionals. Thank u.

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