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Обилазак кањона Ред Роцк са скутером са превозом из Лас Вегаса

Сцоот Цити Тоурс је оригинална компанија за обилазак скутера на 3 точка у Лас Вегасу и од 2008. води обиласке у кањону Ред Роцк. Ова јединствена тура је јединствен начин да истражите природна чуда Лас Вегаса. Једноставно не постоји боља турнеја по Лас Вегасу која вам омогућава да истражите призоре и звуке прелепог кањона Ред Роцк у једном од наших невероватних скутера са 3 точка. И потпуно сте друштвено дистанцирани током целе турнеје! Сцоот Цити Тоурс је лиценциран, осигуран и дозвољен код Службе националних паркова Сједињених Држава и Бироа за управљање земљиштем. Наш обилазак кањона Ред Роцк у Лас Вегасу је ваша забава на три котача за пријатеље и породицу да проведу пола дана на отвореном само неколико минута од светски познатог Лас Вегас Стрипа. Пружамо бесплатну услугу преузимања и одласка у већину хотела на Стрипу и Голден Нуггет-у у центру Лас Вегаса, па резервишите данас и хајде да се забавимо! Резервишите само 1 путника што је једнако 1 скутеру који може да прими до 2 особе.<бр>
Цити: лас Вегас
Mon 24 Feb
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $350.00
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $350.00
Шта је укључено
Боца воде
Преузимање и одлазак у хотел
3,5-часовни обилазак скутером
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Имајте на уму: приказана цена се заснива на скутеру; ако путујете у групи од 2, молимо изаберите само 1 путника. Ако желите да имате појединачне скутере, изаберите број скутера који ће вам требати.<ли>Да би управљали возилима, купци морају да говоре и разумеју основни енглески из безбедносних разлога.<ли> ли>Минимална старост за рад је 21 година<ли>Минимална старост путника је 8 година<ли>Возачи захтевају важећу возачку дозволу<ли>Максимална укупна тежина путника је 450 лбс (204 кг) по возилу<ли>Максимална висина је 6 стопа 4 инча (76 цм)<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током читавог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфицирано у великом саобраћају области<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље
Шта да очекујете
Ред Роцк Цанион Натионал Цонсерватион Ареа
Следеће, ваш водич ће водити чопор скутера на живописној петљи од 13 миља (21 км) кроз кањон. Уживајте у неометаном погледу на пејзаж. Пазите на дивље бразде, корњаче, зечеве и друге дивље животиње. На одређеним стајалиштима на путу, имаћете времена да промените возача и истражите сами. Ваш водич ће вам радо препоручити одличне стазе за пешачење, у зависности од жељеног нивоа тежине. Не заборавите да резервишете само 1 путника што је једнако 1 скутеру за највише 2 особе. Напомена: приказана цена се заснива на скутеру; ако путујете у групи од 2, молимо изаберите само 1 путника. Ако желите да имате појединачне скутере, изаберите број скутера који ће вам требати. Да би управљали возилима, купци морају бити у стању да говоре и разумеју основни енглески из безбедносних разлога.
Политика отказивања
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (673)
Jun 2010
We have traveled to Las Vegas many times over the last few years and each time we look for something new and exciting to experience. By far, this is the best experience we have had. From the curb side service at our hotel to the fantastic tour of Red Rock Canyon to the exciting and energetic John and Micah everything was perfect and the cars - what can we say - they are awesome! We will definately tour with them on our next trip. Tracey, Brent and Garrett
Apr 2010
This is a riding tour of Red Rock Canyon with frequent stops for hiking and picture taking. The whole experience lasts about 4 hours, which includes transportation from the hotel to the scooters, scooter tour through Red Rock and transportation back to the hotel. What a great experience! The open air scooters were fun to drive and just as much fun to be a passenger. It took about 3 minutes to learn how to drive it and after 5 minutes I felt like I had been driving it forever. Red Rock Canyon is gorgeous and the scooter tour just made it more special. It really was like 2 experiences in one. The trip was extremely well done and well planned. John loves his job and it shows. My husband and I agreed that we're going to do this tour every time we visit Las Vegas - if we didn't, I'd feel like we missed out on something! We did the tour in the morning, so the ride was a little chilly, so bring a sweatshirt or jacket. The ride will also be windy so ladies may want a hat or pontail holder. Wear sneakers and comfy clothes. You'll be getting in and out of the scooter often and it will be more comfortable. Don't forget your sunscreen.
Apr 2010
My family and I took Scoot City tours with Johnny and Mike to Red Rock Canyon on March 30, 2010. It was the scare of my and my 14 year old daughters lives. That day the weather was extremely windy and cold. When we got to the red rock mountains the winds were blowing fiercely. As mention on the last review we too try buying warmer clothing , at the gift shop. However, supplies were low and limited to t-shirts. We continued the trip and made it to sightseeing stops 1, 2, 3 all of which was uphill driving. As we continue the trip to the next stop it was all down hill and winding roads. My scooter was the 4th in line behind Johnny's lead scooter. Mike was the 7th scooter last following 2 other scooters that was driving slow. As we continued the tour Johnny's lead picked up speed and started to go faster. As advise to us during our tour by Johnny (owner) that we needed to pick up speed going down hill in order for the scooters to go up hill. However, I couldn't catch up. There was a large gap between my scooter and scooter #3. I could no longer see any cars or scooters in front of me. Mike and the other scooters were still behind me and I couldn't see them in my rearview mirror. The wind was blowing our scooter side to side fishtaling downhill faster. I kept trying to squeeze the handbrakes to slow down but it didn't help. The next thing my daughter and I realize was that our scooter was on it's side dragging the both of us downhill in our seat belts and then it flipped us over and dragged us further. It finally stop on the opposite side of the road. Mike and the other 2 scooters finally caught up with us and flipped our scooter around and they saw that both my daughter and I was bleeding from our hands arms head everywhere. My shirt was literally shredded from the dragging of the road. Mike took off his sweatshirt hoodie and offer it to us to stop the bleeding and took off on a scooter to go get Johnny who was waiting for us at stop #4. During this ordeal Johnny was not aware of our situation. The other guest try calling for help but could not get cellular signals to call for an ambulance. When Mike and Johnny came back they ended the tour early and Johnny took us to the hospital. I had 2nd and third degree road burns on both my forearms, wrist, hands, back, chest, shoulders and a big bruise on my face. My daughter had road burns on her forearms, wrist and head. I would not recommend this trip to anyone, there were too many safely issues that were questionable like: Neither tour guides had provided any first aid kits for us to stop the bleeding ( except for the sweatshirt off Mike's back) nor provide any safety measures when aiding us during our ordeal. It was obvious that they both were in shock. Neither one attempted to contact local authorities to provide us the required medical attention that we needed. They drove us back on the scooters with the wind blowing at our open wounds. There were no forms of communications between lead tour guide and the back one. Mike had to ride his scooter to go get help and it wasn't medical help,but to go get Johnny. Why was the lead tour guide driving so fast in such inclement weather? Especially when he had so many people following him who were not experienced in driving this type of scooters nor were given prior information or a map or an itinerary of the tour or road conditions within park. I truly believe we would not be in such pain right now and the accident would not have occurred if Johnny had slowed down and waited for everyone to catch up in such severe windy conditions. What was worse Johnny did not offer us a refund. On top of that when we got back to our hotel via taxi (another $50 that we didn't need to spend) from the hospital; the Las Vegas area had a severe weather advisory of windy conditions, all outdoor rides on the strip were suspended due to these windy conditions. In all this whole incident could have been avoided if pre-conditions safety measures were taken by management.

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