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Тајне Кипа слободе и пешачки обилазак острва Елис

Кип слободе и острво Елис освојили су машту хиљада посетилаца Њујорка због свог значаја као симбола америчке слободе и могућности. Откријте тајне настанка, дизајна и изградње ових легендарних америчких дестинација. Слушајте приче имиграната који су се пробили кроз острво Елис након опасног и неизвесног путовања. Уживајте у прекрасном и панорамском погледу на Кип слободе и њујоршку луку пре него што изађете на острво Либерти. Једном на острву Либерти, уживајте у изванредним погледима на Њујорк. Затим завршите обилазак острва Еллис.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $67.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $67.00
Шта је укључено
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Услужне животиње су дозвољене<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо да се обуците прикладно
Шта да очекујете
Национални споменик замак Клинтон
Више од 200 година, Тхе Баттери је био непроцењив део историје Њујорка. Деценијама пре него што је острво Елис изграђено или Кип слободе загледао се у бродове који долазе, милиони придошлица су стигли у Батерију из Европе и других места.
Кип Слободе
[Посета постољу није укључена] Његова најистакнутија карактеристика је Кип слободе, велика статуа Фредерика Огиста Бартолдија која је посвећена 1886.
Еллис Исланд
Острво Елис је била најпрометнија станица за инспекцију и обраду имиграната у Сједињеним Државама. Након што је на наше обале дочекало више од 12 милиона имиграната, острво Елис је сада поетски симбол америчког сна.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (54)
Grant P
May 2019
Both the tour itself and the tour guide Stefan made this a fabulous tour for my partner Samantha and I. It had everything we wanted and more - it provided great historical insight and Stefan was more than happy to offer great restaurant and bar recommendations as well as being very knowledgeable... we would choose Stefan as our tour guide again, thanks!
Kathryn K
Apr 2019
My husband, 3 children and I did the Statue of Liberty tour on Monday. Our guide Stephan was amazing! We really enjoyed the guided tour of the Statue and Ellis Island. The only issue we had was the pouring rain at the statue, but Stephan modified the flow to make us more comfortable and get us inside.
Mar 2019
Showed up at Castle Clinton to meet up with our tour guide. Was told by multiple people we were supposed to meet up with our guide on the island, despite the email saying otherwise. Confused we went to the island, where I called their customer service number I saw on multiple emails from Inside Out Tours. Each time I called, I was either transferred to another line which would then hang up on me. Finally the tour guide called me and told me where my group should meet her. When we saw people coming out the ferry we tried calling her to see which group (out of the many) was Hers. She never answered so we joined the first one we saw that met the requirements she said to look out for (a lady with a red flag). Since that was all we had to go off of we assumed we were in the right group. Our group was 13 people. Over a week later I get an email for no show and that I will be charged $715. I tried emailing customer service, and have been in contact with a lady, Stacy, who has responded rudely to each email. She is sticking to her words that because the tour guide said my group didn’t show up to the tour we are a no show, so which tour group did we join? Because we got our Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island tour....Have also sent proof I called their customer service number to which she responded it was the wrong number. After I showed her screen shots of the emails from Inside Out Tours showing the number I had called was the one given to me multiple times in the emails, I have not heard back from her. Definitely regret booking through them, wish I had booked through the Statue of Liberty website instead.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2019
Thank you for your feedback but this review is completely false and unfair. We were at the meeting place and we spoke to you on the phone. You had every opportunity to join our group because we told you over the phone where to meet us. If you joined a random tour group, that has nothing to do with us. We are unable to account for any other company. You could have called us back if you were confused about which group to join or asked the company if they were Inside Out Tours or the tour guide with whom you had previously spoken. You had the phone number of the tour guide since the tour guide contact you and spoke with you. We waited for you. You were a no-show to our tour, which is why you were charged. We responded politely to all your emails with additional information on our policies and procedures but we could not agree with your decision to not abide by our cancellation policy and not show up for the tour.

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