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Седона НЛО Тоур

• НАЈБОЉИ ВОДИЧ због искуства са пројектилима/сателитима И директног контактера<бр>• НАЈБОЉА НОЋНА ВИЗИЈА јер сви добијају 3. ген за коришћење<бр>• НАЈБОЉА ЦЕНА јер математика НИЈЕ расистичка и ви препознајете договор<бр><бр> турнеја нуди политику „одговора на свако питање“. На овој турнеји се често говори о егзополитици, технологијама свемирских летелица, типовима и локацијама ванземаљаца, историји древне Земље и соларног система, команди лунарних операција, колонији на Марсу и још много тога. ВИ водите дискусију, а Мајкл ће одговарати на питања.<бр><бр>УПОЗОРЕЊЕ: АКО имате ТДС или друго ментално стање изазвано МСМ-ом, МОЛИМ ВАС, НЕ РЕЗЕРВИРАЈТЕ ОВАЈ ОБИЛАЗАК. Ако, с друге стране, желите да се информације цензуришу негде другде, само поставите питање. Одговор који сте добили преко ЕТ контакта би вас могао одушевити!
Цити: Седона
Tue 25 Feb
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Са почетком у $110.00
Tue 25 Feb
Са почетком у $110.00
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Ваше СОПСТВЕНЕ Омни 6+ наочаре треће генерације за обилазак! Нема потребе да делите!
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<ул><ли>Дојенчад и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ако мислите маске за лице могу зауставити вирус, вероватно не би требало да резервишете ову турнеју. Моји вршњаци су обично АП ученици у средњој школи. Понекад залазимо у зечје рупе, али смо увек свесни најбољег интереса младих.
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Туристички водич Седоне НЛО ће указати на астрономске објекте од интереса, а затим ће издати Ген 3 ноћни вид (и јак ласер гостима, када буду квалификовани.)
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (42)
Nov 2022
This is NOT a UFO tour. Michael uses the tours as a mechanism to extol conspiracy theories...period. Yes, you get night googles. They are cool. But, everyone provides that. His tour focuses on the earth being inhabited 7 different times, originally by lizard people. He claims he wrote the Declaration of Independence when he was embodying Benjamin Franklin's body. He claims we are in WW 4, with the cabal and the alliance fighting with ET's on both sides. He goes on at nauseum about how 9/11 was about blowing up specific floors to remove contracts about the Soviet Union dismantling (and planes were *not* used!). If your interested in this stuff, he is your guy as you can ask heaps of questions and receive his rambling diatribe in return. He is more than just right-wing conspiracy theories, Seriously erratic ramblings of a very smart but deranged and narcissistic person. You don't learn anything about UFO's. In fact, he hardly talks about them outside of their association with the cabal etc. Yes, he said they have made contact with him. Not sure how believable that is after the comments about him authoring the Decl. of Independence. (he also says the moon is hollow and was put here to "stabilize" earth. You do see satellites. Other than that - PASS!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2022
Did this person pay attention on the tour? Obviously not. Did he ask questions pertinent to today? Obviously not, but others did, and I answer EVERY question. He just didn't like the answers. Do satellites change direction 90 degrees on a slow curve? Do satellites fly in tight formations of 2 or 3? Do satellites fly from East to West? These are a few of the things that happened on THIS specific tour, but some people are too closed-minded to see reality before them. They believe a 120nm particle can be stopped with 10 micron holes from a cloth mask. They are oblivious. I do my best to introduce factual content for people to further research. A closed mind is impervious to knowledge. So be it. Everyone else on the tour learned something. Read the rest of the reviews and figure out who has the problem. ;-)
Sep 2022
Our tour guide Michael was absolutely amazing and very knowledgeable! Not only did he know a lot about the stars and different ships but he also went down many rabbit holes and left you wanting more! Thank you for a memorable experience!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2022
Thank you for your questions, Maria, and I hope you'll share new-found knowledge with others. That's how we win this war.
Sep 2022
This was such a fantastic experience with the most knowledgeable UFO expert in Sedona! Choose Michael and his wife, you won’t be disappointed. It was amazing!!!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2022
Thank you so much for attending, and commenting. Being able to expose what's really going on for people is what ET has directed me to do. Knowledge defeats fear.

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