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Заједнички 5-сатни пешачки обилазак Тихуане из Сан Дијега

Искуство пешачког обиласка Тихуане је јединствен и приступачан начин да видите град. Туристички водич ће вас водити око Тихуане и добићете осећај како локално становништво живи шетајући улицама Тихуане. Користимо пешачење и јавни превоз да се крећемо баш као што то раде локално становништво!<бр><бр>КОНЗАЦИЈА ПОКРИВА ОБИЛАЗАК са вођеним (Препоручујемо да понесете најмање 20 УСД за трошкове: аутобуска такса, храна, пиће итд.) конверзија длл-ова у пезосе може обавити на месту састанка. <бр><бр><бр><бр>ЈУЖНИ САН ДИЈЕГО<бр><бр>Транзитни центар Сан Исидро :<бр><бр>727 Е Сан Исидро Блв, Сан Диего, ЦА<бр><бр>ПАСОШИ СУ ПОТРЕБНИ (ако гост заборави или нема пасош, НЕЋЕ ВРАЋАТИ НОВЦА)
Цити: Сан Диего
Sat 19 Oct
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Са почетком у $29.12
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $29.12
Шта је укључено
Обилазак са водичем
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>+18 САМО<ли>НЕМА МАЛОЛЕТНИКА<ли>ПАСОШ НИСУ ПОТРЕБНИ (Уколико гост заборави или нема пасош, НЕЋЕ ВРАЋАТИ НОВЦА)<ли>Пешачимо око 4 миље
Шта да очекујете
Мерцадо Хилдаго
Посетићемо локалну пијацу зачина, затим стати да једемо такосе, затим ћемо се упутити у центар града и видети локалну уличну уметност и завршити пићем у бару.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (21)
Dec 2019
This is my 1st walking tour, it was the best tour of all tours I have been on. Martha was very knowledgeable, informative, and a great communicator. There were no delays in the entry processes, fast and quick. I met two nice families on the tour, two pre-teens from Utah were a blessing, they helped me with translation when we went exploring Mexican shops/restaurants. Although this a cultural tour, you will be allowed to shop and eat so bring additional money.
Dec 2019
We went on the cultural tour with our 2 preteen kids and it was awesome. Martha was a fantastic tour guide and showed us some amazing local spots. She taught us about the culture and history of Tijuana. Martha made the whole process of crossing to and from the United States easy and simple. We highly recommend this tour and our kids would do the tour again.
Dec 2019
We have lived in San Diego for nearly 30 years, but haven't been to Tijuana in literally decades. We've been wanting to visit TJ but we didn't want to sit in traffic to cross the border. We finally discovered Tijuana Walking Tours. We booked a private tour for just the two of us. Our guide was Fernando, and he met us on a rainy day a few days before Christmas. We walked across the border pretty quickly, and then headed to our first stop at CECUT (Tijuana Cultural museum). That was a beautiful museum - and great gift shop too! After that we went to Mercado Hidalgo (spice market), where we did some shopping and had lunch. Fernando was helpful in providing more context to some of the food items in the market. We even tasted some local candy in the candy store. Lunch was awesome (too bad I can't remember the name of the restaurant). After that we went to the area around Avenida Revolucion and saw some back alleys with very interesting murals. We visited the cathedral, and lastly stopped by a beautiful gift shop which sold high-quality artistic goods, rather than the usual souvenirs. We took taxis and Uber around Tijuana. Fernando paid for everything up front; and then we paid him in cash for the transportation costs at the end of tour. Fernando had a very easygoing personality. We were impressed with his enthusiasm in sharing his knowledge and love for Mexican history/culture. So if you live in Southern California (or even if you don't), definitely take the time to learn more about our neighbors down south with Tijuana Walking Tour. You'll be glad you did!

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