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Излет на обалу Ситке: Обилазак града укључујући тврђаву медведа и тотемске мотке

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Tue 24 Dec
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Tue 24 Dec
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2-сатни обилазак Ситке комбијем за 10 путника
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Коментара (43)
Bill W
Oct 2019
We had a pleasant resident driver. Six people were booked, but only four (my crew) made it, so there was plenty of room in the transport. The Raptor Center was great, although, had we made it 45 minutes later, we'd have seen witnessed a speaker addressing us with a bald eagle on his arm about ten feet from the audience. As it was, the birds we saw (eagles, owls, and other raptors) were behind wire that made it difficult to get pics. The bears (two black and four brown) had ample room to roam. They provided ample opportunity for pics and were entertaining to watch. The guide was interesting and informative. It didn't compare to the kick of encountering one on a trail (a bear, not a guide), but it was still neat. We were wondering why one black bear had what appeared to be two six-foot strands of rope trailing from his butt. We were informed that they were actually tapeworms! I would bet you don't see that very often. It did not appear to bother the bear, and the speaker didn't seem concerned, but the gross out potential was high. Finally, we went to an interesting museum with many examples of native history, beautiful art, and various totem poles. There was a native wood-worker on site making a bent-wood box using hand tools. The excursion was enjoyable; I wish it had been longer in duration. Not booked through the ship, which saved some $.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Thank you for your review. Yes sometimes we get more than we planned for at the bear fortress such as "mating season" and as you saw when new cubs arrive, they have to be dewormed. I''m glad you had fun, please come again sometime.
Sep 2019
Met our guide and fellow visitors outside the easily found Harrigan Centennial Hall. There were only 6 of us which meant it was easy to ask questions and hear all the answers. Our guide made the tour interesting throughout and she also made it personal by telling us about her own connections with her home town. We toured in a perfectly comfortable minibus around Downtown then a bit further out to the Totem Park and the Fortress of the Bear. At the Totem Park, as well as being told about many of the totem poles, we had a little walk through the rainforest. We were fortunate (unfortunate..?) to see the absolutely astonishing spawning - and ultimately dying - process undertaken by thousands of wild salmon returning to their birth place and only seen at this time of the year. Entirely a natural process bu tragic nonetheless. Worryingly, however, we were told about how the numbers of these salmon returning to spawn is only a fraction of what it used to be as a result of global warming. A further wander down to the bay and we were lucky to see a wild bald eagle resting close to us at the water's edge and we got told about the tiny crabs hidden in the shallow water. There were perfect photographic opportunities at the Fortress of the Bear - where we saw rescued brown and black bears having an easy life. This sanctuary is run by volunteers so any contributions were welcomed. The stories of what happened to these bears when they were cubs were quite sad but often related to their hungry mothers being killed for getting too close to human settlements. There's a little shop selling 'bear wears' too. Some of the scenery enroute to the excursions was quite awesome too. Although not on the tour, we had plenty of time to visit Downtown afterwards armed as we were with new found knowledge courtesy of our friendly, knowledgeable guide. PS I apologise for not remembering our guide's name - Vicky?, Becky? - I'm not sure but she was refreshing, enthusiastic and a great guide to this fascinating place.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Thank you for your comments! Becky loves sharing her world with our many cruise visitors. Please come back someday!
Jane L
Sep 2019
This was a ego trip for the guide who spent the majority of our time driving around Sitka to all the places where SHE had some connection, ie, the area where she learned to drive! By the time we actually got to the Bear Sanctuary, we had very little time to enjoy watching the bears or even to get into the non-profit gift shop. Then, when we got to the Totem Pole park, she started in again on why the rules forbid her from explaining the meaning of the poles. I left her at that point so I could enjoy the area for myself. When I got back to the visitor center, I was told by another participant that they hadn't even covered the entire area, which I had been able to do. I would never recommend this guide to anyone who actually has an interest in those two places, or, in Sitka itself.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Thank you Jane for your input. We do remember you well. We are really sorry you didn't enjoy your tour like the rest of your group did. We learned about you when we met your tour to find the umbrella you left behind. Once or twice a year we get a reminder that you just can't please everyone, no matter how hard we try. We really hope you found some enjoyment on the rest of your trip to Alaska.

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