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Комплетан обилазак Великог кањона за мале групе из Седоне или Флагстафа

Наш најразноврснији обилазак Великог кањона, комбинује изузетне рушевине, драматична поља лаве, величанствене вулкане и величанствени Велики кањон. Гости ће ценити вожњу у удобном комбију за обилазак, обично са групом од највише 10 гостију. Ујутро ћете доживети националне споменике вулкана Вупатки и кратер заласка сунца. После ручка у Навахо Натиону, уживајте у невероватним погледима са источног и јужног руба Великог кањона и још увек имате времена и флексибилности за истраживање поподне.
Цити: Седона
Tue 08 Oct
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Са почетком у $207.62
Tue 08 Oct
Са почетком у $207.62
Шта је укључено
Прелепи погледи на Велики кањон са источног и јужног обода
Флаширана вода
Стручни водич
Државни закон Аризоне захтева да сва деца од осам година и млађа буду у ауто седишту/бустер седишту.
Невероватне могућности за фотографисање током целог дана
Уживајте у додатном ручку у Навахо Натион-у, заједно са посетом историјском Цамерон Традинг Пост-у
Превоз и одлазак у хотел Седона & Флагстафф
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем <ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције.<ли>Затворене ципеле, крема за сунчање и шешир се строго саветују<ли>Слојеви се препоручују за јесен, зимски и пролећни месеци<ли>ИНФОРМАЦИЈЕ О ХОТЕЛУ СУ ПОТРЕБНЕ 72 САТА ПРЕ ДАТУМА ОБИЛАЗЕЊА<ли>Закон државе Аризона захтева да сва деца од осам година и млађа буду у ауто седишту/бустер седишту. Гости морају да обезбеде сопствено ауто седиште/помоћно седиште за обилазак.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли> Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи који су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Маске за лице су обавезне у свим федералним зградама и нацији Навахо
Шта да очекујете
Гранд Цанион Соутх Рим
Обилазак источног до јужног руба
Национални споменик Вупатки
Рушевине Индијанаца
Еаст Рим Дриве
Обилазак источног до јужног руба
Национални споменик вулкана Кратер заласка сунца
Лава Флов
Редстоне Тоурс
који се налази у Седони
Цамерон Традинг Пост
Навахо Натион
Гранд Цанион Виллаге
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Коментара (1000)
Oct 2019
This was an amazing adventure into the history of a part of our country I wasn’t familiar with, capped off with an overwhelming visit to the North Rim of the Canyon. Our guide was amazing!! His commentary was filled with details sprinkled with humor. Never a dull moment & filled with fascinating details. Well done Chris!!
Oct 2019
From start to finish, this day was absolutely incredible! We woke early and were met by Ed outside of our hotel and immediately Ed was able to provide insights and humor to the surrounding area, before we had even finished picking everyone up. The trip took us through Coconino National Forest, and Ed provided some incredible knowledge surrounding the growth and maintenance of the surrounding Ponderosa Pine Trees, the Colorado Plateau, and the volcanic activity in and around FlagStaff. Ed was fantastic! His humor, knowledge and passion for the trip made the day so special. After leaving Sunset Crater (which was fascinating!) we made our way towards the Wupatki National Monument, a 900-year old Hopi settlement, and it was on this journey (while Ed had already made reference to the Hopi tribe) that Ed's knowledge of the Hopi Tribe, culture, and lifestyle was out of this world! The monument was incredible, the implications for some of the remains and some of the discoveries left my wife and I with an interest to understand more and delve deeper into Hopi culture once our trip was over. Believe me when I say, that Ed was such an amazing tour guide that I actually had to remind myself that the Grand Canyon was on the tour, as the elements of the tour prior to that were so fascinating that I was continuously getting lost in them! After, we made our way towards Cameron's Trading Post upon the Navajo Reservation and it was during this part that Ed truly blew me away with his knowledge, and passion by which he shared that knowledge. Without even taking a second, Ed was able to recall old Hopi tales, history with the Spanish and Cortez, several accounts of Spanish soldiers and their experiences with the Native Tribes, history of other Hopi settlements within the area, knowledge of the Navajo reservation and some insights into perspectives of the reservations themselves and so much more. Lunch was fantastic, and I think almost everyone on our trip ordered the "Navajo Taco" which was amazing. We had time to take a look around the store there, and some of the hand-made pieces are exquisite! The rive towards the Canyon was again filled with incredible history and culture, geology, and some amazing tales of those who attempted to first traverse the Colorado River (here we received a book recommendation called "The exploration of the Colorado River and its Canyons" by John Wesley Powell - The written accounts of a one-armed Union solider who sailed the Colorado river in the 1860's). John Wesley Powell and other key figures in the exploration of the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon filled the trip around the Grand Canyon National Park. The Canyon was, for me, intimidating. Beautiful, but intimidating. I don't do to well with heights, but I would not say that I ever felt unsafe, I perhaps got a little too into-my-own-head, but that did not stop me from appreciating the beauty of the geology there. Ed throughout was again incredible with his knowledge of the geology of the Canyon. Overall, and in every single aspect of the day, it was incredible. The sights were jaw-dropping, the history fascinating, and the knowledge and enthusiasm provided by Ed was inspirational! Our guide made the day that much more special. I say again, it is a true testament to the knowledge and wonder that your tour guide provides, when you forget that you're even seeing the Canyon, because they have enticed you so much into other aspects of the tour. What an unbelievable tour and a one-of-a-kind guide! An amazing day and I recommend it to everyone! Recommendations: - Bring water, the tour provides more than enough, but as advised, high altitudes for those who are not used to them will want to stay hydrated well. - Lots of bathroom breaks so don't worry about staying extra hydrated. - Camera is essential - Order the "Navajo Taco" at Cameron's Trading Post - Money for trinkets because they're beautiful (I bought two sand painting and a bunch of other stuff -- I wanted an Native American Flute but I was defeated by the wife!) - Listen to everything your guide is saying, it made the trip so much more incredible - Sunscreen/Sunglasses/Hat Incredible experience!
Kay B
Oct 2019
This tour of the Sunset Crater, Wiputka National Monument and Grand Canyon was fantastic! Our guide Cindy was knowledgeable, kind & caring about all of us. Cindy was very responsive to individual needs and provided us with lessons in history and culture as well as geology & archeology of the area. Highly recommend!!

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