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Комплетан обилазак Великог кањона за мале групе из Седоне или Флагстафа

Наш најразноврснији обилазак Великог кањона, комбинује изузетне рушевине, драматична поља лаве, величанствене вулкане и величанствени Велики кањон. Гости ће ценити вожњу у удобном комбију за обилазак, обично са групом од највише 10 гостију. Ујутро ћете доживети националне споменике вулкана Вупатки и кратер заласка сунца. После ручка у Навахо Натиону, уживајте у невероватним погледима са источног и јужног руба Великог кањона и још увек имате времена и флексибилности за истраживање поподне.
Цити: Седона
Wed 25 Sep
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Са почетком у $207.62
Wed 25 Sep
Са почетком у $207.62
Шта је укључено
Прелепи погледи на Велики кањон са источног и јужног обода
Флаширана вода
Стручни водич
Државни закон Аризоне захтева да сва деца од осам година и млађа буду у ауто седишту/бустер седишту.
Невероватне могућности за фотографисање током целог дана
Уживајте у додатном ручку у Навахо Натион-у, заједно са посетом историјском Цамерон Традинг Пост-у
Превоз и одлазак у хотел Седона & Флагстафф
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем <ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције.<ли>Затворене ципеле, крема за сунчање и шешир се строго саветују<ли>Слојеви се препоручују за јесен, зимски и пролећни месеци<ли>ИНФОРМАЦИЈЕ О ХОТЕЛУ СУ ПОТРЕБНЕ 72 САТА ПРЕ ДАТУМА ОБИЛАЗЕЊА<ли>Закон државе Аризона захтева да сва деца од осам година и млађа буду у ауто седишту/бустер седишту. Гости морају да обезбеде сопствено ауто седиште/помоћно седиште за обилазак.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли> Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи који су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Маске за лице су обавезне у свим федералним зградама и нацији Навахо
Шта да очекујете
Гранд Цанион Соутх Рим
Обилазак источног до јужног руба
Национални споменик Вупатки
Рушевине Индијанаца
Еаст Рим Дриве
Обилазак источног до јужног руба
Национални споменик вулкана Кратер заласка сунца
Лава Флов
Редстоне Тоурс
који се налази у Седони
Цамерон Традинг Пост
Навахо Натион
Гранд Цанион Виллаге
Куповина и погледи
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Apr 2022
The Grand Canyon was breathtaking. The trip with this company to and from was about enjoyable as a visit to the dentist. Our party of four felt misled by the pre trip information provided by this tour company. After finally being able to travel by plane maskless, this company’s policy requiring masks during this 11 hour tour was very unappealing. Knowing how much things have changed recently I called prior to our scheduled trip and was advised by a company rep. that masks were no longer mandatory but optional. The only exception being the time spent at locations within the Navajo Nation where masking was still required by tribal regulations. During that same conversation I asked how many other people would be in the van with my group of 4. The response..”just a few”. When the van arrived to pick us up, those assurances proved to be worthless. Not only were there 6 people already crowded onto the tour van ( for me, an 6 additional people on a van are not “just a few”) but our tour guide, Al, informed us that a mask had to be worn at all times in the van. I couldn’t help but notice that our tour guide Al, who talked non stop for the entire time we were in the van, was wearing nothing more than a company logo bandana as his protective face covering. At this point everyone knows those cloth masks are useless in preventing the spread of Covid, so Covid protection was obviously not that high a priority. A note about the van. Not including the tour guide, 11 of us were crowded into a shuttle van that would have been cramped for a 15 minute ride from a hotel to the airport. Spending most of a day, traveling over 200+miles in a confined space was no fun. Our group had taken a tour the day before with another company where the tour operator had rearranged the seating to slightly reduce capacity but greatly increase passenger comfort. It is unfortunate this tour company seems more concerned with “packing them in”. Our guide Al, was hardworking and did his best to be pleasant. However, his ability to talk at rapid speed almost incessantly became irritating after about an hour. Al obviously enjoys talking, unfortunately to the point where interesting information became engulfed and lost in the tidal wave of verbiage he launched at the group. Having a boarded up Sizzler restaurant and local sporting good store pointed out, as well as other inconsequential sights were examples of the ceaseless commentary Al seemed to feel he was obliged to provide. It was difficult to even get a question in between the seemingly non stop narratives. Between the needless masks, cramped conditions and endless narrative from our tour guide the trip was a test of endurance. I can not recommend this tour operator.
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
We get it right more than we get it wrong as you can see by our standing and total number of reviews. We encourage and offer a private tour for folks who have a more rigorous demand regarding space and evolving mask mandates. We also prefer folks to contact our office while the tour is in progress which allows us to solve problems more quickly than post tour reviews which don't allow for active solutions for guests. While we find your comments on a hardworking guide insulting, we are making him aware of your complaints as our team is always looking to improve.
Apr 2022
The guide was extremely knowledgeable and friendly. The tour was great with magnificent views and plenty of time for the stops
Apr 2022
Brad showed us the most memories in one day. We learned so much about the canyon but also all the scenery up to the Canyon. He made us relax and we couldn’t wait for his next bit of information. We would highly suggest this trip to all.

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