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Комбиновани обилазак Западног обода Великог кањона и Хоовер бране за мале групе

Уживајте у две од најпознатијих знаменитости на југозападу комбиновањем обиласка Великог кањона Вест Рим са обиласком Хоовер Дам Цлассиц за јединствену авантуру.<бр><бр>Сазнајте више о фасцинантним чињеницама о историји, геологији и више, праћено авантуром доле у ​​унутрашње зидове Хуверове бране где ћете стећи јединствену перспективу о изградњи и свакодневним операцијама.<бр><бр>Бићете одушевљени док се возите у Тоур Треккер-у, возило направљено по мери опремљено капетанским столицама од плишане коже, изузетно великим прозорима за гледање и ДВД плејером са равним екраном за врхунски стил путовања. Ваш стручни водич ће вам пружити опсежне информације о овом „Чуду природе“ и „Инжењерском чуду“ у истом дану.
Цити: лас Вегас
Tue 17 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $371.62
Tue 17 Sep
Са почетком у $371.62
Шта је укључено
Потпуна тура
Повратни превоз до/из хотела у Лас Вегасу
Флаширана вода
Сендвич по избору, чипс, шаргарепа и целер, крекери и сир, и колачић (доступна опција без глутена)
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли> ли><ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке кондиције<ли>Минимално 3 године<ли>хттпс://ввв.пинкадвентуретоурс.цом/цовид-19-упдате/<ли>Маске за лице потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особље<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руке<ли>Потребан је потписан уговор о одговорности пре турнеје. Сви гости морају да носе маске у федералним зградама, што укључује и Центар за посетиоце, и током обиласка електране у оквиру бране.
Шта да очекујете
Гранд Цанион Вест
Ваша прва дестинација обиласка је Велики кањон Запад, дом чувеног Скајвока. Почните од Еагле Поинт-а где имате избор да доживите Скивалк Великог кањона (уз доплату), прегледате обод кањона или посетите родно село где ћете можда видети неке плесаче! Следеће, упутићете се на Гуано Поинт. Овде доживите поглед од 360 на кањон и сноп доле на реку Колорадо испод. Уживајте у ручку са роштиља и уживајте у слободном времену у кањону. Ваш стручни водич ће говорити о геологији, реци Колорадо, рударству и пустињи Мохаве на западном ободу.
Хоовер Дам
Крените до Хуверове бране након вашег искуства у Великом кањону Запад да бисте видели ово инжењерско чудо. Уживајте у слободном времену у Центру за посетиоце да погледате сувенире и купите грицкалице. Ваш водич ће вас провести преко Хуверове бране и причати о историји Хуверове бране, геологији, језеру Мид и још много тога. ** Имајте на уму - због ЦОВИД-19, унутрашњост Хувер бране је тренутно затворена **
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (38)
Sep 2018
The company was recommended by friends and so we decided to book for our last part of our west coast trip. We were waiting for our pick up at 6.30am but Virgin holidays had neglected to tell us which entrance (we were at the Luxor). We were at the main entrance not the side entrance therefore my husband had to ring at 6.45am to say we were waiting. This was no problem as Chris had gone on to pick other people up before coming back for us. The trucks are very comfortable and lots of water on board. Lunch was provided which was excellent. We had Chris for our tour (18th Sept) and he was so imformative. He made sure that we had plenty of time at each stop to see the fantastic views and he was great for taking our photos at the best possible spots. Hoover dam was fantastic and again Chris was very good at giving across information. We are glad we did this trip with this company as it was a lot better than being on a coach trip. We are planning more visits to the West coast and would have no hesitation about booking a different trip with Pink Tours....
Sep 2018
Booked this expensive tour before we left Australia but was excited to be going to the Grand Canyon west ...we'd only been to the south rim before and doing the skywalk and super excited to be going to the Hoover dam ..... We were picked up early in the am and on time and our driver was pleasant and easy to get along with with a good knowledge of the area....the tour also had plenty of cold water on board for us to help ourselves......first sight seeing stop was at the Skywalk it was an absolutely amazing experience but thought it very cheeky that don't allow tourists to take their own fotos but they will take silly fotos of tourists doing dumb embarrassing things then try and get u to buy them after ur done on the skywalk ...they wernt cheap either...not everyone likes that kind of thing .... Lunch was very ordinary and thrown together and Unedible ...the chicken was dried out and tough.... The rest of the trip was pretty good untill we got to Hoover dam....SO disappointing....we just drove over the dam not stopping at all till we were well and truely on the other side and stopped in a carpark so we could only see the back of the Dam from a distance...I didn't come all that way to look at the back end of the dam ....the dam is all about the sheer drop of it from the front ....we didn't even get a glimpse of the dam wall ....I couldn't believe it.....wen confronted about not seeing the dam wall the guide merely mumbled something and that was that ....so disappointing!! We didn't pay to see the back end of the dam ...... On a good note tho the pink jeeps are extremely comfortable and well airconditioned!! And every person had a good view.....I don't think I'd recommend this trip as I do not think we got our money's worth
Dylan M
Aug 2018
We went on the full day Grand Canyon/Hoover Dam combo tour with Pink Jeep. The drivers and vehicles on these tours are just amazing, so much room in the jeep, the jeep is in good condition. Our driver was absolutely fantastic and extremely knowledgeable, it was great to hear so many interesting points from a local who very clearly knew everything he was talking about and was very passionate about it. For this tour you’re picked up from your hotel in Vegas nice and early and you head out to the canyon (which is a bit of a drive) for an earlyish morning start and look at the canyon before it gets too busy. The Grand Canyon is absolutely stunning, pictures just don’t do it justice, the place is just so immense could easily spend a whole day just looking at it!!. After Grand Canyon you hop back into the Jeep and are provided with your lunch (simple but fresh and very tasty) and you begin the drive out to the Hoover Dam. Again this place is just amazing you can’t full grasp the size and enormity of this place until you’re standing on the dam looking down. Unfortunately the elevators at the dam were broken the day we visited so we weren’t able to get down to see the generators which was a pretty massive bummer for us. Especially since we weren’t informed until we were on our way to the dam, which is probably our one main complaint about the tour. The tour itself was fantastic, our driver / tour guide was lovely and provided us with lots of very interesting facts. Probably my favourite thing about the tour was the size, on our tour we had a full jeep which was about 8 or 10 people all up from memory, so the tour was fairly intimate, which meant that if we had any questions to ask the guide he was readily available and more than happy to chat with us. I would most certainly recommend this tour to anyone looking to visit the Hoover Dam and/or the Grand Canyon. The condition of the jeep along with the professionalism and enthusiasm of the guide was great and found it difficult to fault to be honest.

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