My wife, and my mother and I all went on this trip to meet the manatees in Crystal River, Florida. We were renting a house in Crystal River and had seen one right next to our dock, but we wanted to get in the water with them. First bit of knowledge: there are no secrets in a wetsuit. That extra 25 pounds you gained in quarantine show up very nicely in tight, thick, spandex. Also, while mine seemed to go on quite easily, there seemed to be a lot of pushing, pulling, and general angst when it came to the women. Our trip was in mid-April, so while the manatees werent stacked up, our fearless guides, Cory and Dustin were still able to find some of Crystal River's year-round manatee residents. As an added bonus, we were treated to a few dolphins frolicking around the boat, and an eagle chasing an osprey for a fish. Almost as exciting was the not-very-bright female who lost her cellphone while paddle boarding. There were several reasons for the "not-very-bright" comment, but you really had to be there. A very entertaining trip.