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Колица за вино Сонома Валлеи укључујући ручак

Доживите винску регију Сонома на јединствен начин – на колицима за вино Сонома Валлеи. Ускочите у ову историјску реплику жичаре из Сан Франциска и седите у посебну авантуру дегустације вина коју никада нећете заборавити. Ова колица на отвореном ће вам омогућити да доживите сликовите винограде као ниједна друга тура. На овој турнеји, ваш пријатељски и образован водич ће вас одвести у три винарије на дегустацију. Посетићете главне историјске знаменитости Сономе и уживати у ручку током једног од живописних станица. Обилазак почиње у 10:00 и завршава се око 4:30.<бр><бр>Мора да има 21 годину или више да би кренуо на ову турнеју.
Цити: Napa & Sonoma
Tue 19 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $125.00
Tue 19 Nov
Са почетком у $125.00
Шта је укључено
Накнада за чартер и порези (напојница није укључена)
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се за труднице.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно. Јакне и заштита од кише се препоручују у зимским месецима.<ли>Минимална старост је 21 година.<ли>ОБАВЕЗНО је навести све специфичне потребе у исхрани у тренутку резервације.<ли>Без конзумирања алкохолно пиће је дозвољено у колицима<ли>Редовно дезинфициране површине са великим прометом<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни да редовно перу руке
Шта да очекујете
Сонома Валлеи
Ваш дан у калифорнијској винској земљи почиње када се укрцате на Сонома Вине Троллеи, по узору на чувене историјске жичаре Сан Франциска. Уживајте у поветарцу док вас ваш стручни водич води до четири изванредне винарије у области Сонома, познате и по својим винима и по гостопримству. Свака дегустација вина се одржава у винарији и представници у свакој винарији ће објаснити различите сорте које ћете узорковати и позадину винарије (накнаде за дегустацију вина нису укључене и можете очекивати накнаде од 30 до 40 долара). Биће дивних прилика за фотографисање на овој турнеји и ваш пријатељски водич ће радо усликати или две ваше групе како бисте могли да документујете свој незабораван дан у земљи вина.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (614)
Tom E
Oct 2014
The tour was fantastic! I guess the trolley itself broke down the day before our tour, but John still had a luxury bus for us to use. We visited four wineries, and all four soms at the locations gave us tours and plenty of information about their California wine making process. The wine was great, and we bought three bottles on the tour! Lunch was provided and catered by The Girl and the Fig, and it was fantastic! The scenery was great in Sonoma valley, even in the bus. A full day of wine tasting during which we didn't have to drive at all, we had a great time!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2014
Hello and thank you for taking time to write us about your recent Sonoma Valley Wine Trolley tour. We are glad that you enjoyed your experience. I do personally apologize that we had to substitute a Executive Coach for your tour. And, I thank you for your understanding. While things to happen from time to time, we do make every effort to make sure that our guests are still able to experience the tour. In the event that you are ever in the area again, please look us up! We have two other Wine Trolley tours for you to explore.
Oct 2014
My husband and I only had one day in Sonoma Valley to explore the wine country. It was nice to have 4 local wineries selected rather than having to determine which ones to visit. Each was unique for types of wines, building, and marketing. Also the trolley had a better view than driving in a car and we didn't have to locate parking at each venue. We had a wonderful catered lunch by "The Girl and the Fig" at the second winery. Each winery had bathrooms. We chose to park downtown and the directions where to leave our car was very helpful. The Visitor Center was very close and gave us information where to have breakfast before we left. Our driver was very helpful and informative and stowed our wine for us. I recommended the Sonoma Valley Wine Trolley to our family living in Northern California and our friends in Washington State.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2014
Hello and thank you for taking time to write us about your recent Sonoma Valley Wine Trolley tour. The Sonoma Valley has so many exciting things going on and wineries to explore. We are glad that we could share some of our favorites with you! In the event that you are ever in the area again, please look us up! We have two other Wine Trolley tours for you to experience.
Oct 2014
The tour was fine but each stop turned into a classroom like lesson.The Ravenswood stop was very good and informative.Lunch was excellent,after lunch would have been better if the last two stops were tasting only.The driver was pleasant and a good guy,I think management should take a ride on the Monterey wine Trolley to see how it should be done.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2014
Hello and thank you for taking time to write us about your recent Sonoma Valley Wine Trolley tour. The winery tours chosen for the trolley experience are aimed at wine novices and first time visitors, although repeat visitors usually enjoy them too. As for the wineries and the information that they provide, each winery puts together their own program for our guests. Being able to physically GO to a winery verses a "Tasting Room Experience" does make a big difference. As you stated, with Ravenswood Winery, the ability to physically go into the vineyard and have a "Grapes to glass" tour is great. It is a much different experience to arrive at a winery, taste and tour then just walking up to a tasting bar in a building. In the event that you are ever in the area again, please look us up! We have two other Wine Trolley experiences for you to explore.

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