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Дневна пешачка тура Јужни Каибаб

Стручни водичи Вилдланд Треккинга су најбољи у послу, због чега смо на Трип Адвисор-у оцењени као активности на отвореном у Националном парку Гранд Цанион као број 1. Показаћемо вам најбоље од Јужног руба указујући на невероватне знаменитости, подучавајући вас о историји и геологији Великог кањона и помажући вам да значајно повећате безбедност вашег пешачења уз стручно вођење и припрему. Уживајте у дивном ручку за пикник, укусним грицкалицама, одличној опреми и страственим, образованим, професионалним водичима!
Цити: Национални парк Гранд Цанион
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $315.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $315.00
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
Јужна Каибаб стаза
Стаза Соутх Каибаб је обавезна стаза у Националном парку Гранд Цанион. Служба националног парка га је избацила са стрмих зидова кањона 1920-их, а данас нуди драматично путовање до невероватних карактеристика као што су Оох Аах Поинт, Цедар Ридге и Скелетон Поинт. На овој турнеји наш циљ, који није загарантован јер је свака група јединствена, је Скелетон Поинт, где ћемо уживати у ручку за пикник гледајући доле на реку Колорадо и Фантомски ранч далеко испод нас. Повратак је напоран, па будите спремни за брзо спуштање и дужи повратак!
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (66)
Maureen C
Aug 2019
Our family hiked this trail with Wildland Trekking. Our tour guide was Shayne and he could not have been nicer or more knowledgeable. We met at 6 am because of the heat and had an amazing experience. Although this is rated a "2" for intensity, I do not recommend this for those who are not in decent shape. We are a fit and athletic family and found this to be a really good workout, especially on the way back up the trail in the hot sun. Shayne made delicious veggie sandwiches for our family which tasted so good after our hike! Highly recommend.
Jul 2019
Our first trip to the Grand Canyon and we loved this hike! So many amazing sites to see and learn about. Shayne is an excellent guide - knowledgeable, professional, entertaining, and fun to spend the day with. He took some great pictures of our family & packed us a delicious lunch. We enjoyed the pace of the hike and never felt rushed. We started early due to the heat & the timing was perfect. Great photos of the sun shining off the rocks and finishing our trek by the time the crowds started rolling in. Highly recommend Shayne, Wildland Trekking, and the South Kaibab trail!
Jul 2019
My husband and I hiked this trail with Wildland Trekking yesterday. Our guide was Kurt, and we were incredibly impressed with his professionalism from start to finish. The trail itself is stunningly beautiful. It was a quiet start early in the morning to avoid the heat of the day. We used trekking poles throughout out hike, which seemed unnecessary for only the first five minutes. We came to enjoy using the poles and depended on them for comfort and stability. Our group was five guests and Kurt. He took the time to interact with each of us in his own way, respectfully and supportive of our individual interests and abilities. When hiking nearly two miles down into the canyon, each of the five guests had different paces. This is not for the faint of heart. Hiking back up to the top was a tremendous effort for several of us. We would all tell you it was an incredible experience and one not to be missed. The majesty of the scenery is such that getting down inside the canyon improves the experience tenfold. Kurt fed us snacks and a delicious lunch. As we parted ways with Kurt after the hike, my husband and I walked to the overlook area that most tourists use to view the canyon. It was from there that we were able to see the South Kaibab trail from the rim. Wow! Make sure you do this AFTER you do the hike. Seeing what we accomplished heightened our experience. I can't believe we hiked all the way down there and did those trails that look impossible from above. Honestly, it was an experience we will remember for a lifetime.

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