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Странге Труе Тоур

Обилазак Странге Труе је оригинални обилазак историје оријентисан на одрасле у Француској четврти Њу Орлеанса. Ова тура ће вас забавити истинитим историјским извештајима о чудним и необичним догађајима и људима који су обликовали нас. Обилазак има мале групе које ваше искуство обиласка чине пријатнијим и пријатнијим.
Цити: Њу Орлеанс
Mon 24 Feb
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Mon 24 Feb
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Френцх Куартер
Француска четврт поставља позадину за обилазак док ходате дуж преко 300 година историје.
Боурбон Стреет
Прошетаћете улицом Бурбон док чујете приче о истинском криминалу, мафији и бурлески.
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (69)
Aug 2016
One of the highlights of our trip to New Orleans was the Lee Harvey Oswald/JFK Conspiracy tour. Our guide was David, who was at Kennedy’s inauguration and at his funeral. The tour began at 554 Camp Street, where Guy Bannister’s office was located. (If you've seen the JFK movie or done any research about the assassination, you'll understand why this location is so significant.) There were only four people on our tour besides our guide which was ideal. Initially my husband wasn't that enthused about the tour. His disinterest evaporated quickly as David started speaking. I believe who anyone who is remotely interested in the assassination and or curious about Lee Harvey Oswald's activities prior to November 22, 1963, should call Strange True Tours and request a tour. It's excellent!
Jul 2016
If you want to tour the Garden District in a smaller group, this is the tour for you! Groups are limited to 12 people, which is the reason I chose Strange True Tours. We took the Garden District tour with Grey and thoroughly enjoyed it. Grey is extremely knowledgeable about all things New Orleans. The tour was the perfect blend of history, architecture and stories without ever sounding scripted. Grey knows her stuff and it really shows!
David F
May 2016
I just had the most amazing Lee Harvey Oswald/JFK Conspiracy Tour with Rev. Jeffrey Holmes of Strange True. His command and organization of the material is astounding. His presentation at each stop was literally thrilling as he wove the web of the conspiracy thread by thread. Oswald is but a pawn in a great and deadly game. He is almost constantly being physically observed by several people from numerous angles. As Jeffrey points out the actual windows in the buildings and who was behind those windows, its scary. The power players in New Orleans, all belonging to the same clubs and krewes, all inter-connected through social and business relations for generations come up again and again. Folks, this was masterful story telling with the actual New Orleans locations as the stage. Mr. Holmes can document his presentation and is happy to provide a “beginner’s bibliography”. He was an invited speaker in Toronto in 2011 when Judith Vary Baker, Oswald’s lover during the Summer of 1963, first went public. Unfortunately this tour is given infrequently. I hope this review will spark additional interest as I would love to take it again.

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