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Сунрисе 4-сатна Гранд Тетон Вилдлифе Адвентуре

У ЕцоТоур Адвентурес посвећени смо томе да будемо најбољи у послу. Наши искусни водичи природњаци, прилагођена возила у стилу сафари, професионална оптика Сваровски и друге погодности за обиласке су разлог зашто Ецотоур Адвентурес константно осваја награде за наше квалитетно искуство.<бр>Најбољи водичи:<бр>Нема замене за стручног водича који ће максимално искористити ваше искуство док истражује екосистем Великог Јелоустона. Природњачки водичи за дивље животиње у ЕцоТоур Адвентурес долазе припремљени са различитим научним искуством и дугогодишњим искуством у вођењу, спремни да тумаче флору, фауну, геологију, људску историју и друге теме које националне паркове Гранд Тетон и Јелоустон чине тако посебним.<бр>Возила. :<бр>Наша прилагођена возила су дизајнирана имајући на уму вашу удобност и квалитет, укључујући:<бр>Поклопке на крову и прилагођене прозоре - свако добија седиште до прозора!<бр>4к4, капетанске столице замењују неудобне клупе<бр>Опрема:<бр>Професионална оптика, двогледи и нижини, ипади, примерци и још много тога!
Цити: Јацксон
Sat 16 Nov
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Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $170.00
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4к4 Сафари возило са кровним отворима
Оптика, двогледи и нижини
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Специјализована седишта за бебе су доступне<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке кондиције<ли>Маске за лице неопходне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Социјално дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфицирају<ли>Водичи који су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Вакцинација против ЦОВИД-19 је потребна за водиче
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Нудимо обиласке Гранд Тетон и Иелловстоне. Откријте најбоља жаришта дивљих животиња у Џексон Холу и Националном парку Гранд Тетон са стручним и искусним водичем у ЕцоТоур Адвентурес. Кренућемо на споредне путеве Џексон Хола да побегнемо од гужве и потражимо наша омиљена жаришта за непрекидно посматрање сезонски доступних дивљих животиња, укључујући лосове, лосове, бизоне, антилопе витророге, јелене мазге, овце, вукове, црне медведе, гризлије , ћелави орлови и лабудови трубачи.
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Коментара (402)
Aug 2022
Hands down the best decision we made was booking through Jackson Hole Eco Tours. Worth every penny!! The wildlife we saw was mind blowing. We did two separate tours when we visited in late July. Our first day was the Sunrise Grand Teton 4hr experience with Harlan. And our second day was a Grand Teton 8hr experience with Sarah. This company only employs the best. Our guides were so knowledgeable, polite and personable. Their educational backgrounds are superb. I learned so much about the Tetons, the wildlife, geology, habitat and history in those two short days. They both were a wealth of knowledge and displayed such passion they have for their careers. What initial sold me on booking tours through Jackson Hole Eco Tours was what I stumbled upon when reviewing the website. I am a fact checker so I made sure it was legit. The founder Taylor Phillips donates a percentage of his sales back to the community and local organizations to preserve and protect wildlife. Their is a long list of organizations such as Teton County Search & Rescue & Geologists of Jackson Hole the list goes on and on. Their was so many other factors that made these company stand out for my husband and I. The snacks they provided were made locally. Oh my goodness!! The granola bars and muffins for an early morning snack were so delicious and filling. They use reusable containers whenever possible for coffee, water = No waste 🙌🏻 We loved the windows that opened up on each side of the tour van that provided us with a safe viewing area and the ability to take nice photographs. Both guides stopped for lots of photo opportunities and any time we requested that we wanted to take a picture. Optics we’re all provided we each had our own set of binoculars and the guides set up the spitting scopes for viewing. We even got video from the spotting scope of the moose eating the water vegetation. We experienced opening the top hatches up on the van to observe a black bear and her cubs foraging. When others needed to return to their cars for their safety and safety of the mother bear & cubs we were able to stand and have a birds eye view of the then. Simply Breathtaking!! We were fortunate to be upgraded to a private SUV for our second day tour. We signed up for the public 8hr all day Grand Teton experience. We were in awe when our guide Sarah greeted us with the news that she was our personal guide for the day and we were riding in luxury! My husband said that was his favorite part of our trip to the Tetons. We are beyond grateful that happened to us. So thank you Taylor & Sarah for that special day. We will never be able to repay you for that!! Their were snacks and beverages galore. Our picnic lunch was phenomenal. The cookies that come in your picnic lunch are to die for….OMG!! Some of the best we’ve had in a long time. Finally the most moving part of our trip was the viewing of wildlife. Here’s a list of what I can recall we saw thanks to our guides that helped spot them for us and who knew where to take us. Moose and her calf, elk, mule deer, coyote, bison, western scarlet tanger, white tale deer, mountain bluebirds, pronghorn, black bear and cubs, red tailed hawk, blue heron, trumpeter swans, osprey, yellow-bellied marmot, white pelicans, butterflies, american wigeon, barrow’s goldeneye, mallard, flycatcher. If you want an amazing Grand Teton experience book your tour, YOU WONT REGRET IT!!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Wow, thank you for such a kind review! We're so glad you enjoyed your tours with Harlan and Sarah, two deeply valued members of our team. Combined, their knowledge can't be beat! We're happy to hear you learned so much about this ecosystem, as we love connecting our guests to this incredible place. We so appreciate that you did your research on different guide companies and chose us because of our commitment to conservation. Protecting this place we care so much about is deeply important to us. It sounds like you had a lot of amazing wildlife sightings and really took advantage of our vehicles' roof hatches--a custom build that is unique to our company! They really enhance the wildlife viewing experience, don't you think? Thank you so much for touring with us, we are thrilled to hear that you had two incredible tours with our guides. What matters most to us is helping our guests build connections to this landscape, and we are deeply moved that you had this experience and chose to share it. Thank you so much! Cheers, Kelsey
Aug 2022
What a morning! Our guide,Kirk, made our tour spectacular. Besides finding elk, bison, pronghorn antelope and moose, we had a birder in our group, and he spotted some amazing birds for us. Kirk's friendly demeanor had us smiling the entire time. Thank you for the BEST day!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
We're so glad you enjoyed your tour with Kirk! He's a fantastic member of our team with a keen eye for wildlife. It sounds like you had some amazing sightings, which always makes us happy to hear. Thank you for touring with us! Cheers, Kelsey
Aug 2022
Our guide Harlan was awesome! Despite the rainy weather, he knew exactly where to find the animals in that weather and we saw many animals even found two elusive moose. He answered all our questions including our inquisitive 12-year-old and was extremely knowledgeable about the animals, the ecosystem, and the area. We appreciated all four of the company's guides out that morning were sharing intel on what animals they were seeing so all their clients had the best chance seeing animals. Their vans have a great setup with openings in the roof so everyone can great a good view.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
We're so glad you enjoyed your tour with Harlan! He's a wonderful member of our team and is a fountain of knowledge about this ecosystem. Wildlife tend to not mind the rainy weather as it keeps them cool on these hot summer days, so we're glad you got to see quite a bit! Thank you so much for touring with us! Cheers, Kelsey

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