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Сунсет АТВ обилазак и искуство стазе у Хелл'с Ревенге

Паклена освета на заласку сунца је још један ниво узбуђења. Црвени пустињски заласци сунца и повратак у сумрак чине ово путовање обавезним. Невероватна забава и фантастичан пејзаж. Једна од наших најбољих вредности је ова комбинација од 2 стазе, тура од 3,5 сата. Почињемо од Финс анд Тхингс, умерено тешке стазе, а затим се крећемо до Хелл'с Ревенгеа где га убрзавамо на стрмом путу. Дуги стрми успони и спуштања са белим зглобовима нуде вожњу ролеркостером преко глатких стенских пераја. Пространи погледи са планина Ла Сал на Национални парк Арцхес нуде невероватне заласке сунца и мноштво спектакуларних фотографских радњи на овој забавној теренској тури која се вози.<бр><бр>
Цити: Моаб
Mon 23 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $254.36
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $254.36
Шта је укључено
Кацига и наочаре
Флаширана вода
Резервација је за један УТВ. Групе од 1 до 2 ће бити у двоседу цустом КРКС 1000, групе од 3 до 4 ће бити у четвороседном Маверицк Кс3 Мак. За више УТВ-ова, направите додатне резервације.
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирано између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи који су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (196)
Oct 2022
It was terrifying and amazing. Gavin was a great guide! He made it a great experience and made us feel safe. The views were breath-taking. Prepare to have your heart racing the whole time!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
Best combo! Terrifying and amazing! There really are no words for an adventure out on the Moab trails--the views, the experience, it is just hard to explain how wonderful it is. Exhilarating is a great word that captures the fun on a ride. We are so happy that you rode with us--Gavin had a great time with you and we hope that you will come back again for another ride someday! We will be ready for you!
Oct 2022
I was terrified to do this but my husband really wanted to go so I agreed reluctantly. Adam greeted us and was very friendly and welcoming. We had a blast! Landon was an awesome guide! He was very personable and had a great sense of humor. I cannot say enough about him!! I felt safe every step of the way. These machines are incredible with what they can handle! We had a gorgeous evening and took a little break high up on a ridge overlooking the river. Took some photos and visited a bit. Snacks were provided. After we started on the last leg, it rained hard! Wow! Changed our experience for the better! Even though we were soaked and freezing by the time we got back, I wouldn’t have changed a thing! Highly highly recommend Epic 4x4! Thank you for a memorable evening!!!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
Thank you for your great review. We appreciate your candor about reluctantly agreeing to join your husband and thrilled the experience won you over. Landon is so fun and so funny and, like all of our guides, very safety conscious. We are glad you felt safe every step of the way. Your safety is our #1 priority and it is why only Epic adds safety features like replacing the lap and shoulder seatbelt with true off-road harnesses. It sounds like your evening experience was the full Moab weather experience too! Rain makes our colors pop and waterfall chasing is a favorite activity for locals. We are glad it added to your experience. Contrary to its name, slickrock has incredible traction that is not compromised in the rain. That's why we can go safely, rain or shine. We are grateful you and your husband chose us. Thank you for sharing your vacation time with us.
Oct 2022
We didn't let the rain stop us and had a fun and challenging ride. Gavin is a fantastic guide. Gorgeous sunset views and thrilling obstacles.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
Thank you for your review and for riding with us. Glad your spirit of adventure didn't let the rain stop you. Rain can add to the experience with more vibrant colors and some spontaneous waterfalls. Add a gorgeous sunset and a fantastic time with your guide, Gavin to a fun and challenging ride and you have the makings of a fabulous evening in Moab. We are grateful you chose us for it.

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