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Крстарење у заласку сунца у Хонолулуу

Постоји неколико ствари које су импресивније од заласка сунца са погледом на океан на Хавајима. Наше крстарење за вечером у заласку вас води дуж обале Ваикикија све до Диамонд Хеада, познатог на Хавајима као Леʻахи, и пружа задивљујући пејзаж свуда около.<бр><бр>Уживајте у спектакуларној, свеже припремљеној вечери од сопственог кувара принца Кухија на броду и опслужује наше изузетно особље. Док се мрак спушта, гледајте како светла неба Хонолулуа оживљавају са звездама.
Цити: Оаху
Fri 25 Oct
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Са почетком у $106.63
Fri 25 Oct
Са почетком у $106.63
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све физичке нивои кондиције<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике који су склони неконтролисаној мучнини кретања.<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Провере температуре за путнике по доласку
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (268)
Dimitri K
Sep 2022
This was an amazing experience! We highly recommend. The staff was so nice and helpful! The food tasted better than any restaurant in Waikiki! And the captain did a perfect job with making sure we were in the prime position for the sunset! One of our favorite experiences here in Oahu!
Sep 2022
Crew was friendly and food was outstanding. Chef was superb! Sunset was the most incredible one we’ve ever seen!
Sep 2022
About 30 minutes before boarding I got a text message that they weren’t going to be able to provide alcohol but we were welcome to bring our own. Well 2 drinks were supposed to be included. When we got there we went through the trouble of signing the waiver and then taking a picture then got on board. Just a few minutes after boarding we were told that the boat had engine trouble and that we weren’t going to head out. Apparently they knew for sometime that they couldn’t get one of the engines going and were working on it long before we boarded. After about 15 minutes we were told that we would be getting a full refund but if we wanted to stay for dinner we could eat for 50% of the ticket price. Not sure why they wouldn’t have offered us dinner for free seeing as it was too late for us to find another excursion and they had the food and cook onboard already. At that point we just signed up for the refund- which by the way it’s been over 24 hours and I’ve still not been refunded! We left the ship and waited on a taxi and had to hunt around for dinner. So annoyed that I had to pay fare to get there and back, no dinner and no sunset on the ocean!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
Its never fun to address bad reviews, but it comes with the territory, and its even worse to address negative reviews that are so disingenuous as to only be for the purpose exacting some sort of retribution for a bad experience. Unfortunately, these types of reviews happen and demand a thorough response. To address the first issue, her statement that she received our BYOB reminder text message “about 30 minutes before boarding” is simply false. The text message (and corresponding email message) was sent at 2:43pm local time, a full 2:17 hours before boarding started. It is also completely false that “2 drinks were supposed to be included”. We have never offered free drinks, at any time, ever, and I challenge the reviewer to provide evidence to the contrary. To further illustrate the efforts of PKT to properly communicate with our customers, our current temporary BYOB policy is promoted, front and center, on our website, our cruise descriptions and on all of the confirmation documentation and we even sent a text/email reminder before the cruise, to every single customer. It appears that this reviewer booked through Viator, which also clearly states that no alcoholic beverages are provided on our cruises. She is correct that the cruise was cancelled due to engine troubles, but she is also falsely stating (again) that we “were working on it long before we boarded”. The facts are this. Our operational policy is to start and warm up the engines about 30 mins prior to boarding. During this process, one of our three main engines would not “turn over”. Part of the reason we do this operational pre-start is to catch any issues we may have and hopefully manage the issue prior to departure. Any person with common sense would understand this process as reasonable and proactive. In this case, it was determined by our engineer that a starter motor had failed and could not be replaced in time to execute the cruise. A discussion with the Captain resulted in the decision that it was in the best interest of safety to not run with one engine short and to cancel the trip. All of the above process happened in less than 45 minutes. We do everything we can NOT to cancel trips because cancellations cost us a lot of money and disappoint passengers. If this reviewer is offended by our decision to put passenger safety ahead of profits and good reviews, then so be it. Now let’s address the food and yet another categorically false statement. This reviewer is upset because we didn’t offer her a free meal because (it appears) she believed the food was already prepared. The same sources of cruise information that would have told her about our temporary BYOB policy would also have told her that we cook all of our meals fresh on-board, not catered, and therefore there was no prepared food at the time of the cancellation. As a goodwill offering (apparently, no good deed goes unpunished) we offered to provide our full meal service to any passenger who wanted it, along with a 50% refund. Once we had all of the passengers who wanted to stay figured out, the galley and Chef Cater prepared a fresh, gourmet meal for them. BTW, a great time was had by all who stayed! Finally, to address the refund side. I’m not sure how this reviewer holds PKT responsible for the issuance of their refund when they did not originally pay PKT for the trip in the first place. It is difficult to believe that this reviewer doesn’t realize that their booking was done by a third party who collected the payment and will therefore be issuing the refund. Criticism of PKT for any delay with the refund is just ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as expecting compensation for cab fare.

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