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Крстарење у заласку сунца у Хонолулуу

Постоји неколико ствари које су импресивније од заласка сунца са погледом на океан на Хавајима. Наше крстарење за вечером у заласку вас води дуж обале Ваикикија све до Диамонд Хеада, познатог на Хавајима као Леʻахи, и пружа задивљујући пејзаж свуда около.<бр><бр>Уживајте у спектакуларној, свеже припремљеној вечери од сопственог кувара принца Кухија на броду и опслужује наше изузетно особље. Док се мрак спушта, гледајте како светла неба Хонолулуа оживљавају са звездама.
Цити: Оаху
Mon 21 Oct
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Mon 21 Oct
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Коментара (268)
May 2022
The customer service was great. Couldn't really eat our food because it was sliding everywhere it was also raining pretty much the entire cruise. Personally I think since the weather was so bad they should have canceled and let us reschedule it. Did not get to have any sunset pictures due to the cloudiness and raining, which was the main reason why we took the cruise. And if you are one who likes alcoholic beverage with your meal I suggest you do all the research on the cruise because this one didn't offer alcoholic beverages. We didn't find that out until we got there.
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Thank you for taking the time to put together a review. The weather issue seems to be very common to less than great reviews but, unfortunately, people seem to forget that they are more than welcome to re-book the cruise to another date if they feel the weather is problematic. I guarantee that everyone who has ever retroactively thought a cruise should not have gone out, did not ask to re-book prior to departure. Similarly, not every passenger has the option to re-book, so it definitely isn’t fair to them to cancel a cruise if the weather isn’t to another passenger’s liking. In all of our documentation, we do our best to inform passengers that we do cruise in open ocean, in a very weather variable location and to plan accordingly. In response to not knowing about the BYOB format, it is in bold text on our cruise descriptions on our web site, “front and center” in the Tripadvisor “What to Expect” section of the listing, included in our conformation documents and even sent as a text/email a few hours before the cruise to remind passengers of the BYOB format. A passenger not knowing about the BYOB format simply has not read any of the cruise information supplied.
May 2022
The mahi dinner was great. The beef was also lovely The boat was dated and dirty. Tables and seats sticky. Uncomfortable seating. No music except up top with poor sound and ability. Dining room galley no music. The captain did an unusual turn in the water and after that nearly everyone was sick. The staff was actually very good. I would highly recommend you take that stuff and you put them on a clean boat with amenities. Add a good captain and perhaps we will try this adventure again. The chef was good enough for a 5 star restaurant.....
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
We appreciate you taking the time to give us an honest review. It is great to hear that the food and the serving staff was appreciated. I will pass your compliments on to them. We limit the number of passengers on the dinner cruise so that everyone can get seating upstairs, in the open air, to enjoy the ocean and the views. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate, and we had to serve the meal (predominantly) downstairs in the enclosed cabin. Despite that adversity, there is zero excuse for the sound system not working (there is one there and it should have been functioning) and the appearance that the boat was “dirty”. I’m not sure what would make the tables “sticky” but its possible that the disinfectant, which is used multiple times daily, may have left a residue. Cleanliness/housekeeping is a major focus on our boat and it is unacceptable for it to be otherwise and we apologize for that. That being said, I can’t apologize for the Prince Kuhio appearing “dated”. She is a solid, well-maintained vessel which was built in Louisiana in 1984. We should all look that good after almost 40 years of hard work! Finally, I’ll address the “unusual turn”. Its interesting that this is the only review that has ever mentioned this and it’s unfortunate that you arbitrarily criticize the Captain. You might have noticed that the Prince Kuhio cruises at a very slow speed during the cruise. This is for passenger comfort and also to not cover too much territory and keep the Waikiki views in sight. However, this slow speed makes turning the boat around very slow as well. If the ocean is anything but calm, a slow turn exposes the boat to the waves coming directly on the side, which is extremely uncomfortable. Therefore, we do what we call a “powered turn” and try to turn the boat quickly and with maximum passenger comfort. Despite those efforts, those turns are somewhat problematic but unavoidable. We also announce those turns so that passengers aren’t caught off guard. It is possible that the Captain was unaware that the sound system in the downstairs cabin was not functioning and the announcement did not get transmitted.
May 2022
Food was cold - mahi mahi was not good and smothered in too much sauce. Short ribs were better. Live entertainment was one guy who was a good guitar player, but not a good singer. Boat is small so you could really feel the waves which made many people nauseous. And most of upstairs is not covered - so it was cold from wind and the occasional rain sprinkles. Wait staff was excellent. All very friendly and doing their absolute best.
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Thank you for the honest review. We, at Prince Kuhio Tours, pride ourselves on our food and service and we are sincerely sorry that the meal was not up to par. That is not the way it is supposed to happen but it’s good to hear that the staff did a good job. The weather didn’t cooperate as well, which diminished one of the best aspects of the cruise, the spectacular views. Regarding the “live entertainment”, we do not have such entertainment affiliated with the cruise and the gentleman you mentioned in your review is a local traditional musician who asked us if he could perform as a gift to the passengers for Mother’s Day. It seemed like a good idea, and he was generally well received. If the cruise had gone “according to plan”, the weather would have been clear and calm, everyone could have sat and eaten upstairs, the views would be amazing, and everyone would have been happier. Unfortunately, that day wasn’t the best and Mother Nature picked a bad day (Mother’s Day) to be uncooperative.

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