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Турнеја духова Граве Талес у Савани

Обиласци града духова су магично спојили богату историју Саване са њеним мрачним прогонима да би направили <бр><бр>Гхост Цити Тоур. Ова тура од 90 минута је савршена за све узрасте. <бр><бр>Турнеја духова Граве Талес ће вас упознати са причама, легендама и локацијама које су Савани дале титулу "Најуклетијег града Америке".<бр><бр>Позовите 855-999-9026 за додатна доступност.
Цити: Савана
Mon 21 Oct
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Mon 21 Oct
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Коментара (116)
Apr 2021
I thought this would be a fun and interesting “ghost story” type tour for our family with older kids as it is marketed as “fun for all ages”. There were a few interesting tales of people who died and are now said to be “haunting” the city. However, some of the “ghosts” this tour describes were people who were murdered in sickening and horrific ways. I don’t know how they thought telling those stories in a “spooky ghost story” format would ever be acceptable. They take you to a chamber and show you the places where slaves were shackled to the walls and describe how they were burned alive, the tour guide tells it like a funny story “you see this one drunk pirate got some flames too close to some whiskey and poof!” then they take you to a place that used to be a jail where a 16 year old girl gave birth after being raped, the tour guide tries to get you into the story by spending a long time describing her “primal screams” for her baby while she was being murdered in the town square. How can you stand in a place where slaves were burned alive and not be physically ill when there was ZERO respect given to the absolute horror of what went on in that place. That these sickening events are being marketed for entertainment is beyond the pale. And then to make it even worse our tour guide was terrible and kept telling stories about her own grandparents which was annoying enough, and not what we signed up for, but then she started talking about the COVID vaccine and why she doesn’t think she needs it and it isn’t safe, “I’m not exposed to covid, the only thing I’m exposed to in Savannah is the pollen” is an actual quote from our tour guide. How is it appropriate to discuss your uneducated opinions regarding vaccinations with a group who paid you to take them on a tour of the city? The irony was that during it I felt like I was actually in the 1800s when people hadn’t yet discovered how viruses are spread and human exploitation was a totally acceptable thing to make money off of. I’m embarrassed that I gave money to this organization.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2021
Hello, thank you for taking the time to leave us your thoughts. We do cover some topics that can be tough to hear on our tours. Savannah has quite a history that one can truly only imagine. We hope to give a glimpse into the lives that were affected throughout history and take great pride in our guides ability to tell the tough stories, even if they are hard to hear. Thank you again for joining us.
Apr 2021
Alexa was a fantastic guide and great with the kids! She made the stories family friendly, but still engaging for the adults. So we all had a good time. We’d definitely book a tour with them again!
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2021
Thank you for joining us on Grave Tales! We are so glad that your family enjoyed the tour with Alexa- hope to see you again soon!
Mar 2021
Our tour guide, Peter, was awesome and very knowledgeable of the history of Savannah. We learned a lot about the history of Savannah and some of the top haunted areas! Not that I know about this haunted areas, I can go back at some point and maybe see some ghosts, spirits or orbs!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2021
Thanks for letting us know that you had a great time on Grave Tales with Peter! We are so glad that you enjoyed your tour and learned some cool stuff along the way! Hope you will join us again in the future:)

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