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Оригинал Цанопи Тоур Монтеверде

Оригинални Цанопи Тоур нуди Цанопи Тоур, Раппел, Тарзан Свинг и  узбудљиву прилику да се вините кроз крошње дрвећа високо изнад шумског пода у авантури живота. Овде ћете видети живот у џунгли из перспективе која је раније била резервисана за одабрану групу истраживача и фотографа. Све је дизајнирано за вашу забаву, али увек за очување шуме.
Цити: Пунтаренас
Tue 19 Nov
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Tue 19 Nov
Са почетком у $55.00
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (503)
May 2018
We had the most fun on this zip line/canopy tour. The guides were professional and friendly and the equipment was safe, secure, and modern. This might not be the most "extreme" zip line but we were part of a small group of six that experienced a very exciting time. We did some long zip lines of 800 & 600 meters that went fast, a bunch of medium length lines in a quiet, very forested area, an exciting tarzan swing, and a really fun rappel & tree climb. We enjoyed the small group, lack of crowds, and general relaxed feel of the experience. We have been on other zip lines around the world and this was, by far, the best.
May 2018
I just went today with a friend. We were in a group of 8, three of whom were the bravest little kids I've ever seen and three of whom were chicken first-timers (myself included). The good: - The guides were incredible with the kids. They kept them very engaged and rode tandem with them when we got to the longer zips. They even tried to speak so be of their language (Croatian). - The guides were very focused on safety. At no point was anyone ever unattached to something secure. They held their hands in front of the pulley so no one would accidentally go before it was safe. Since safety is everyone's top priority this is really the most important thing at the end of the day. - They tried to lighten the mood and our nerves with jokes. - The first several zips scared the bananas out of me, but I eventually got used to it in time to enjoy the last two long lines. It was exhilarating and fun and beautiful. - The guides took amazing videos and photos for us using injure phones (and most importantly didn't drop them!). Room for improvement: - I don't like to name specific people as I just want to put the word out to the company for training. I know there are many methods guides use to try to put people at ease, but flirting with women in your group should not be one of those methods. It makes many women even more uncomfortable than they already are in a new situation. - The guides briefed us prior to zipping (how to brake and where to put your hands), but they failed to mention that your hand position should be much farther back in order to avoid spinning. A couple of us spun the first time because we had placed our hands too close. - In addition to zipping we did a Tarzan swing. After one or two full swings they slow you down by grabbing/catching your legs. I wish they had told me they when they were going to do that because I didn't realize and must have had my leg sticking out and accidentally kicked one of the guides in the head. I felt SO horrible! Truly, truly awful, as I really did try my best to listen carefully and follow all safety directions. To make matters worse, that guide repeatedly berated me for kicking him and made me feel so stupid and small, as if I had meant to do that. I kept apologizing over and over. Then he sort of smirked at me, as if he was playing a joke on me. But a minute later he looked at me in all seriousness and warned me not to hurt him again. I was already feeling so horrible and embarrassed about it that I couldn't tell if he was joking or serious. So if the company reads this: if you don't want the dumb tourists to accidentally kick you, you need to tell them what to do before they make a mistake. And to the guide: I really am sorry for kicking you, I promise I won't ever do it again because I will never go ziplining again. Bottom line: It was safe and a unique experience with lovely views through and above the canopy. If you aren't a total spaz like me then you'll probably do fine. But just in case you are: your braking hand goes all the way behind you on the wire, keep your legs bent like you're sitting and your ankles crossed, and don't move your legs during the Tarzan swing.
Fulya H
May 2018
This canopy experience was truly unforgettable. The guys supporting us were great and really made you feel at ease. The surrounding area is stunning and the best way to see it is definitely from up within the trees!

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