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Оригинална обилазак електричних бицикла по граду

Истражите подручја која нису доступна туристичким аутобусима на овом заиста аутентичном искуству. Ова вожња бициклом води вас кроз најбоље четврти Сан Франциска. Истражите 11 различитих локација, безброј заустављања за фотографије и прелепи мост Голден Гате, све са локалним водичем!<бр><бр>Наши Е-бицикли су апсолутно задовољство за вожњу, а најбољи део свега је то што није потребно педалирање . Лако ћете се кретати по злогласним брдима Сан Франциска са лакоћом.<бр><бр>Ова тура Сан Франциска је наша најпопуларнија опција бициклом јер можете да видите наш прелепи град поред залива на начин на који не можете на традиционалној тури бус. Ово је такође врхунски начин да осигурате да покријете све оно што морате да урадите док сте у граду, укључујући продужено заустављање на мосту Голден Гате, вожњу кроз Фисхерман'с Вхарф и историјски Пресидио.<бр>
Цити: Сан Франциско
Tue 25 Feb
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Tue 25 Feb
Са почетком у $99.00
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Минимални узраст је 16 година<ли>Ханд средство за дезинфекцију доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Социјално дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Водичи који су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Дилан'с Тоурс се слаже да ће наше особље бити здраво, да ригорозно чисти/дезинфикује све просторе и да практикује социјално дистанцирање када је то могуће како би вам обезбедио безбедно и здраво искуство.
Шта да очекујете
Нортх Беацх
Изгласан као један од „десет великих комшилука у САД“, Северна плажа је најпознатија као дом Мале Италије. Од укусних ресторана до аутентичних кафића и пекара на тротоарима, осетићете шарм Сан Франциска чим стигнете.
Рибарско пристаниште
Једна од најпопуларнијих дестинација у Сан Франциску - од старих бродоградилишта, до Боудин'с Бакери и мириса свеже чорбе од шкољки, Фисхерман'с Вхарф има све.
Палата лепих уметности театар
Инспирисана римском и грчком архитектуром, Палата лепих уметности је првобитно изграђена да прослави опоравак Сан Франциска од земљотреса 1906. године. Окружен мирном баштом, одличан је за фотографије.
Пресидио Сан Францисцо
Некадашња војна база, сада прелеп парк који укључује Црисси Фиелд, Форт Поинт, седиште Лукасфилма (Џорџ Лукас) и Музеј Волта Дизнија.
Национално историјско место Форт Поинт
Смештен одмах испод моста Голден Гате, Форт Поинт вам пружа седиште у првом реду до залива Сан Франциско. Ово некадашње војно утврђење коришћено је и током грађанског и Другог светског рата.
Мост Голден Гате
Проглашен за „једно од 10 чуда модерног света“, мост Голден Гате је један од најпрепознатљивијих симбола Сан Франциска. Просто запањујући!
Кинеска четврт
Највећа кинеска четврт у Сједињеним Државама! Возите се кроз најпосећенији кварт у Сан Франциску
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (92)
Aug 2018
My wife, three teenagers and I went on the Original City Loop Electric Bike Tour and it was probably the best day of our trip to California. A terrific way to see the city, and it stops at places where you probably would never otherwise go. A great way to see some of the beautiful neighborhoods around the city. The electric bikes are EXCELLENT and not scary or too fast whatsoever. Very easy to manage and deal with. There were ten stops along the way, including a half hour near the Golden Gate Bridge to allow everyone to get a snack or go onto the bridge or read about how the bridge was built. We also stopped for about an hour in Haight-Ashbury for lunch, where there were plenty of food options. Only negative was that we couldn't ride all the way thru Golden Gate Park because there was a large music festival going on, but that's not the norm. Our guide Ryan (or maybe it's Brian) was great. He was knowledgeable, funny and easy to deal with. There were a total of 9 of us on the trip and that was a good number. I HIGHLY recommend this trip for adults and teenagers.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2018
Hey there Pete, thanks so much for taking the time to leave such detailed feedback on your family's experience with our Original City Loop Electric Bike Tour with Ryan -- we're honored to have been the highlight of your trip to California! Thanks a bunch for your feedback on the e-bikes, a surprising amount of people are worried they won't be able to handle to electric bikes -- so happy to hear you and your teens didn't have any issues learning to use the e-bikes. Unfortunately, one weekend out of the year most of the park gets shut down to pedestrians, cyclists and cars for the massive Outside Lands Music Festival -- sorry that happened to be the same weekend you were in town, but I do hope Ryan was able to squeeze in a bonus stop to make up for the reroute! Thanks again for your honest and detailed feedback, this really does help us to create consistently memorable tours.
Stephen R
Aug 2018
This is a very high rated activity so I suppose I am not adding much to the canon of reviews, but the tour was wonderful, and really pleased my whole family. My wife is just recovering from surgery, and I am being treated for cancer, so we were a little concerned about whether all the up-hill and down would be too much for us, but the e-bikes did ALL the work, and we had all the fun. Do not worry if you are not in shape, these bikes take you up the steepest of SF hills with minimal effort on your part. Our guide was very friendly, and watched out for our safety at all times. He really made the trip nice. The water bottles were a nice touch. If I had any suggestions it would be as follows: 1) Dylan's should sell sweatshirts at their shop, as it is quite chilly in SF. We were very cold because we just wore light windbreakers which were not enough. We all would have bought something if they had it. 2) The trip was perhaps 30-60 minutes too long. We felt a tiny bit burned out by the end. 3) Expensive, but worth it. My teenagers who rarely get excited about anything had a super time. All in all, a wonderful day. Thanks, Dylan's!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2018
Hey Stephen, thanks so much for taking a chance on our Original City Loop Electric Bike Tour -- despite your initial hesitations. I'm thrilled to hear that we made it all worth it for you and your wife! These little Pedego e-bikes really do nearly all the work for you, hopefully going back to a regular bike won't be too disappointing after the tour ;) Thank you so much detailed and honest feedback, it really helps us continue to create memorable experiences for travelers exploring San Francisco with us. You're right, SF is quite chilly because of Karl the Fog! We try our best to prepare guests for the weather through our confirmation emails, but also have sweaters for guests to use if they didn't bring enough layers for the tour. My apologies if these weren't offered to you and your family before heading out on tour. I'll be looking into ways of better communicating weather expectations to electric bike tour guests and ensuring our guides have sweaters on hand to lend to travelers who might need an extra layer of clothing. Thanks again for your honest review.
Aug 2018
Fantastic day out. Aaron was a great guide - knowledgeable about the area and really took time to make sure everyone was safe. Covered a massive amount of the city, including Fisherman's Wharf, Chrissy Field, The Palace of the Arts, Golden Gate (bridge and park), Haight-Ashbury, Pacific Heights, Russian hill, China Town and Little Italy. Bikes are really reasy to ride. if you are hesitant because you haven't been on a bike for a while or unsure about riding in traffic....don't be. Felt absoloutely safe (and haven't been on a bike for a few years).
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2018
Hey there, thanks so much for taking the time to share your experience with our Original City Loop Electric Bike Tour with Aaron! I'm happy to hear the e-bikes were a breeze to ride. And thank you for sharing your honest feelings of what it was like biking around a big city, we know this is a big fear travelers grapple with if they have never biked through a busy city before! We take pride in creating a comfortable, safe and fun enviornment as we cruise around all the iconic sites of San Francisco you mentioned. Thanks again for honest review, it really helps us continue to provide memorable experience for everyone exploring San Francisco on our tours.

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