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Оригинална обилазак електричних бицикла по граду

Истражите подручја која нису доступна туристичким аутобусима на овом заиста аутентичном искуству. Ова вожња бициклом води вас кроз најбоље четврти Сан Франциска. Истражите 11 различитих локација, безброј заустављања за фотографије и прелепи мост Голден Гате, све са локалним водичем!<бр><бр>Наши Е-бицикли су апсолутно задовољство за вожњу, а најбољи део свега је то што није потребно педалирање . Лако ћете се кретати по злогласним брдима Сан Франциска са лакоћом.<бр><бр>Ова тура Сан Франциска је наша најпопуларнија опција бициклом јер можете да видите наш прелепи град поред залива на начин на који не можете на традиционалној тури бус. Ово је такође врхунски начин да осигурате да покријете све оно што морате да урадите док сте у граду, укључујући продужено заустављање на мосту Голден Гате, вожњу кроз Фисхерман'с Вхарф и историјски Пресидио.<бр>
Цити: Сан Франциско
Tue 25 Feb
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Tue 25 Feb
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Минимални узраст је 16 година<ли>Ханд средство за дезинфекцију доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Социјално дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Водичи који су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Дилан'с Тоурс се слаже да ће наше особље бити здраво, да ригорозно чисти/дезинфикује све просторе и да практикује социјално дистанцирање када је то могуће како би вам обезбедио безбедно и здраво искуство.
Шта да очекујете
Нортх Беацх
Изгласан као један од „десет великих комшилука у САД“, Северна плажа је најпознатија као дом Мале Италије. Од укусних ресторана до аутентичних кафића и пекара на тротоарима, осетићете шарм Сан Франциска чим стигнете.
Рибарско пристаниште
Једна од најпопуларнијих дестинација у Сан Франциску - од старих бродоградилишта, до Боудин'с Бакери и мириса свеже чорбе од шкољки, Фисхерман'с Вхарф има све.
Палата лепих уметности театар
Инспирисана римском и грчком архитектуром, Палата лепих уметности је првобитно изграђена да прослави опоравак Сан Франциска од земљотреса 1906. године. Окружен мирном баштом, одличан је за фотографије.
Пресидио Сан Францисцо
Некадашња војна база, сада прелеп парк који укључује Црисси Фиелд, Форт Поинт, седиште Лукасфилма (Џорџ Лукас) и Музеј Волта Дизнија.
Национално историјско место Форт Поинт
Смештен одмах испод моста Голден Гате, Форт Поинт вам пружа седиште у првом реду до залива Сан Франциско. Ово некадашње војно утврђење коришћено је и током грађанског и Другог светског рата.
Мост Голден Гате
Проглашен за „једно од 10 чуда модерног света“, мост Голден Гате је један од најпрепознатљивијих симбола Сан Франциска. Просто запањујући!
Кинеска четврт
Највећа кинеска четврт у Сједињеним Државама! Возите се кроз најпосећенији кварт у Сан Франциску
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (92)
Jul 2018
- Riding the electric bikes all over SF was fun! - Sam was an excellent guide! She's engaging, knowledgeable and F**KING HILARIOUS! One of her lines which she mentioned during the tour is still stuck in my head "...the beautiful people, the outdoor yoga, the lulu lemon...". Do this tour on your first couple of days in SF!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2018
So happy to hear you had such a good time with Sam! She just might be one of our funniest tour guides (don't tell any of our other guides that do stand-up we said that, haha!) You're completely right, doing our Original City Loop Electric Bike Tour early on your trip to SF is one of the best decisions you can make while visiting SF :)
Jul 2018
We went on Dylan's Famous tour and the Original City Loop Electric Bike Tour and they both lived up to their excellent ratings. We took the Famous tour on a beautiful, clear day. We booked the tour the day after we arrived in SF which gave us a wonderful overview of the city and Bay area. Andreas was a good tour guide. The bus is very comfortable and they provide everyone with maps, water and granola bars. We were a group of eleven people and everyone could not have been nicer. We drove through North Beach and Chinatown and then stopped at City Hall where Marilyn Monroe and Joe Dimaggio got married to take few photos. We also stopped at the lovely mural covered San Francisco Women's Building; women's resource center. The slightly longer stop in Haight-Ashbury is really fun too; go to the Love of Ganesha and Haight Street Market. We enjoyed driving through Pacific Heights and dreaming of living in the houses on Billionaires row. The Lyon Street stairs were well manicured; people were working out running up and down the stairs. dWe drove past Alamo Square and saw the Painted Ladies. Then we drove through the Presidio to Fort Point for a spectacular view of the bridge and the Bay. There was someone surfing which was neat. Then we drove over the bridge and that was also an experience. We had lunch in Sausalito and walked along the sailboats and the waterfront. Muir Woods was amazing. This peaceful, fresh forest is truly magical. It could be difficult to get to Muir woods so it is really appreciated that Dylan's has this stop on their famous tour and I think also on their Tour of the Bay tour. We drove back past Fisherman's Wharf and then Andreas was nice enough to drop us off at our hotel in Nob Hill at the end of the tour.I would highly recommend Dylan's Tours. Next time I will save enough time to have an Irish Coffee at The Buena Vista. We also took the electric bike tour with Sam- this was one of our favourite days. I was a little scared to use the electric bikes in the city but it was very safe and the bikes were easy to ride. They were actually really fun to hike, especially up the hills!! This was a more intimate way to connect to SF. We covered a lot of area in a short period of time. Biking through Chinatown was a really interesting ride; so much happening the people, the smells and the food. The Sutro Baths were different, I would love to back there at sunset. I enjoyed riding down the hills with a view of the ocean, you go quite fast, it is exhilarating. The homes of Seacliff are amazing and seeing Robin Williams house was special. We would definitely take the bike tour again and hope maybe Dylan's would consider a few different routes or a bike/food tour. If you are in SF and need to maximize on your time take these tours.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2018
Hey Jill, thanks so much for leaving such detailed feedback on your experience on our two most popular tours: Dylan's Famous Tour on our minibus and the Original City Loop Tour on our speedy little electric bikes from Pedego! Andreas has been with us longer than any other guide -- so you had an amazing guide! Also, Sam is just too funny -- so glad you got to experience two of our most memorable guides :) Next time you're in San Francisco, we'll have to set you up on our electric tuk tuk, we can customize these six person vehicles into a taco tour of the Mission District, a brewery tour of SoMa neighborhood -- or any customizable private tour experience -- we'd love to have you back :)
Jul 2018
It was my 1st day and visit to SFO. I thought it would be a great way see and hear about the city. Well it exceeded my expectations ...Aaron our tour guide was very knowledgeable, patient, friendly and you felt safe riding behind him... We stopped for lunch in the "hippie" neighborhood, which Aaron recommend this Mexico place (you will have to ask him the name of it, sorry) it was delish, authentic, cozy little place! Then we continued our ride and after 6 hours I felt I saw so much of the city, parks, bay, marina and landmarks...just amazing! The electric bike is very cool (does all the work) still had energy to walk over to Lombard St. Good call Aaron I was fascinated with the street!! PS...bring jacket
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2018
Hey there, thanks so much for taking the time to leave us your honest feedback on our experience riding along on our 20 mile Original City Loop Electric Bike Tour! We are so glad to hear that we had a such a blast cruising around town with Aaron, he seems to know where just about every good place to eat is at -- especially Street Taco in the Haight-Ashbury :)

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