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Туртле Товн Сноркел са фотографијама и видео записима

Алоха!<бр><бр>Поносни смо што нудимо услугу са 5 звездица и интимно окружење за мале групе како бисмо осигурали да се свако од вас добро проведе, само прочитајте моје рецензије! Јурићемо џиновске морске корњаче, ронити поред лава цеви, истраживати морски живот и имати практично искуство које укључује необрађене видео снимке и фотографије које ваша група може понети кући без додатних трошкова, ја и наша мала екипа професионалних водича су искусни фотографи и видеографи који ће снимити одличне фотографије и видео записе ваше групе. Пружам сјајне инструкције и врхунске маске за роњење (без маски које се замагљују или пропуштају!) Уз услугу и мале групе које нас издвајају, фотографије и видео снимци који не коштају додатних трошкова, и водичи врхунског нивоа, верујем да смо једно од најбољих путовања за роњење на дах. острво Мауи! Стало нам је до онога што радимо и да вас удаљимо од великих групних бродова. Са малим групама истражујемо више гребена и пружамо изузетну услугу.
Цити: Мауи
Wed 25 Sep
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Са почетком у $119.00
Wed 25 Sep
Са почетком у $119.00
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (635)
Jan 2022
Excellent experience. Mack was our guide and he was just great. Knowledgeable and friendly, couldn’t have asked for a better time. Thank you.
Dec 2021
I would highly recommend this tour! Our tour was two couples and the guide. I loved that it was such a small group rather than a large group. The day we showed up the guide, G, told us that the conditions were not ideal due to a storm that had happened a few days prior and offered to reschedule our tour free of charge. We rescheduled and Rachel took us out on a fantastic tour and showed us the secret spots where the turtles hang out. I really appreciated the great photos Rachel took and shared with us right away.
Dec 2021
My husband and I went on 12/28/21. We followed the instructions on how to get there and who to meet and had no issues finding the spot. Parking was packed, but it is everywhere, we didn’t mind to walk down. We were greeted by “G” and he was friendly and helpful. The 3 names and vehicle descriptions were not who met with, so don’t rely too heavily on that, just go to the back of the lot. Shelby was our snorkel guide, she was very kind and had good energy. While we were waiting to begin (we got there very early in case we couldn’t find the place) some folks were talking about how snorkeling wouldn’t happen today due to choppy water and not being able to see. We could see that it might be extra effort to swim, which was fine, but we knew the visibility wouldn’t be known until we were in the water. Unfortunately the water was incredibly murky and there wasn’t much to see. I understand the guides cannot control the ocean, but it was disappointing. Shelby didn’t do the morning guide so she wasn’t aware of the visibility issues. If any guide had issues that morning I wish they would have just been upfront with us before getting in the water, so we could have been refunded. Shelby said she would call Adam and more than likely he would reschedule with people. That’s great for other members of the group who will be here longer than us, but isn’t an option for us. I still haven’t heard from anyone on a reschedule or a refund. I know the description says no refund, but based on water conditions I would assume 50% refund would be a minimum. All in all I’m sure when the water is clear it’s an incredible adventure. We bought our own gear since we can use it back home and got suggestions on where to go without paying a guide. We wanted to support local as much as we possible could this trip, but it seems like doing our own thing for snorkeling may work out better. Beautiful island, kind people, just a bum day.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2021
Aloha, I am sorry weather conditions weren’t great for the day you went out. This reviews seems more geared on the side of weather not cooperating rather than a review on our services. If we could make the weather beautiful everyday we most certainly would.

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