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Туртле Товн Сноркел са фотографијама и видео записима

Алоха!<бр><бр>Поносни смо што нудимо услугу са 5 звездица и интимно окружење за мале групе како бисмо осигурали да се свако од вас добро проведе, само прочитајте моје рецензије! Јурићемо џиновске морске корњаче, ронити поред лава цеви, истраживати морски живот и имати практично искуство које укључује необрађене видео снимке и фотографије које ваша група може понети кући без додатних трошкова, ја и наша мала екипа професионалних водича су искусни фотографи и видеографи који ће снимити одличне фотографије и видео записе ваше групе. Пружам сјајне инструкције и врхунске маске за роњење (без маски које се замагљују или пропуштају!) Уз услугу и мале групе које нас издвајају, фотографије и видео снимци који не коштају додатних трошкова, и водичи врхунског нивоа, верујем да смо једно од најбољих путовања за роњење на дах. острво Мауи! Стало нам је до онога што радимо и да вас удаљимо од великих групних бродова. Са малим групама истражујемо више гребена и пружамо изузетну услугу.
Цити: Мауи
Sun 22 Sep
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Са почетком у $119.00
Sun 22 Sep
Са почетком у $119.00
Шта је укључено
Необрађени видео снимци наше авантуре
1 сат вођеног роњења кроз град корњача
Коришћење опреме за роњење
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (635)
Jul 2021
Oryan was a great instructor. Very thorough, nice and patient. We had a wonderful experience. The amount of time was perfect. The picture and videos were a big bonus!
Jul 2021
This was a great deal for what you’re getting. At the end you get to take home all the professional pictures and videos taken by the instructor. Unfortunately we didn’t get many pictures with fish or turtles that day.
Jul 2021
I’d suggest using another tour group, we paid full price and didn’t get to go on the tour. There is a very similarly named area to the meetup point nearby - we went there by mistake and arrived amply early in case of such a disturbance. I got a text from the operator Adam before getting there that informed me the tour guide Orian would be getting back at 12:15 from another tour so be patient and included his number. We patiently waited until 12:35, five minutes after we were supposed to leave and text Orian. He informed us we were in the wrong spot, appx a mile away. We only waited so long to text him because of the warning from Adam to “be patient” as we assumed things were running behind or this wouldn’t have been an issue as we would have contacted Orian prior. When we finally spoke to Orian he said not to worry about driving the mile to meet him, he didn’t want to hold up the others in the group and “Adam WILL get you in tomorrow”. We didn’t have anything the next day and it wasn’t a far drive so we thought we’d rather not hold up the group. When I talked to Adam he said that Orian shouldn’t have said that, he couldn’t get us in the next day or any other day prior to our departure (that we were also free). I asked to be refunded and he refused. In my opinion this was handled very poorly by them - we would have contacted Orian earlier if not for Adam’s text and we would have rushed to meet the group if not for Orian’s assurance we could get in the next day. I told Adam if he didn’t refund me I would leave a negative review and he assured me he knew how to get reviews removed.l and would include screen shots of my texts. He’s welcome to do so, I stated this as clearly to him as I am here. An olive branch after their misinformation would have been a refund but they chose not to do that.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Aloha, There is a policy that protects both hosts and guests alike. There is a 15-minute rule all of my guides follow, if you are any more than 15 minutes late we, unfortunately, need to move forward with the day, not because we ever enjoy leaving anyone behind, but because the scheduled tours run back to back. It seems you were more than 15 minutes late. In my listing, there is a physical address listed for the park, pictures of the park, & the name and google pin of the park. We are sorry you arrived at the wrong location but we can not control this. I hope to catch you on our tour next time! I always carry my phone during those times in case someone needs help with direction, I never received a call. Mahalo for understanding! Adam

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