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Туртле Товн Сноркел са фотографијама и видео записима

Алоха!<бр><бр>Поносни смо што нудимо услугу са 5 звездица и интимно окружење за мале групе како бисмо осигурали да се свако од вас добро проведе, само прочитајте моје рецензије! Јурићемо џиновске морске корњаче, ронити поред лава цеви, истраживати морски живот и имати практично искуство које укључује необрађене видео снимке и фотографије које ваша група може понети кући без додатних трошкова, ја и наша мала екипа професионалних водича су искусни фотографи и видеографи који ће снимити одличне фотографије и видео записе ваше групе. Пружам сјајне инструкције и врхунске маске за роњење (без маски које се замагљују или пропуштају!) Уз услугу и мале групе које нас издвајају, фотографије и видео снимци који не коштају додатних трошкова, и водичи врхунског нивоа, верујем да смо једно од најбољих путовања за роњење на дах. острво Мауи! Стало нам је до онога што радимо и да вас удаљимо од великих групних бродова. Са малим групама истражујемо више гребена и пружамо изузетну услугу.
Цити: Мауи
Wed 02 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $119.00
Wed 02 Oct
Са почетком у $119.00
Шта је укључено
Необрађени видео снимци наше авантуре
1 сат вођеног роњења кроз град корњача
Коришћење опреме за роњење
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (635)
Jul 2022
Rachael was amazing! She was extremely helpful and answered all of our questions and prepared us for a fun experience. We originally thought we’d be on a boat but we got to see so much more swimming around the water. She was personal and went out of her way to take pictures of everyone in the group and shared fun facts. The equipment was all clean and anyone who needed help with was quickly assisted. Definitely recommend this experience to anyone!
Jul 2022
We pre-paid $891.00 for a tour of Turtle Town. The night before, the company changed the location where we were supposed to meet. When we showed up, the location turned out to be right in front of our hotel where we had already been snorkeling for three days. That day (7/13/22) the area was subject to rough water and the visibility was poor anyway. We declined to go on the tour, where a single guide would be taking 9 of us snorkeling right in front of our hotel. We asked for a refund. The manager who we were told to call played the used car salesman game and stated he did not have authority to provide a refund, and that only the owner did, but that the owner would not speak to me personally. The manager also explained in so many words that the owner of the company has been in the business for 30 years and is disgruntled and difficult to deal with and dislikes tourists. We bought the tour through Trip Advisor/Viator, whose terms of service require a full refund if changes are made by the service provider within 24 hours of the event and the customer is not satisfied with the change. This is what occurred here, but no refund of any amount has been provided despite several hours of time-consuming phone calls and message to the company. In the end, we cancelled the trip based on the last minute change by the company and requested a refund. However, they kept all of our $891.00. Now I'm wasting hours of time trying to get a refund with no success.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
I’m confused… Our company is less than 3 years old, we don’t have a manager just guides and the owner (myself)… the only reason we wouldn’t issue a refund is if you didn’t show up, or canceled outside of the cancelation policy. We are a reputable highly ranked company with amazing guides. For anyone reading this, I ask you read the majority or our reviews and look at our company. We have only been around since just after covid? Perhaps you left a review for the wrong tour company?
Jul 2022
Great snorkeling trip for the family! Was just the right amount of time, with great instructions for beginners and avid snorkelers alike. Joe did a great job managing all the families and ensuring everybody was together, and had a fun time safely. Thank you

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