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Двосатни уводни обилазак Мале Хаване у Мајамију

Ова пешачка тура води вас кроз скромно, али еволутивно насеље, које се може похвалити калеидоскопом културе, традиционалних обичаја и живих боја. Прошетајте Меморијалним Булеваром да бисте сазнали одакле почиње историја, посетите локалне маме и поп установе као што су воћна пијаца, пекара, продавница одеће (гуаиаберас) и продавница цигара. Иако се на овој турнеји не нуди храна (у поређењу са нашим другим обиласцима), пробаћете свеже скувану кубанску кафу.<бр><бр>Ваш водич ће одговорити на сва питања о историји, људима и политици. Упознаћете се са кубанским изгнаницима и другом генерацијом која води мам-анд-поп продавнице. <бр><бр>Препоруке за ресторане који нуде аутентичну храну, најбољи мојито бар и латино џез музику такође могу бити дате како бисте наставили своје искуство у Малој Хавани.
Цити: Мајами
Mon 24 Feb
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Са почетком у $40.00
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $40.00
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Сва подручја и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Обилазак се одвија по киши или по сунцу<ли>Молимо да носите удобне ципеле<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице потребне су водичима на јавним местима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу
Шта да очекујете
Мала Хавана
Ова пешачка тура води вас кроз скромно, али еволутивно насеље, које се може похвалити калеидоскопом културе, традиционалних обичаја и живих боја. Прошетајте Меморијалним Булеваром да бисте сазнали одакле почиње историја, посетите локалне маме и поп установе као што су воћна пијаца, пекара, продавница одеће (гуаиаберас) и продавница цигара. Иако се на овој турнеји не нуди храна, пробаћете свеже кувану кубанску кафу. Ваш туристички водич ће одговорити на сва питања о историји, људима и политици. Упознаћете кубанске изгнанике и другу генерацију која води мам-анд-поп продавнице. Коначно, имаћете изузетну част да се сретнете и разговарате са преживелима из битке у Заливу свиња, јер ће они поделити своје увиде и приче о чињеницама.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (36)
Feb 2019
I must apologize to our guide because my memory lasts for about 3 minutes and then names are lost forever. Our guide was of Cuban descent, born and raised in Miami. He was proud of the fact that he is one of the few "locals" providing guiding services in Little Havana. We learned sooo much and even though this was not a tasting tour our guide purchased samples of the local plantain chips, Cuban coffee, and guava pastries for us to sample! We entered several local businesses and learned about some of the artwork and architecture of the area. We covered only 7 blocks in this time but the detail was rich and the information interesting. One of my favorite stops was the cigar store/factory. This tour of Calle Ocho/Little Havana is really worth your time.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2019
Hello Lucys Friend! So glad you enjoyed your tour with Ralph de la Portilla for your Little Havana Experience! Yes all our guides are locals, living and working in the neighborhood and well rounded. Not only was Ralph an adjunct professor but he also works for the Census. Each guide has their specialized area, whether it's art/music, cigars and cocktails, business trends, or political history. If anyone is interested in focusing on one or two subject matters would do offer private tours at affordable rates. Little Havana is best seen in small groups or private tours at peak days and times to avoid the mad rush of tourists from bus tours. Advance reservations are required as we often sell out everyday in high season December through May. Do come back and take a dance lesson or rum and cocktail tour next time. Hasta pronto!
Jan 2019
We were fortunate to have Danny as our guide, he was knowledgeable, positive and really knew his way around Little Havana, including bathroom stops. Danny reached out to everyone in the neighborhood and the shops and bars. He gave us great background on Cuba which for us was an intro to our upcoming trip in three days. Lunch was fabulous! Art Deco Tours was great at communicating with reminders about the schedule and meeting place. We took two tours with this company and highly recommend.
Jan 2019
We enjoyed the tour immensely. Danny knew the area and locals, knew the history of Cuba well (he was able to tell how history played a big part in his family's life) and the reasons his family came to America just in time, coupled with humor and tastes of Cubano coffee and desert. It would be a worthwhile story for a documentary. The only thing we would have preferred to avoid was going into many of the stores and being introduced to the sales staff. It felt like a tourist racket where if we went in to purchase after the tour, a commission would be paid.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2019
Hello M! Thank you for sharing your experience on the Little Havana tour with Danny Miami as he is known in the neighborhood. Yes his family story is exactly the story of thousands of Cuban families with children escaping Cuba to begin a new life in Miami. Indeed with the heartfelt and riveting details it would make an excellent documentary. A big plus is that our guides not only work in the area but we live the experience and personally know everyone. So another reason guests choose our tours is the fact that they can meet and interact with locals anywhere, many of which are the owners and staff of the establishments you visited to learn about the history of traditions from the fruit marketplace, to the apparel store, to Domino Park and Plaza and the Cuban cigars and coffee shop. Rest assured the guides do NOT receive any commission. There is never pressure to buy. We encourage shopping after the tour as there is much to cover during the tour. As small merchants that can not afford advertising, we support one another to survive gentrification. If anything some establishments will offer our guests a discount. Mutual support is our business modus operandi. Thank you again. Saludos!

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