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Ултимате Куеен Цити Ундергроунд Тоур

Придружите нам се у пешачкој тури Синсинатијем да бисте сазнали више о скривеној историји Синсинатија на једној од пет најбољих подземних тура у САД. Уживајте у шетњи преко Рајне, где се налази највећи скуп америчких историјских знаменитости. Посетите зграде у округу Гејтвеј у којима се налазило преко 130 салона, барова, пивских башта и позоришта. Затим се спустите испод градских улица за ексклузивни приступ скривеној крипти у којој су сахрањени неки од првих становника Синсинатија. Следећи повратак у подземље да истражите скривене тунеле који су витални за наслеђе пиваре у Синсинатију у пивари Кауффман. <бр>Туре ће ићи по киши или сјају!
Цити: Цинциннати
Tue 22 Oct
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Са почетком у $45.00
Tue 22 Oct
Са почетком у $45.00
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (973)
Mar 2018
We are from Cincinnati, but have a keen interest in the German history of the city. Craig gave us an interesting tour of an unique, recently found underground location of a small family brewery. He also discussed the German Over the Rhine community and the large numbers of breweries in the area. After looking at the Race St building we took a little above ground walk to look at the location of the old Moerlein complex. After a discussion of the history and various building (one of which is now the current Rhinegest Brewery) we when to the old Moerlein brewhouse and were able to compare the construction and brew methods as they changed over time from the 1870's to 1900's. If you like beer or old architecture you will enjoy this tour.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2018
Thank you so much for your awesome review. We are so happy that you had a good time on our Under the Market tour with Craig. He does a great job and the tour is really amazing. Thank you so much for your business and we hope to see you again soon on another tour with us.
Audrey C
Mar 2018
Queen City Underground Tour was one of the most exciting, informative and interesting activities I've ever been blessed to experience. Being a history and antique junkie, this was the all time greatest activity for me. Our tour guide Laura brought the whole experience to life for our group with her obvious passion an knowladge for the history of her great city. And her beautiful spirit and great sence of humour. She was not only beautiful on the outside but just an all out beautiful, caring person. I'd recommend this tour and Laura to anyone with a love or interest for history or "the old school". If you love Mom & Pop's, Family owed or small businesses and want to help them stay alive in our cities please patronize American Leagacy Tours. An awesome company with an amazing cause.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2018
We agree with you that our team member Laura does a great job and we are so happy that you had an amazing time with us. If you liked the Queen City Underground Tour you will love our brand new Under the Market Tour. Thank you for your review and please come see us again soon.
Mar 2018
Spent almost two hours on this tour, understanding the city's history and it's industry. About half of the tour was underground, where they brewed and stored beer before electricity existed. Very informative tour, and very interesting to see the network of tunnels under the city.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2018
Thank you so much for your review and for joining us on the tour. We hope that you will come back and visit us soon!

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