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Цити: Цинциннати
Tue 22 Oct
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Tue 22 Oct
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Коментара (973)
Claire S
Feb 2018
I had a blast on the Queen City Underground Tour. Laura was an amazing tour guide! This is a great way to learn about OTR's rich & unique history AND you get to top it off with a beer at a local brewery. What are you waiting for?!
Jan 2018
While my family was in town over the holidays we took the Ultimate Underground tour at American Legacy. Our tour guide, Laura, was engaging and funny and very, very knowledgable. We learned a lot about the history of the Over The Rhine area of Cincinnati, including the vast amount of brew once brewed and drunk here. The area still has a lot of historical buildings that are being carefully restored. A key feature of the tour was being allowed to explore the enormous tunnels under that buildings that were used to brew lager at a cooler temperature. It turns out the tour fee helps finance further excavations of the maze of tunnels under the city, which were buried and forgotten for decades. I highly recommend this tour!
Donald M
Dec 2017
The tour was good, mainly because of the guide. He was very knowledgeable about Cincinnati, the OTR area, and local sites. I wish they still showed you more of the other tunnels in the city. We went to the first “underground” location, that is actually under Saint Francis Seraph Church. We first went to the nativity setup just outside the church. There were also animals there, which might please kids. We went in the church and got the full history, which was very interesting. The underground part is actually a crypt. So you saw some interesting things while under the church. The second underground adventure was accessed near the Christian Moerlein Brewery. The building is not really usd on first floor except artist exhibit. But people live in the apartments on the other floors. Gaining access to the tunnels involves walking down narrow, steep, and tight wooden stairs. If you get claustrophobic, you might have a challenge going down to the tunnels. Once there you should be fine as they are quite large. Work on the tunnels is on-going and more will be available to see in the future. The tour ends at the Christian Moerlein Brewery, a great way to end a tour! Tour takes about 2.5 hours, so not bad at all. It is a very interesting tour and I’d recommend going. Good and interesting stuff about Cincy and OTR.

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