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Рафтинг на Уппер Пигеон Ривер-у из Хартфорда

Смоки Моунтаин Оутдоорс Уппер Пигеон Ривер Трип је 10 најбољих искустава на Трипадвисору са наградом Травеллерс' Цхоице и најближе рафтинг путовање до градова Гатлинбург и Пигеон Форге! Није потребно искуство, тако да су сви добродошли. Доживите брзаке од 3 до 4 класе уз помоћ врхунских рафтинг опреме. Ово је најдужи рафтинг на реци Пигеон, опремљен водичем у сваком сплаву.
Цити: Хартфорд
Tue 08 Oct
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Са почетком у $46.95
Tue 08 Oct
Са почетком у $46.95
Шта је укључено
Сви применљиви порези и накнаде
Безбедносна упутства
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Сва неопходна опрема за рафтинг
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасла особа<ли>Минимална старост је 8 година, а минимална тежина 70 фунти (32 кг).<ли>Најбоље функционишу купаћи костими и шорц. Потребне су безбедне ципеле са каишем за пету (тениске ципеле, ципеле за воду, спортске сандале са каишем на пету). Босе ноге и јапанке нису дозвољене. Не заборавите да понесете пресвуку и пешкир<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике на јавним местима<ли>Маске за лице су обавезне за водиче на јавним местима<ли> Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током читавог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>У складу са ажурираним смерницама Тенесија, често дезинфикујемо наше опрему и имају обележене подне водилице тако да можете да држите друштвену дистанцу у нашој малопродајној згради. Молимо понесите маску за лице за аутобуски превоз. Торба са патент затварачем ће је одржати сувом током вашег путовања реком.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Jul 2020
The rafting experience was excellent! Rapids were really class 2 and class 3, but still A LOT of fun!! Our guide Tanner was OUTSTANDING, lots of fun, and informative facts about the river. The one thing I would request....PLEASE REQUIRE MASKS ON ALL PATRONS UNTIL they get to the river. The guides wore masks on the bus, but the other 40+ patrons on the school bus didn’t have a mask. On the day we rafted, the rafting company was expecting 1400 patrons, THIS IS TOO MANY PEOPLE DURING COVID to not enforce mask compliance. We almost didn’t do the rafting trip because of the lack of masks and social distancing prior to getting the raft in the river
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2020
Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts with us. We're glad you enjoyed the raft trip. We have given great thought to mandating masks. Our legal experts have advised us to offer but not mandate. We make every possible effort to provide a safe experience. We check all guides daily, frequently sanitize our gear, and disinfect the interior of the busses between every trip. That said, until it is an enforceable statewide mandate, we will follow our attorney's advice about respecting people's legal freedom of choice. We make a sincere effort to inform people before they arrive that we are operating at full capacity and have done everything within our legal power to provide a safe experience. We must leave individual responsibility up to the individual. Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts. Please come again when you feel better about the assumed risks.
Jul 2020
We had an awesome raft ride. Our guide was Tanner and he was excellent. He was very knowledgeable and explained interesting things along the river. Masks are optional for guests, and NOBODY wore one. It was extremely uncomfortable being crammed on a bus. Our party was the only one wearing a mask. SMO needs to require masks for the bus ride. We were on the fence about just leaving and going home. If anyone in our party gets covid, then it was that bus ride that did it.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2020
Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts with us. We're glad you enjoyed the raft trip. We have given great thought to mandating masks. Our legal experts have advised us to offer but not mandate. We make every possible effort to provide a safe experience. We check all guides daily, frequently sanitize our gear, and disinfect the interior of the busses between every trip. That said, until it is an enforceable statewide mandate, we will follow our attorney's advice about respecting people's legal freedom of choice. We make a sincere effort to inform people before they arrive that we are operating at full capacity and have done everything within our legal power to provide a safe experience. We must leave individual responsibility up to the individual. Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts. Please come again when you feel better about the assumed risks.
Jul 2020
This was amazing, a must-do when visiting Tennessee! Haley was our guide and she was fabulous! Lots of information and jokes, and we felt safe the entire time.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2020
Hi there! Thank you for your review. We are glad you had a good time with Haley as your guide and that you also felt safe rafting with SMO. Thank you again!

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