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Рафтинг на Уппер Пигеон Ривер-у из Хартфорда

Смоки Моунтаин Оутдоорс Уппер Пигеон Ривер Трип је 10 најбољих искустава на Трипадвисору са наградом Травеллерс' Цхоице и најближе рафтинг путовање до градова Гатлинбург и Пигеон Форге! Није потребно искуство, тако да су сви добродошли. Доживите брзаке од 3 до 4 класе уз помоћ врхунских рафтинг опреме. Ово је најдужи рафтинг на реци Пигеон, опремљен водичем у сваком сплаву.
Цити: Хартфорд
Mon 30 Sep
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Mon 30 Sep
Са почетком у $46.95
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасла особа<ли>Минимална старост је 8 година, а минимална тежина 70 фунти (32 кг).<ли>Најбоље функционишу купаћи костими и шорц. Потребне су безбедне ципеле са каишем за пету (тениске ципеле, ципеле за воду, спортске сандале са каишем на пету). Босе ноге и јапанке нису дозвољене. Не заборавите да понесете пресвуку и пешкир<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике на јавним местима<ли>Маске за лице су обавезне за водиче на јавним местима<ли> Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током читавог искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>У складу са ажурираним смерницама Тенесија, често дезинфикујемо наше опрему и имају обележене подне водилице тако да можете да држите друштвену дистанцу у нашој малопродајној згради. Молимо понесите маску за лице за аутобуски превоз. Торба са патент затварачем ће је одржати сувом током вашег путовања реком.
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Коментара (1000)
Jul 2019
Our guide Chris was amazing he knew the river inside and out, he knew the information about the land and area we traveled, and he all the animals around WOW! We had 7 members of our family ages 12-50 go on this trip and everything was perfect from the time we arrived to the outpost all the way to the time Chris go us all back to shore. I would highly, highly recommend Smoky Mountain Outdoors for you or your families next adventure, and remember to ask for Chris he is a great guide.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Thank you for the great comments about your guide Chris. He is one our our senior trip leaders, and we are super-proud to have him on our staff. The Smokies are a tremendously diverse area with all sorts of animals and plants as well as history, and I'm always impressed at the depth of knowledge our guides have acquired about the area. Please come back and see us on your next visit to the Smokies, and have a great summer!
Jul 2019
We had the most amazing time with Santiago! We went rafting on July 24th with our entire basball team and their family members. Our group was very large and I think we caused additional chaos cause we tried to keep everyone in the same group and on the same bus. Additionally Santiago was paired with another raft and had them all geared up. He then got moved to us and had to start all over. We could kind of tell he got a little flustered which I totally understand, but he handled it great. We boarded the bus and headed to the put it point. Once in the boat Santiago sincerely apologized if he seemed a bit aggravated at the beginning. We told him not to worry about that in the least cause that seems to happen everywhere we go so we think it's just us....lol. Once on the raft Santiago made everyone feel completely comfortable. He was informative, funny, and after we finished all our #4 rapids he turned our raft into a singing raft. This couldn't have been more perfect cause little did he know, besides having a baseball player, we had two kids in the raft that actually do musical theatre. The whole raft sang about 5 different Disney songs as well as Sweet Caroline. He made it the best rafting trip ever and also told us that we made his day. We hoped to get a picture with him after but never got a chance. We left him a great tip for his hospitality and labeled it From: The Broadway Raft. If you get a chance to I definitely recommend going here and if you can request Santiago. We will definitely be back and if we can request him we will. Thanks again Santi!!! From: The Broadway Raft!!!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Wow! So many great comments about Santiago. I'm delighted to hear you had such a wonderful time, and the sing raft sounds fascinating. Please come back to see us on your next trip, and feel free to request Santiago!
Amy K
Jul 2019
Gavin, our guide was phenomenal!!! There were 7 of us (3 teenagers and 4 adults) and most of us were new at white water rafting. He was a fantastic guide that put us at ease and made our trip enjoyable for everyone. We can’t wait to do it again!!!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
The Pigeon is a great river for first-timers and I'm glad Gavin made it extra enjoyable for the entire group. We want your rafting trip to be the very best part of your vacation. Please come back and see us on your trip to the Smokies, and have a great rest of the summer!

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