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Ваил Сегваи Тоур из Ваил Виллаге

Након што се упознате са својим водичем у једном од три времена поласка, имаћете кратку, али темељну обуку на којој ћете научити основе вожње сегвеја пре него што кренете на турнеју. Ваша мала група ће затим кренути у забаван и лак обилазак долине Ваил, терена за голф Ваил и села Ваил. На путу ће бити доста станица за фотографије и занимљиве информације од вашег водича. Након 90 минута крстарења прелепим планинским стазама, ваша група ће се вратити напуњена и спремна за вашу следећу авантуру. Строго је забрањена употреба дрога или алкохола пре путовања.
Цити: Ваил
Tue 24 Dec
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Са почетком у $89.00
Tue 24 Dec
Са почетком у $89.00
Шта је укључено
Сегваи ПТ изнајмљивање
Стручни водич
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост је 12 година<ли>Минимална тежина је 100 лбс<ли>Максимална тежина је 260 лбс<ли> ли><ли>Обуците се у удобну одећу, ципеле са затвореним прстима (препоручује се)<ли>Употреба дрога или алкохола пре обиласка је строго забрањена<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (263)
Ken F
Nov 2017
Brisk sunny late fall day, wonderful day for a tour on a Segway through parts of Vail that I have never seen. Outstanding instruction on how to use the Segway before departing so that first time riders felt confident on how to use the Segway. Guide provided very interesting information during the tour and we had the appropriate number of rest stops. Had a wonderful time.
Sep 2017
I was a bit nervous at first. There were three couples on this outting, all in the 50 - 60 year old range. Not one of us ever rode a Segway before. Upon arrival at Base Camp, we were greeted by John and Seth. We proceeded to watch a 6 minute video on how to use the Segway. After watching the video, I got more nervous seeing what can happen if you don’t follow directions. We were fitted with helmuts, then went outside to practice on the Segways. John took the 3 men and Seth took the 3 women. He taught each of us how to get on and off the Segway, how to steer, stop, move forward and backwards. We all then practiced on the streets of Vail Village. They even tested us going around cones and how to stop on a dime. We were then all ready to start our tour. John led us the whole way on our tour and Seth followed behind. We stopped at certain areas along our tour and John gave us some history at each stop. While John was sharing information about Vail, Seth was quietly taking photos of our group. After stopping at the Betty Ford Botanical Garden, we proceeded toward Vail Golf Couse. We rode on bike paths and an area of homes that were just beautiful. By now, we were all feeling very confident on our Segways, riding with ease. The tour was 90 minutes long. It was a perfect amount of time. Not too long, not too short. It was not necessary to whip out your phone/camera at every beautiful sight. Seth took so many photos and videos of our group. When our tour was over and we were back at Base Camp, Seth “Air-dropped” every photo and video to our phones. This Segway tour was one of the highlights of our trip to Vail. Would highly recommend this if anyone wants to try a different venture in Vail!!
Sep 2017
We found ourselves with a free afternoon and saw the segways out front at the Base Camp store (across from big bear bistro). Stopped in just in time for the 1:00 tour. We loved it! We've done one other Segway tour back home. Quick to learn and easy to handle. The segways have a speed limiters so you can't get into much trouble on hills or flats. The guides also made sure knew what we were doing before we headed out on the bike trail toward East Vail (past the Ford Gardens, the nature center and the golf course...) The guides were super friendly and knowledgeable about the area. Eager to share cool info about the geology and the history of the area. Highly recommend this for guests of all ages. Probably would be fun in winter too!

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