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Цити: Кауаи
Wed 12 Mar
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Са почетком у $138.67
Wed 12 Mar
Са почетком у $138.67
Шта је укључено
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Опуштена и забавна циљана тура до најпознатијих знаменитости Кауаија
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све физичке нивои кондиције
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Опаекаа Фаллс
Наш водич ће са вама поделити културни и историјски значај водопада Опаекаа, реке Ваилуа и околине.
Ваилуа Фаллс
Приближите се бујном водопаду високог 170 стопа.
Кауаи Цоффее Цомпани
Узорак кафе узгојене, убране и прерађене са највећег имања кафе у Северној Америци, Кауаи Цоффее Цомпани!
Калалау Лоокоут
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (3)
May 2020
Loved spending the day with Marcus and Wallis. They know the island like their own back yard! After the day with them, we felt like they were family! Will tour with them on any trip we take to Kauai'i
Mar 2020
In all my travels this is the best tour my wife and I have ever taken! Our tours were also by far the best offered on the island of Kauai!! We first did the Waimea Canyon tour and we were picked up promptly on time in a 14-15 passenger van that was spotless and very comfortable. As we began our tour the tour guides shared their exceptional knowledge of all things Hawaii! As we got to know our tour guides we realized that their authentic knowledge and welcoming personalities had much to do with the fact that they come from a family that has lived on Kauai for generations and their tour business is family owned and operated. Taking a tour with a family owned and operated tour company just can’t be matched by the bigger tour company’s!! They also offered stops on our tour that are unique and no one else offers. We loved the Waimea Canyon tour so much that the next day we went on their tour of the Northside of the Island. This was also exceptional with lots of photo opportunities just like our previous tour. Stops in Wailua, Kilauea Point Lighthouse, Hanalei Bay, and Heana, were among our top favorites. We were able to go places that no other tour offers and we were even introduced to a number of local Kauai residents along the way! As an added treat we even enjoyed live music and dance by our tour guides!! This was a one of a kind tour experience and is the the best of the best of what is offered on Kauai!!! Our tour guides Marcus and Wallis
Mar 2020
We had the privilege of touring the beautiful canyons and waterfalls with this company and enjoyed every minute of our day! The guys are locals and knew not only the best locations to show us, but also all the legends and stories of the areas that you won't find on the internet! Touring with Marcus and Wallis felt like hanging out with Ohana (family). We would definitely tour with them again! Mahalo!

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