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Добродошли у пешачку туру са водичем по Савани

Ова тура је одличан увод у Савану! Обилазак укључује колонијалне почетке и ратна бојишта револуционарног рата, цркве, споменике, позоришта, куће грађанског рата и филмске локације. Ми смо туристичка компанија без скрипте, можете постављати питања. Радије идемо на турнеју са малим групама. Ово је породична туристичка компанија за кућне љубимце.
Цити: Савана
Thu 24 Oct
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Thu 24 Oct
Са почетком у $25.00
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Сазнаћемо о настанку Грузије и обићи оригиналне тргове. Разговарајте о црквама, споменицима и обележјима колонијалног начина живота у овој области док путујемо у шетњу историјског округа на временској линији. Затим се наша тура наставља низ Булл Стреет. Обилазак траје једну миљу хода и укључује заустављања у домовима из грађанског рата, гробљу, позориштима и познатим филмским локацијама.
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (300)
Whitney H
Mar 2015
I visited Savannah for the first time with my two teenage daughters last week. We booked a private tour with Michelle on a Sunday afternoon to help orient ourselves and learn more of the history of this beautiful city. We were so glad we did! We all agreed that our time with Michelle was a highlight of our trip. You can tell that she has a passion for history and sharing with others the stories of Savannah. It was a pleasant walk and we never felt rushed. We were free to ask questions and it didn't seem to feel scripted. We probably could have listened to her all day and I'm sure if that was part of the deal, her wealth of knowledge could have gone on that long! Michelle was also good for many recommendations. We followed up on many of them during our stay. She told us of the most worthwhile homes to visit and some of the favorite local restaurants. We were glad to start with Michelle and then plan the rest of our visit accordingly. All three of us fell in love with Savannah.
ShellyandDavid M
Mar 2015
On Wednesday morning we met Michelle, who is one of the most friendly, entertaining and informative tour guides in Savannah. She blends history with current events and has the ability to answer pretty much any question that was asked on our tour. We spent 90 minutes on a leisure stroll through some of the many squares in Savannah's Historic District and heard the history of homes and buildings in the area. She had recommendations for touring museums and other historic locations, visiting favorite attractions, and suggested places to go for lunch and dinner during our stay. A Savannah Belle Walking Tour is highly recommended especially if you're in town for just a day or two.
Mar 2015
We spent a lovely morning with Michelle from Southern Belles this week, weaving in an out of the shady garden squares of the historic district of Savannah. Michele did a great job of combining history, trivia and society legend to keep a varied group interested and entertained. A walking tour is a great way to experience a new city and walking is the best pace to see and absorb the information you are given. if you want to know a bit more about the sights you are seeing, Savannah Belles will provide what you are looking for.

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