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Ова тура је одличан увод у Савану! Обилазак укључује колонијалне почетке и ратна бојишта револуционарног рата, цркве, споменике, позоришта, куће грађанског рата и филмске локације. Ми смо туристичка компанија без скрипте, можете постављати питања. Радије идемо на турнеју са малим групама. Ово је породична туристичка компанија за кућне љубимце.
Цити: Савана
Tue 22 Oct
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Tue 22 Oct
Са почетком у $25.00
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Коментара (300)
Cheryl D
Apr 2013
We purchased a Groupon because our guest at our Sea Pines timeshare agreed that a walking tour of Savannah would be interesting. The drive from Hilton Head Island takes 1 hour or so. We parked in a Savannah city parking lot, which is good because most metered spaces on the street allowed only 2 hours total and we returned to the parking lot after a total of 3 hours of touring and exploring. Our tour leader, Michele, was very informative and pointed out many of the historic area highlights. She noted that the open door of the nicely restored Lucas Theater indicated that self-guided tours were available today. Since I have been wanting to see the interior of the theater for many years, her comment was helpful and we made a point to visit after our Savannah Belle tour. That stop turned out to be a highlight. The interior design of the Lucas is well worth seeing. Michele was able to answer many questions about the history and architecture of the area, as well as pointing out some of the "haunted" locations we passed. We walked more than one mile during our one hour and 40 minute tour and were given a very good overview of the area. I would recommend this tour, even for those who have been to Savannah previously.
Mar 2013
We took a tour with Michelle on a Monday morning in March 2013. We were a party of two, and we joined a tour group of about 14 people ( a good size). Michelle was extremely professional, very knowledgeable and warm. We had debated taking several other tours, but settled on Savannah Belle after reading many reviews and also speaking with Michelle herself while booking the tours. Some pluses we found with this tour: 1. Booking was fast, pleasant and easy. Michelle was very accommodating when we made our reservations and also helpful with some questions I had. 2. Michelle provided a great combination of history, Savannah charm and local knowledge. She was able to tell her stories effectively, without being overly boring or overly animated. 3. The tour covered the major squares and gave us a good foundation of which major landmarks we wanted to further explore. Prior to the tour, my husband and I were not sure of what we wanted to see or do, but based on her suggestions we were able to go with what suited us best. The tour was a good amount of time- 2 hours and flew by quickly. This tour is a great way to start of a vacation in Savannah. I would highly suggest this tour to be taken at the beginning of your trip.
Mar 2013
We very much enjoyed our tour with Michelle! We had wandered around the squares a little the afternoon before, but hearing Michelle describe the history of the buildings and the squares of Savannah made everything so much more meaningful. She also had suggestions of sites, restaurants and house tours that helped with the rest of our trip. Michelle was easy to follow, answered many questions and kept the tour interesting and moving. Highly recommend!

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