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Крстарење за посматрање китова и делфина из Кејп Меја

Придружите се капетану Џефу Стјуарту и његовој искусној посади на крстарењу заливом Делавер и Атлантским океаном за трочасовно искуство посматрања китова и делфина. Ушће у заливу Делавер је уточиште за многе врсте морског живота, укључујући грбаве китове, атлантске добре делфине, зраке Манта, ајкуле вршалице, ајкуле чекићаре, лучке плискавице, лучке фоке, северне ганете, велике стрижене воде, галебове ћелаве и ала мноштво рибљих врста. Ово крстарење омогућава невероватно искуство на мору за породицу, као и за искусне авантуристе и морепловце, а у потпуности га прича ваш капетан, који ће указати на локалну историју заједно са многим врстама морског живота. <бр>Пловила у флоти Цапе Маи Вхале Ватцхер укључују 110 стопа дугачку Цапе Маи Вхале Ватцхер и 125 стопа дугачку Атлантис. Они су највећи те врсте, нудећи климатизацију и грејање, тоалете, седишта на горњој палуби и пуне барове са грицкалицама и јелима. Нуде максималну удобност!
Цити: Цапе Маи
Sat 16 Nov
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Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $45.00
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Коментара (522)
Nov 2015
We were reluctant to do this tour because of the many negative reviews. I purchased a groupon on Friday night and went on the tour Sunday. I had no problems with them accepting the groupon, made reservations via phone the day before (saturday). Because we took the tour mid-November there were about 25-30 people so we basically had the boat to ourselves! We saw many dolphins and did come across one humpback whale and were able to get many great photos of it feeding. He did many "lunge feedings" as the captain called it. This is where they shoot up out of the water with their mouths wide open. The captain was great narrating the history of Cape May as we toured the island going out & coming back in. He also gave plenty of interesting facts about the marine life there. My 6 year old daughter thoroughly enjoyed it and learned lots!! I would definitely recommend this tour and especially this company. If taking the tour during the warmer months with children I would definitely grab a spot at the front of the boat by the rails & stay there, otherwise they may not be able to see anything. I added photos of the dolphins and humpback whale we saw. What an amazing sight!
Oct 2015
We have taken three excursions on the Cape May Whale Watcher over the last 14 months, and each one was a true pleasure. The first two included wine tastings and cruisings past three lighthouses, along with dolphin watching. There are always plenty of dolphins to watch, it seems. Most recently, we went on a three-hour dolphin-and-whale cruise ... and indeed we were treated to 30 minutes of watching a magnificent humpback whale repeatedly surface, including a few tail flips. What impresses me most is that the crew are exceptionally friendly and caring of both their guests and of the marine life they observe. The captain and another crew member, who I assume is a naturalist, provide plenty of useful information about the marine life, sights and history. Highly recommended for a nice escape from land.
Oct 2015
Spend your hard earned money elsewhere this company doesn't deserve it! While I always try to support family businesses and their efforts, I have nothing nice to say about this family owned company. This company has no concept of customer service and would rather turn away 8 people who traveled 2 hours to go on their tour then even make some kind of effort to work out a problem. There is another whale-watching boat tour on the same street, I would purchase their tickets instead! I feel like there is something a bit sneaky going on with this "family owned" business based on our experience and the fact that other people in line with us had the same or similar issues with pre-purchased tickets... We purchased our 2-hour tour tickets on Groupon (for 8 people total) and tried to book a 10am, 2-hour tour for a birthday celebration on 10/10. When we called a few weeks prior, we were told by the female that answered the phone that the 2-hour tours may not be running this time of year because there may not be enough people. She said that our tickets would be honored for the 3-hour tour at 1pm that day at NO extra cost. Three days prior to our family's 2 hour drive to this marina, we confirmed that there would be no 2-hour two and that our tickets would be honored for their 3-hour tour... We were told YES. When we arrived, Bridget, in the office would not honor our tickets and we were told that we had to pay an extra $10 per ticket ($80 total) or call Groupon and try to get a refund. There was no effort made to try to resolve the problem and she refused to check for our reservation in their system to check for the note that our tickets would be honored. She was incredibly rude and unprofessional. She claimed, with an attitude, that she was the only female who answers the phones and that we must have spoken to her but she would never have told us that she would honor tickets because they are already loosing money on the Groupon deals and would not loose more money by honoring 2-hour tickets for a 3-hour tour. She also claimed to speak to over 400 people a day and so she couldn't possibly remember our conversation ...but basically accused US of being liars. I asked for an owner and was advised that Bridget is a manager (who was clearly never trained in being polite to PAYING customers). All this occurred under the sign hung at the desk to "be nice or leave".... considering there were numerous people sitting in the office staring at us and listening to our conversation but not one tried to right THEIR wrong, I consider this to be even more reason no one should utilize their tours. The captain also made a joke on the tour that people seem to think a 2-hour tour is the same as a 3-hour tour. As stated earlier, there were numerous other arguments going on at the ticket booth the morning we were there regarding pre-purchased tickets not being honored. We were told we could be booked on the 2-hour tour the next day...but then we would then have to pay for a hotel in order to not be upgraded and pay the extra $10 each. This was supposed to be a fun, relaxing day trip! We upgraded only because we made the drive down and had 8 people who had made plans to do this. Had we been locals we would NEVER have given more money to this money-hungry, uncaring, unprofessional, sneaky company. Oh, we did see dolphin on the tour but it was very rough, the captain made awful quick turns that made numerous people ill, the food is expensive and the entire crew was also rude.

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