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Искуство рафтинга на бијелој води на ријеци Уппер Пигеон

Клисура реке Пигеон сече од истока ка западу преко Смоки планина од Северне Каролине до Тенесија. Као једно од најпопуларнијих рафтинг путовања у Америци, Горњи део реке Пигеон нуди гостима најбољи увод у белу воду било где.
Цити: Хартфорд
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $43.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $43.00
Шта је укључено
Укључена опрема: прслук за спасавање, кацига и весло
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Гости ће се тада састати са својим личним водичем и добити неопходну опрему, укључујући: прслук за спасавање, кацигу и весло.<ли>Након што ваш водич још једном провери да ли је сва опрема правилно постављена, гости затим ускачу. нашим аутобусом за кратку 10-минутну вожњу до почетне тачке за ваше путовање.
Шта да очекујете
Пигеон Ривер
Клисура Пигеон Ривер пресеца исток ка западу преко Смоки планина од Северне Каролине до Тенесија, нудећи веслачима панорамски поглед на Велике Смоки планине док се хладе од летње врућине.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (470)
Jul 2013
Some friends and I decided to go white water rafting while on a "kids free" vacation and chose Big Creek Expeditions.....man are we glad we did!! Not only was the entire experience great from the easy online scheduling, the friendly women at check in and the enthusiastic river guides but it was made that much better because of our guide, Benji. From the moment I saw his red, white and blue painted toenails I knew he was a little thrown off and was exactly who I wanted as a guide. Sure enough, he called out my party's name and he didn't disappoint. The guy is crazy but very professional. He's not only a great river guide but was very knowledgeable on things like the local plant life and history of the area. We all had a great time and would definitely go back. If you go, ask for Benji. You won't be sorry.
Wayne W
Jul 2013
We had a great time on the Pigeon River with Big Creek Expeditions on our family vacation! Our guide Benji was excellent! He made sure that each of us thoroughly enjoyed our experience. He made my 9 year old daughter feel safe and treated her like a princess. Those of us in the group that were a little apprehensive were reassured by his confidence. He expertly guided us through class III and Class IV Rapids. His knowledge about the flora and fauna of the area added to our experience but his sense of humor and larger than life personality really made the trip. I can say that I am very happy that we were with as capable a guide as Benji when I was violently ejected from the raft during a particularly challenging Class IV rapid. Everyone in the raft remained calm and I was back in the raft just in time for our next challenge. We were blessed that mother nature offered us some of the best possible conditions with consistent rain leading up to our trip. We experienced some BIG water and made some memories that will last a lifetime. Thanks Benji and Big Creek Expeditions!
Susan M
Jul 2013
From the get-go Big Creek Expeditions is a first class operation. Reservations, facilities, expert guides, great water (make sure to ask if it is a "release" day when you plan to go - Class III and IV rapids), wonderful photo CD of your trip available, and even decent bus transport combined with excellent pre-trip instruction makes this adventure one worth experiencing. We had a terrific time on this scenic river. We will definitely go again! Not all outfitters are equal. If you want to go on the Pigeon River, this is the way to do it, first class! The put-in location is adjacent to I-40 so others not going on your trip can follow the bus and at least watch you put in and take on some immediate rapids and snap a photo or two of your adventure. Do order their photo CD. (Tip: Sit on the left side of the raft or in the front for best photo ops) Camping facilities and food are available. You can't beat it!

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