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Дивље животиње и глечери са шетњом у прашуми

Ова тура је одличан начин да доживите неке невероватне знаменитости Аљаске, дивље животиње, глечере и прашуму у року од пола дана. Ваш водич ће вас покупити из центра Енкориџа и возити се дуж Турнагаин Арм-а, који се може похвалити богатим сликовитим погледом и дивљим животињама Аљаске у оквиру лаког приступа граду Енкориџу. Успут ћете сазнати многе занимљиве чињенице о историји ове области, животињама и екосистему од свог искусног водича.<бр>Посетићете Центар за заштиту дивљих животиња, који се налази на крају Турнагаин Арм-а и окружен је планинским врховима. Имаћете прилику да сами истражите и посетите многе животиње у центру, укључујући мрке медведе, вукове, карибуе, лосове и угроженог шумског бизона. <бр>Након Центра за дивље животиње, имаћете прилику да видите величанствену долину Портаге, неколико миља вожње од Центра за дивље животиње. Овде ћете уживати у неколико невероватних видиковаца на глечере, језера, реке и јединствену прашуму.<бр>
Цити: Анцхораге
Sat 16 Nov
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Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $115.00
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Центар за заштиту дивљих животиња Аљаске
Погледајте најпознатије животиње Аљаске изблиза у природном окружењу. Током ове посете, добићете сјајне слике правих живих медведа, лоса, мошусних волова, карибуа, бизона и још много тога! Центар за заштиту дивљих животиња Аљаске (АВЦЦ) је уточиште посвећено очувању дивљих животиња Аљаске кроз очување, истраживање, образовање и квалитетну негу животиња. АВЦЦ је обезбедио бригу о стотинама расељених животиња јер су посетиоци попут вас дали критичан допринос у виду улазница, донација, чланства и куповине у продавницама поклона.
Државни парк Чугач
Белуга Поинт: Популарно фото заустављање са панорамским погледом на Турнагаин Арм, са могућим приликама да се виде овце Далл и китови Белуга. Тајминг је све, надамо се да ћете видети обоје!
Портаге Глациер
Долина Портаге: Видећете глечер Екплорер, средњи глечер, глечер Бајрон и прошетајте кроз прашуму. Затим узмите ужину или оброк да бисте уживали у вожњи назад до Анкориџа у Портаге Даи Лодге.
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (315)
Jul 2019
So the tour is set for 11 am. However later on in the description it says 1230. I raised a query through Viator and not having had a response called the company the next day. Very rude response as if picking up phone was a huge effort. The person said they had emailed me to clarify; I assume emails are slow in Alaska because two days later it still has not arrived. The first stop was to see the world's biggest chocolate fountain! What that has to do with the scenic wonders of Alaska is beyond my comprehension. That lost us 30 minutes for no good reason. Seems to me it was designed to boost sales for the chocolate factory. There was no walk in a rain forest. The last stop at a nature reserve was missed out because one person did not have time. The rest of of us were not asked if we agreed, At the Wild Life Center the driver failed to tell the passengers where and when we would depart ...we had to ask him individually. His initial plan seemed to be to let us see the bears being fed then a quick drive around the park and exit. Before the Wild Life Centre we stopped, after 2 PM, at the Portage Day Lodge for 30 minutes. Another gift shop for a snack and so the driver could get lunch. The driver did give a very good explanation of glacial recession by referring to his own 1989 photograph. That was as good as it got. The guide spoke for no more than 20 minutes during a 5 hour trip. There was so much more he might have told us about now the scenery was formed. If you are doing tours like this they need to be educational. As we got back to Anchorage the driver provided graphic details of a serial killer who flew his victims to the wilderness, having raped them, and hunted them. This was despite there being 4 young children on the trip. Just very poor. Frankly it deserves no stars.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Thank you for your review. I am so sorry you were unhappy with the Wildlife & Turnagain Arm Tour. The tour was designed to be self-guided at the Wildlife Center and we make certain that we arrive in time for you to see the brown bear & black bear feeding. We also go to Wildberry Products a (bonus stop) for you to see the Worlds Largest Chocolate Waterfall and enjoy sample chocolates. We stop at Beluga Point, Explorer Glacier, Byron Glacier and you enjoy a walk through the rainforest. Most people find this enchanting and spiritual. On the return we offer to make a "bonus stop" at Potter Marsh (if all customers agree and are not on a time constraint) for you to see wild salmon coming up stream to spawn. Wildlife is never guaranteed but often a moose is sighted. Your guide was Steve and he is a long time sourdough and most people find his "old timer" stories informative and enlightening. Perhaps you had a personality clash because he is a sourdough. He does carry about 100 people a week and we have had few complaints. I am so sorry you did not enjoy your experience. Agian, most of our reviews are because of these bonus stops. We never rush you through the Wildlife Center and we always give an hour. The rainforest is right behind the lodge and it was pointed out that you would have time during the lunch break to take the walk after or before your meal.
Caroline H
Jul 2019
If you are thinking of taking this tour...don’t. It is a complete waste of time and money. Our tour time was changed without any notification and when we rang to check they were rude. The driver/guide was useless and just kept hurrying us along so that we could waste 30 minutes at the portage day camp building where he had lunch. He tried to hurry us around the conservation centre but we all refused to be pushed into leaving 15 minutes after we had arrived. In the end we stayed for about an hour. The few stops we had were rushed. At one point he was driving, pointed and said there’s a glacier and kept on driving. We were supposed to have a walk in a rain forest. That didn’t happen. He also said we would be stopping at a bird sanctuary on the way back. That didn’t happen either. We wasted five hours. Oh, and the first stop was at a small chocolate factory and gift shop. Definitely not part of the tour description. I can only assume the owners pay the tour company to deliver unsuspecting tourists. The final straw came when he described in some detail the events of a serial killing in Anchorage years ago. There were four young children on the bus. It was a dreadful experience and ruined our only full day in Anchorage.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Thank you for your review. I am so sorry you were unhappy with the Wildlife & Turnagain Arm Tour. The tour was designed to be self-guided at the Wildlife Center and we make certain that we arrive in time for you to see the brown bear & black bear feeding. We also go to Wildberry Products a (bonus stop) for you to see the Worlds Largest Chocolate Waterfall and enjoy sample chocolates. We stop at Beluga Point, Explorer Glacier, Byron Glacier and you enjoy a walk through the rainforest. Most people find this enchanting and spiritual. On the return we offer to make a "bonus stop" at Potter Marsh (if all customers agree and are not on a time constraint) for you to see wild salmon coming up stream to spawn. Wildlife is never guaranteed but often a moose is sighted. Your guide was Steve and he is a long time sourdough and most people find his "old timer" stories informative and enlightening. Perhaps you had a personality clash because he is a sourdough. He does carry about 100 people a week and we have had few complaints. I am so sorry you did not enjoy your experience. Agian, most of our reviews are because of these bonus stops. We never rush you through the Wildlife Center and we always give an hour. The rainforest is right behind the lodge and it was pointed out that you would have time during the lunch break to take the walk after or before your meal.
Jul 2019
I would stay away from this tour company. Horrible custmer service, unethical, rude and they dont care about your concerns. Dont use them unless you want to waste your money. You are better off on your own even if you dont know anything about Alaska. You will definetely will not learn anything on this tour.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
We have carried thousands of customers and have had a 90 percent approval rating. Please read the reviews and no that we are one of the best in the tour industry. We take pride in always answering the phone even after hours. There is no problem we can solve as long as the customer is able to make informed decisions once we give options. We always try to accommodate but when a customer does not we have no other option but to cancel the reservation.

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