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Зима - обилазак града Анкориџа

Ова тура је осмишљена тако да туристима са изазовима превоза пружи прилику да виде предграђе Енкориџа по разумној цени.<бр><бр>Анкориџ је највећи градски град на Аљасци. На обиласку града Анкориџа комбиновали смо тешко доступне тражене атракције које се налазе на најудаљенијим угловима Енкориџа. Ово вам оставља могућност да лагано приступите туристичким атракцијама у центру града једноставним праћењем мапе пешачке туре.<бр><бр>Наш возач увек радо понуди предлоге знаменитости или друге туре које не смете да пропустите.<бр><бр>Обилазак Укључује: већину популарних локација Енкориџа у граду<бр>Аљаске Вилд Берри Продуцтс, Схип Цреек, Еартхкуаке Парк, Поинт Воронзоф, Универзитет Аљаске, фабрику Улу, чак и болницу за домородце Аљаске где ћете видети једну од највећих колекција домородаца на Аљасци Арт.<бр><бр>Наравно, увек постоји шанса да се види "Градски лос". Популација лосова у граду током зиме је екстремна.
Цити: Анцхораге
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $65.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $65.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности
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Научите историју, порекло и како да користите УЛУ нож који су домороци користили за уклањање коже китова и лососа.
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Пре доласка у Земљотресни парк посетићемо изложбе како бисмо сазнали више о земљотресу 1964 - 9,2.
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Производи од дивљих бобица Аљаске
У Аласка Вилд Берри Продуцтс видећете највећи водопад на свету са чоколадном водом! Водопад укључује преко 3000 фунти чоколаде, аутентичне бакарне котлове за слаткише и посебно изграђен систем за загревање и мешање. Чоколада шикља из главе фонтане, спушта се низ котлове, а затим се слаже у усковитлани чоколадни базен. И успут, ако сте у искушењу слатким мирисом да пробате неки од растопљених слаткиша, молим вас немојте. Чоколадни водопад је само за ваше визуелно уживање. Продавница има доста укусне чоколаде на шалтеру са слаткишима са ваше леве стране. И можете узорковати пре куповине.
Занатска радња медицинског центра Аљаске
Посетите Медицински центар Аљаске (АНМЦ) – Ок, па ако нисте домаћи, можда мислите да не бисте имали разлога да посетите АНМЦ, али грешите. У овој болници видећете једну од највећих колекција домородне уметности из целе Аљаске која представља преко 227 федерално признатих племена на Аљасци и која је ривал свему што ћете видети у музеју. У ствари, колекција је вероватно боља. Овде ћете добити прави укус богате историје домородаца Аљаске и научити о АНЦСА. Ту је и продавница поклона домородаца од које ће вам се слинити... Они дају само 20 процената на уметност, за разлику од марже од 150 процената коју налазите у центру града. А ако одлучите да купите, зар се не бисте осећали добро знајући да приход од ваше куповине иде за побољшање здравствене заштите? Да, мислили смо тако. Често су на лицу места домаћи занатлије који продају своју робу, па чак и домородну храну. Занатска радња је затворена суботом и недељом и ради само од 10 до 14 часова.
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Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (29)
Dec 2019
We took the all around city tour and it was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! The owner gave the tour and went out of his way to make sure our tour was special! Stopping at all the scenic points, making sure we saw a moose, very knowledgeable about the earthquakes, made sure we ate, and was safe the whole time. I read the previous review and there is no way this tour could have been bad. The owner is one of the nicest sweetest people I have met in a long time. There is no way there is a bad bone in his body. I WOULD RECCOMEND TAKING THIS TOUR TO ANYONE!! The tour was so good that we are taking another tour with him tomorrow!
Dec 2019
This tour is operated by "Alaska's Finest Tours & Cruises" - as a first timer and local to the US, we had unpleasant experience with the tour guide. The guide was rude, frustrated, discourteous, disrespectful in correspondence and some what bully on us. I am glad the guide did not get into physical handling. It was a scary experience for my wife and myself. We tried our best to not upset the guide in any way. We cut the trip short and let the guide go to save ourself from more verbal harassment. The whole day was ruined. Also, according to the tour guide, I should "judge" all the people of Alaska as the least welcoming people. The guide is either in wrong business or needs some communication soft skills.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2020
Thank you for your recent review. The most alarming part of your review is that you were out on tour with the owner of the company and so it is hard to find your review to be factual, authentic or credible. If you look up your driver anywhere on TripAdvisor you will see that 95 percent of Ben’s reviews are in the five star rating. Alaska’s Finest Tours & Cruises has 13 different tours and carry’s over 6,000 customers seasonally. Your driver/owner has been in business since 1997 and prior to that worked in the Airline Industry for over 9 years and worked for American Express Travel for 4 years. In his formative years he worked with his tribe at one of Alaska’s largest Native Corporations. Customer service has been embedded in his head during high school, at the worlds largest airline, the worlds largest travel agency and all this prior to starting his company. The things you have stated appear to be spiteful and with malaise and these things you say happened are just untrue. If something like this were to occur we know you would have had several alternatives to address the situation. One talk directly to the driver, two call the company with a formal complaint and most importantly since we pick up and drop off at the Anchorage Downtown Visitors Center you could have complained direct. None of this occurred. The only negative thing that happened on your tour is that you arrived at our departure point at the departure time and asked where to park. At that point your driver said follow me to FREE all day parking which was not disrespectful or confrontational. You did just that and the tour was able to begin. We had no other negative communication and certainly not anything that you say happened in your review. The statement that makes you the least bit credible is you claim the driver told you... "you should "judge" all the people of Alaska as the least welcoming people". Why would an owner ever state this especially one with an intensive background in the service industry? The people of Alaska are the most welcoming and we love our visitors that come to our great State. Listen, we value credible reviews because it helps us better our services provided. Reviews like yours make us wonder if there is a more nefarious intent. The owner believes in encouraging guest to provide open reviews, which upholds accuracy and fosters credibility which is why we value our partner TripAdvisor. We find that the statements that were made in your review to be incorrect or untrue and is made especially with intent to deceive or mislead and possibly hurt the company. Your review makes no mention about the content of the tour and therefore appears spiteful. It could be because the tour is cultural and talks about Alaska Natives where they have come from, how they sued the United States to win the largest land claim settlement in the history of the United States, how they got to be successful and their dreams for the future. Some people don’t take a liking to the fact that Natives have overcome challenges past and present. This is a cultural tour and because the owner is Alaska Native and proud of his heritage, we don’t foresee changing the Alaska Native narrative on our tour. It is what makes our tour stand out from those who do not provide Alaska Native culture which in most tourism climates is well sought after. We look forward to showing future guest all of the sites you did not mention in your review. On our city tour we take guest to most of Anchorage’s popular sites in town. Alaska Wild Berry Products, Ship Creek, Earthquake Park, Point Woronzof, University of Alaska, the Ulu Factory, even the Alaska Native Hospital where you will see one of Alaska’s largest collection of Native Art. This tour includes a cultural Narrative about Alaska’s indigenous people.

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