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Ие Олде Таверн Тоурс

Ие Олде Таверн Тоурс нуди историјске обиласке таверни у Бостону јер верујемо да пиво чини историју још бољом! На нашим пешачким турама са водичем видећете десет локација на стази слободе и попити пиво у неким од најисторијских таверни у земљи. Када посетите Бостон, постоје одређена историјска места и приче које не би требало да напустите а да нисте видели и чули, а све то ћете радити на нашој турнеји, све док пијете пиво! <бр><бр>Вођени стручно обученим историчарима (наши водичи имају минималну диплому из историје и многи од њих тренутно раде на или имају докторат из историје), научићете о пијаној и револуционарној историји Бостон у осамнаестом веку. <бр><бр>Сваку турнеју ограничавамо на 12 људи како бисмо пружили интимно и приступачно искуство. Наше туре су најзабавнији и најдруштвенији начин да доживите Бостон!<бр><бр>Ми смо мала локална фирма и веома ценимо вашу подршку!<бр><бр>СВИ ГОСТИ МОРАЈУ ДА ИМАЈУ 21+ ГОДИНА. БЕЗ ИЗУЗЕТКА.<бр>
Цити: Бостон
Sat 16 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $75.00
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $75.00
Шта је укључено
Пиво је укључено у сваку од три историјске таверне у којима се обилазак зауставља.
Напојница за кафанско особље
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Сви гости морају имати 21 годину или више са важећом личном картом. Без изузетака.<ли>Сви гости морају да попуне одрицање од одговорности.
Шта да очекујете
Фреедом Траил
Погледајте 10 историјских места на Бостонској стази слободе.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (107)
Apr 2017
Brooke and Charlie did an amazing job entertaining us while providing a history of Boston and tour of some amazing taverns. They brought history alive while intertwined tales of the pre-revolutionary times. Although we have lived in Boston, worked in Boston and love Boston...we learned so many fun details while enjoying the stops along the way of famous buildings and taverns! The best food/drink tour we have ever taken! This is how we will show out of town visitors Boston!
Mar 2017
Brooke is not only a noted Historian, but a gracious hostess who ensured that each of her guests (please note that we were treated as guests; not clients or people who just payed money for a quick history lesson and a few beers) felt welcome; wanted, and as if each of us were there for a reason. Her enthusiasm for Boston history is infectious and there was not one question asked that couldn't be answered. Her encouragement for attendees to try a different beverage than we would normally drink at each step was great advice and both my husband and I ventured off our normal path and enjoyed every stop. While the stories at in between and at each Tavern was so interesting, gaining an understanding of the importance of Taverns in general in our countries history and makes me look at going and having a pint a bit differently than I have in the past. That perhaps, it's more about connecting with people in whatever community we're in at the time instead of staying so isolated among ourselves. Our group was fantastic and I imagine that Brooke does a fine job of pulling us all together which is quite a gift. This is a tour that, though I had fun with my husband, I'd be very comfortable doing on my own knowing that I'd quickly be surrounded by friends and would have a complete blast. I've already read Brooke's first book on the history of Boston and will look forward to her next one. She is truly a gem and gives honor to the memories of these rebels who influenced the Revolution. If we are lucky enough to return to Boston, we'll make sure we attend another tour. If YOU'RE lucky enough to get to Boston (or LIVE there!) before we return; do it! It's amazing.
Stephen r
Feb 2017
Had different family members come into Boston over the past two weekends - they were all between the ages of 24 and 32 - and we were looking for a fun, grown up tour that we could all do. Ye Olde Tavern Tour was the perfect choice! Brooke and Nina were great tour guides and really know their stuff when it comes to the history of Boston around the Revolutionary War. We all learned a ton of history and we also loved the taverns they took us to along the way. I would highly recommend the Ye Olde Tavern Tour if you are looking for a fun adult tour in Boston!! Everyone in our group had a blast!

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