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Тура сумрака језера Иелловстоне

Побегните од гужве у Јелоустону и дођите кајаком по кристално чистој води највећег високог алпског језера Северне Америке! Јелоустон је изузетно заузет, и са добрим разлогом, то је невероватно место. Међутим, гужва може одузети уживање у месту. Резервацијом са Присматицом, бићете прва група на води и имаћете осећај као да имате парк само за себе. Специјализовани смо за мале групе, одржавајући искуство интимним и личним. Дођите да откријете дивљу страну Јелоустона данас! Погодно за породицу!
Цити: Јелоустоун
Mon 24 Feb
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $160.00
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $160.00
Шта је укључено
Укључена сва кајакашка опрема! Кајак, весло, прслук за спашавање, опрема за прскање и сигурносна опрема.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Руке средство за дезинфекцију на располагању путницима и особљу<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфицира између употребе<ли>Водичи који су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Наши водичи ће носити маске док поздрављају госте и помажу гости се уграђују у своје чамце.
Шта да очекујете
Западни гејзирски басен
Наша турнеја у сумрак је путовање од 4 до 5 миља и обично траје око 3 сата. Након кратке оријентације са вашим водичем, група ће веслати дуж обале језера Иелловстоне, највећег високог алпског језера у Северној Америци! У зависности од временских услова и могућности групе, наши водичи ће безбедно отпратити групу до Западног гејзира басена. Након обиласка басена гејзира, где су десетине геотермалних обележја видљиве изнад и испод површине воде, вратићемо се истом рутом, заустављајући се ради освежења и прилике да истражимо дуж обале језера, и враћамо се на нашу лансирну тачку у Грант Марина пре заласка сунца. Време повратка може да варира у зависности од величине групе, времена, кондиције и, наравно, времена заласка сунца.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (30)
Aug 2022
The guides Mattie and Alan were fantastic. They were so helpful and very concerned with everyone’s safety.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Thanks for coming out with us even when the weather wasn’t looking great. Maddi and Allen are great at what they do, thank you for the review!
Christina A
Aug 2022
This is one of the most unprofessional services we have ever gotten from a tour provider. We have ordered the Twilight Kayak tour on Yellowstone Lake. When I ordered I checked online the sunset time to see if we would be comfortable driving back to our hotel. This means that Prismatic would have similar access, unless they just use their local experience. We actually never got on the tour as the guide didn’t show up!! The one star is that they did refund us our money! We have booked 6:30 and arrived early (around 6pm). A big group from another company was setting up and said that Prismatic normally will set up just next to them later. There was another small group of 3 on the beach, we didn’t approach them. At 7:10 pm we left leaving them a note in their van (window was open). The next day at noon when we were out of the park and again had mobile reception (which is not available in the park so we couldn’t call each other) I wrote to them, and complained. Then they told me that they haha be moved the tour an hour earlier and have waited for us until just after 6 pm. They never answered if that was the small group we saw - poor service IF it was them that the guide didn’t approach us if she knew she was missing two and they have changed the time. Also I find it strange to change the time less than 24hrs before without making sure the customer confirm receiving the message. I also received a message that the tour was cancelled due to weather conditions - not sure if it is just a standard reply. Last but not least, I got a rude reply from them saying that the other company we approach is not reliable to them, so we could not trust their guidance and they have informed us so we were late. I think they believe that have giving us extraordinary service by giving us refund. They didn’t consider the inconvenience of our planning and driving 2x45 mins for nothing, plus the waiting time or that we missed out on a properly amazing experience that we had looked forward to. What they should consider having some communication board “on site” on their trailer van for emergency information and not reply on online communication only. Also planning better ahead on thinks like sunset timing etc. Things can happen but their response was unprofessional and not reliable. And due to that I will not recommend them.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
I apologize for the misunderstanding, and thank you for this well written review. I’m sorry you didn’t see the correct time for your Twilight paddle listed on your confirmation email that you opened the day before your tour. We send confirmation emails that have the correct time listed on them to all of our tours booked. I explained this in detail a few weeks ago in email. Due to Safety concerns we decided to move the time of our Twilight tours 1 hour forward and reached out to all of our bookings with Twilight tours multiple times to confirm new meet up time. We cancelled YOUR trip because we failed to connect at the right time so that I was then able to REFUND your trip per your request. Demanding to be reimbursed for fuel expenses and time lost went a little too far in my book but I will offer you to Come on back next year for a trip on us. Twilight tours typically start at 530 until August 15, and we move them to 5pm to adjust for the earlier sunset. Thanks again for the review and bringing clarity to how it all played out. Our Meet Up Times at Grant Village Boat Ramp are as Follows 730 AM Picnic Paddle 10 AM 3 Hr paddle 530 PM twilight until August 15 5:00 PM Twilight August 16- Sept 15 430 PM Twilight Sept 16 and beyond. It can be confusing. Sorry again that you weren’t able to make it out.
Aug 2022
Great Time kayaking on the Lake with Dylan while the sun was rising down. Very unic experience that i recommend to anyone !
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Great to hear! The sunsets can be amazing up there at 8000 feet. Gold star ⭐️ for Dylan.

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