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У Националном парку Зион није дозвољена ниједна компанија за излете ван пута. У овој индустрији добијате оно што плаћате, квалитет кошта; не извињавамо се због квалитета наших обилазака. Посебно дозвољено од Завода за управљање земљиштем - једина компанија која посећује ово подручје. 4 сата повратно! Далеко од разгледања, истраживачког и интерактивног; право теренско искуство џипа! Заустављање на местима која вас занимају - залогај кактуса бодљикаве крушке. Волимо да јуримо гуштере, уживамо у змијама из даљине. Достизање 5.300 стопа надморске висине, 30 миља стазе. Савршена мрежа историје, геологије и нетакнуте високе пустиње. Озбиљно, погледи који парирају Великом кањону; тако тихо да чујеш како ветар клизи са гавранова крила! Тура нуди мир, самоћу и спокој. Наши водичи разбијају калуп (који познају историју, геологију, како су Индијанци живели пре хиљадама година). Дизајниран да буде најмање прашњави обилазак џипа са погледом од 360 степени. У послу од 2014.
Цити: Национални парк Зион
Sat 28 Dec
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Са почетком у $131.70
Sat 28 Dec
Са почетком у $131.70
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Гранола Барс
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све физичке нивои фитнеса<ли>Нико више од 280 фунти. дозвољено на нашем обиласку џипова због ограничења појаса, седишта и вешања<ли>Доступни су џипови са 5 и 7 путника<ли>$ Накнада за водича /Гратиса (готовина) - - 25 УСД мин. по особи се очекује да буде достављен вашем водичу<ли>Дозвољено је узраста од 8 до 75 година - није дозвољено аутоседишта<ли>$ Порези/таксе укључене у цену<ли> Ово је интерактивна тура: Путницима мора бити омогућено да пешаче до занимљивих места.<ли>Ниједна компанија за теренска путовања није дозвољена у Националном парку Сион
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Национални парк Зион
Пружамо најбољу туру која ова област може да понуди. Наша компанија живи под мотом „Поштење, интегритет и поштовање“ и волели бисмо да вам пружимо прилику да вам служимо док сте у овој области. Једина компанија која посећује ово подручје. Далеко од разгледања, истраживачког и интерактивног; право теренско искуство џипа! Зауставите се на местима која вас занимају - пијете свежу кишницу из камених базена или гризете кактус бодљикаве крушке. Волимо да јуримо гуштере и уживамо у змијама из даљине. Досегните 5300 стопа надморске висине, 30 миља стазе. Савршена мрежа историје, геологије и нетакнуте високе пустиње. Погледи који парирају Великом кањону! Нуди мир, самоћу и спокој. Наши водичи разбијају калуп (знање о историји, геологији, како су Индијанци живели пре хиљадама година). Обезбеђивање погледа од 360 степени. У овој индустрији добијате оно што плаћате, квалитет кошта; не извињавамо се због квалитета наших обилазака. НАПОМЕНА: У оквиру ЗНП-а није дозвољено ниједно офф-роад тоур друштво.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (126)
Oct 2020
Perfect back country tour...to amazing vistas..with excellent and fun commentary along the way! The afternoon tour was wonderful as the Sun highlighted the beautiful shades of the mountains! Setting sun behind cliffs/mountains spectacular! Be prepared for bit of “rough riding” on rocky roads in the Jeep... They had water and few snacks but u might to want to take couple snacks of your own...theirs were bare minimum... But great views! Don’t pass it up!
Oct 2020
So I've traveled everywhere from Africa to Amsterdam, Australia to Thailand, Scotland to Japan and done my fair share of tours. This tour is very pricey for what you get, a bumpy and dusty ride through some fire roads and a little back country of Utah. We thought we would get some spectacular views that would otherwise be impossible to see in the park or at least be treated by the guide according to what we paid. Boy were we wrong. We heard more about the guide's ex-wives and world travels than the local environment or any other fun fact that may have set this tour apart from anything else you would have done or seen in the park. Then when we stopped for a break, we got a bottle of water and a package of fruit snacks. We would have been blown away with maybe fruit, or hell, a $5 meat/cheese plate from the local store. That's what the price of this tour entices you to believe. Instead we were pretty much told to hurry the heck up at the bathroom break and not make a mess in the Jeep. Not a huge deal but they didn't even honor the military discount they quoted me.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2020
As a man of your stature, retired Airforce and a commercial pilot, we are shocked that you did not have enough integrity to pick up the telephone and discuss your problems with us prior to word vomiting all over this forum and trying to jade our tour company with a sterling reputation. “I have integrity, that’s what I do when I have an issue with a company.” At Zion Country Off-Road Tours we absolutely give the best jeep tour this area has to offer and we stand behind that. Reading through your review it sounds ridiculous, as if we did nothing right. As a world traveler you found our 4-hour jeep tour to be pricey at $100 an adult / $80 a child? You did not find the views beautiful? You were expecting hand cut fruit or a meat platter? You were informed up front that no outside food or drink is allowed inside the jeep, and yet you still chose to open your bag of sticky grapes and pass the bag amongst your family of five in front of other guests. Maybe you are upset because your guide asked you to not make a mess inside the jeep. In sharing this review with your guide, he remembers your family well. He was shocked to read this review as your wife mentioned several times what an amazing time she was having and your children seemed to enjoy the viewpoints. You gave your guide an extravagant gratuity for a tour that you seem to have not enjoyed based on your review. No off-road tour company can go inside ZNP and we are the only jeep tour company that offers a true off-road experience. The issues you mention regarding your guide have swiftly been addressed. We strongly support all branches of the military and are more than happy to offer a military discount for those who ask. You state above, “Not a huge deal but they didn't even honor the military discount they quoted me.” This quote is unfounded. As an owner operated tour company, you speak to the owners when you book your tour. Unfortunately, you did not ask for a military discount at the time you called us and booked your tour. We certainly wish you would have given us a telephone call and handled this privately so you could have experienced our outstanding customer service.
Oct 2020
I'm a bit torn on how to give this review. I can't say this wasn't a good tour. I also can't say it was exceptional. I must note that we don't have any other similar tour to compare it to as it is the only one we've done. I am basing my comments off of what I read on the website - which is what sold me to choose this tour over all the other companies. The scenery is amazing and tour guide did his best to keep communication going with a rather quiet crowd. He provided sufficient water and a fruit snack pack. We drove straight up to a certain point, were given some history, had a quick chance to snap a few quick picks and then quickly head back to the jeep to head back (with a bathroom stop each way). I was expecting a bit more than that (and also overheard the other family say the same). The website states that they stop at the "spots" that interest the group which is why I expected more than the one stop. The website states no children under 7 are allowed ("We apologize for the inconvenience, but our Premium Jeep Tour does not allow service animals or children under the age of 7 so as to not distract from our guests having a wonderful experience while out on tour"). We had 2. One fell asleep. So how "rugged" and exciting the ride was can be argued (or the little guy was just REALLY tired). No offense to the family or the two little guys at all - it did make me wonder, however, whether the tour guide was "taking it easy" because there were children on the jeep. Again, it wasn't a bad tour at all, just a bit different that the expectations given from their website description.

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