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Зиплине шума у ​​Насхвилле Нортх

Зипање је узбудљива авантура из птичје перспективе! Породице, пријатељи и групе свих врста воле да лебде кроз зелена брда Фонтанела, кроз дрвеће у нашој величанственој старој шуми на 9 засебних зип-лајн-а који покривају око 2,5 миље терена. Затварачи плове кроз ваздух на челичним сајлама, причвршћеним сигурносним појасом и причвршћеним за систем ременица. Зип туре раде током целе године. Доживите зипање током сваке сезоне!<бр><бр>Првобитно изграђен 1988. за суперзвезду кантри музике Барбару Мендрел, Фонтанел је замишљен да буде место мира и хармоније у прелепој долини Вајтс Крик у Нешвилу у Тенесију. 2010. године његова врата су отворена за јавност. Од тада, Фонтанел је постао једна од најбољих музичких и животних дестинација у Нешвилу.
Цити: Насхвилле
Fri 27 Dec
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Fri 27 Dec
Са почетком у $60.52
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе.<ли>Код облачења: Потребна је чврста и безбедна обућа, без ципела са потпетицом /јапанки /слабих сандала, не хаљине или сукње.<ли>Препоруке за тежину: 50 – 250 фунти.<ли>Ми водимо зип туре по киши или сунцу. Отказујемо само због јаког ветра или грмљавине.<ли>Зип-лајн разликује се по дужини и висини: дужине до 1000 стопа и висине око 85 стопа.
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Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (378)
Sep 2018
My husband and I did this zip line course at the Fontanel last September. It is a multi-line course that requires extensive hiking through the wooded -sometimes steep- hillsides near the Fontanel mansion. It took approx 2 hours. The employees that are with you were all very young and did not seem to be too concerned with safety. They did not attempt to slow us down or assist us with the landings,which were extremely crude and rough, with nothing there to land on but some 2'×4's laid close together on the ground to form a makeshift ramp/landing site. The lines were too low to the ground (especially if you are anything other than very short) so when you come in for a landing you are told to start moving your feet and legs in quick walking steps to stop yourself. My butt actually dragged the ground on one very low landing, and I weighed under 150 lbs. Another thing that made this difficult was the fact that half way across each line, you automatically turned backwards so could not see where you were going or when it was time to prepare for landing. Because of this, you have to keep your head twisted around as much as possible to watch for the landing, thus taking away from the enjoyment of the ride.The staff does nothing to prepare to slow you down just before the landing and on one of my landings I sailed on past the wooden ramp and my foot hit a large tree root with such force that my shoe went flying off. I had instant pain and swelling. I asked one of the staff what they do in the event someone is unable to complete the course (there were still 2 or 3 more lines to zip before the end). Basically, the answer was nothing; you are stuck. I had to hobble around the hills and paths and complete the 2-3 remaining lines and landings with an injured foot. I had a fractured heel and a torn ligament. They make you sign a waiver of liability before hand, so no point in trying to hold them liable for their crappie set up and lack of assistance. I have seen other zip line courses with very smooth, even landings and staff present to assure this, but this is not the case with this course.
Julie D
Sep 2018
The zip lining tour was very fun. Normally there are 8 lines but when we went 2 were under repair. This was a bummer but we still had a great time. Matt and Greg were both helpful and funny. They were attentive to safety but lighthearted. Overall, it was great experience that I highly recommend!
Laura L
Sep 2018
I would highly recommend this experience! Our guides were Greg and Evan! They made zip lining fun with their enthusiasm and humor. Additionally, they were patient and supportive of first time zip liners who were nervous. Also, we were worried about the heat going in August but you’re under tree cover the whole time so you stay cool and have a beautiful view.

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