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Улазница за Зоолошки врт Мајамија са опционом надоградњом

Зоолошки врт у Мајамију је идеално место за појединца, пар или целу породицу да проведу дан. У ствари, посетиоци могу да обиђу свет за један дан. Они ће посетити Африку, Азију, Амазонију и Аустралију. Зоолошки врт у Мајамију се састоји од 340 развијених хектара са више од 3.000 животиња и преко 1.200 биљака и дрвећа. Ова улазница вам омогућава да идете право до капије, а уз додатну накнаду гости могу хранити жирафе, или папагаје, . Гости ће имати сусрете са животињама, срести чуваре током заказаних разговора „Упознајте чувара зоолошког врта“ током дана и још много тога.<бр><бр>У „Амазон анд Беионд“ доживите прашуму, јагуаре, анаконде, слепе мишеве, змије отровнице (иза стаклених експоната, наравно), ретке жабе, орлове харпије и акваријум од 48.000 галона. <бр><бр>Обавезно посетите изложбу 'Флорида: Миссион Евергладес'. Овде ћете имати прилику да се суочите лицем у лице са неким од невероватних животиња које Флориду називају домом.
Цити: Мајами
Tue 25 Feb
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Tue 25 Feb
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<ул><ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности.<ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Узраста 0- 2 су БЕСПЛАТНА<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом
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Зоо Миами
Улазница за зоолошки врт у Мајамију омогућава гостима да уживају у гледању јагуара, лавова, тигрова, орангутана, слонова, 'Крила Азијске волијере' и највеће волијере са азијском тематиком на западној хемисфери са стотинама птица које слободно лете. Такође ћете видети гориле, шимпанзе, коале, кенгуре на дрвету, жабе, змије, меркате и више животиња него што бисмо икада могли да наведемо! У „Амазону и даље“ доживите прашуму, јагуаре, анаконде, слепе мишеве, змије отровнице (наравно, иза стаклених експоната), ретке жабе, орлове харпије и акваријум од 48.000 галона.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (182)
Feb 2019
Zoo Miami is a beautiful zoo but much more like a long, long walk in a nice park setting. Parking is free. Compared to other zoos I have visited, I felt that the animals were not the main attraction here. There was lots of lovely foliage and large open spaces to walk. Yes, you can see lots of animals but they require lots of walking. I have walked 10 miles or so on a visit to Disney World, but this park seemed even worse than that although it probably was not as large. The main attraction to me, at this zoo, was the idea that you could rent a bike to carry the whole family through the zoo. The day we visited, the park was fairly empty. We chose to pay extra for the monorail, a feeding and carousel ride since we had two children with us. The monorail gave us a good overview of the zoo, it was air conditioned, and allow us to sit down for the ride. It moves very slowly, though, so to get around the whole zoo took us at least 1/2 hour. You can see animals from the monorail but the glass is not designed for good viewing. We planned on feeding the giraffes but took a wrong turn trying to find something to drink. We had to settle on feeding the birds, but when we finally found our way there, the birds were too full and did not want to eat. Lucky for us the tortoise was right next door and it was feeding time. We did enjoy feeding the tortoise. The carousel was fun, once we found it. The children enjoyed riding as much as they wanted to. There was no line to wait in, just get on and get off. We felt that the signage could be improved at this zoo. It was difficult to know where you were even with a map. The park is beautiful, the staff was great. Our real problem was that we planned on renting the bikes but ran out of time and could not do that. Biking would be a great way to travel this park and I hope someday to return here and do so. I wonder what kinds of problems occur, though, if there are too many bikes on the path? The day we were here, the zoo was almost empty.
Jennifer R
Feb 2019
This was a very large and uniquely interactive zoo. It had unique ways for kids to interact with animals such as a slide that goes through the water of the otter exhibit while the otters are swimming and a tube to crawl through the alligator tank under the alligators. They had bats in exhibits on either side of the walkway and they would fly over your head through two tubes. Also there was a balance rope that went over the alligator ride (completely enclosed in safety nets). There were many other examples where kids are able to get up close through glass to be next to the animals. They also had multiple animals the kids could pay to feed. They have water misters to cool down or the monorail is air conditioned and a nice way to get off your feet or to get from one side of the park to the other. If traveling with younger kids you may want to get the family peddle bikes at an additional charge or use a stroller as there is quite a bit of walking. There are multiple play areas for kids throughout the zoo. There are free fountains and pay drinks/ice cream machines along the paths. I would recommend this should be on your list of things to do if you are visiting Miami with kids.
Barbara R
Feb 2019
We went with the grandkids with a membership which includes us and the 3 of them. The membership has now paid for itself in just two visits. There will be more. This zoo has such wide open spaces and the animals are well cared for with plenty of room to roam. If you get hot, there are indoor exhibits and activities for adults and kids. Really enjoy spending time at Zoo Miami.

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