Oct 2019
Walking down Hollywood Boulevard, you have lots of people offering you tours and handing you flyers, and when you aren't a sucker and don't accept their excessive price, they'll all make a special low offer just for you. On some of these tours, you may realize you are actually on a cross-country bus to New Jersey (Even though that doesn't even make sense for them financially speaking).
I thought Hollywood Dream Tours was one of these, based on their poor reviews, so I made a lame excuse and skipped them. Then I accepted the offer of Hollywood LA Tours, and the Hollywood Dream Tours guy showed up to call me on my BS. Apparently Hollywood LA Tours absorbed Hollywood Dream Tours but without the stuff that made them the stuff of nightmares.
Sure enough, it was a great tour. Mike was a great tour guide who shared a mix of fun facts, celebrity trivia and personal experience working for the stars in Hollywood. The guests were foreign and not very good at celebrity trivia but Mike didn't kick them out of the van. Also I hope this is the right company since all the Hollywood Tour names were similar, and I already disposed of the flyers (they made great drink coasters).