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3-денний тур північного сяйва за Полярним колом Аляски з Фербенкса

Відкрийте для себе зиму в Арктиці Аляски! Відчуйте на собі легендарну гостинність і автентичну інтерпретацію, які зробили оригінальну пригоду Arctic Circle Drive Adventure відомою. Подорожуйте на північ знаменитим шосе Далтон. Подивіться чудовий Трансаляскинський трубопровід. Відчуйте могутню річку Юкон. Досліджуйте зблизька дивовижну арктичну тундру. Перетніть Північне полярне коло та отримайте офіційний сертифікат про пригоди на Північному полярному колі.
ПРИМІТКА - кожен тур унікальний, оскільки денне світло постійно змінюється. Залежно від того, коли ви подорожуєте, важливо, щоб ваш день був більш «нічним», ніж денним світлом».

Проведіть 2 ночі в Колдфуті, штат Аляска, розташованому прямо під овалом Аврори.  Тут починаються вогні. і розгалужуватися звідси.  Хоч ніхто не може гарантувати вам світло, ви можете допомогти збільшити свої шанси, подорожуючи в правильну пору року (коли наші ночі темні), підійдіть якомога ближче до джерела (у Coldfoot прямо під овалом), а потім не спати всю ніч.
Місто: Фербенкс
Mon 24 Feb
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $1789.00
Mon 24 Feb
Починаючи з $1789.00
Що включено
Кімната в Coldfoot Camp на 2 ночі
Місцевий гід
Професійний гід
Екскурсія з гідом від Фербенкса до Колдфута
Живі коментарі на борту
Дві ночі проживання
Додаткова інформація
  • Не рекомендовано мандрівникам із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Ціни для дорослих застосовуються до всіх мандрівників. Ціни вказано з розрахунку на особу при двомісному розміщенні. Для одиноких мандрівників необхідно додати 200 доларів США. за погодних умов, будь ласка, одягайтеся належним чином
  • Мандрівникам надаються маски для обличчя
  • Мандрівникам і персоналу доступний дезінфікуючий засіб для рук
  • Регулярно дезінфікують місця з інтенсивним рухом людей
  • Спорядження/обладнання дезінфікують між використаннями
  • Регулярно дезінфікують транспортні засоби
  • Гіди зобов’язані регулярно мити руки
  • ПРИМІТКА, вибираючи екскурсію, яку можна впізнати, коли подорожувати літаком, наземний тур на відстані 6 футів неможливий. З 1 липня 2021 року маски більше не будуть обов’язковими та будуть необов’язковими для тих, хто бажає їх носити.
Політика скасування
Усі продажі остаточні. У разі скасування бронювання кошти не повертаються.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (19)
Apr 2019
Enjoyed this tour, first time in Alaska, and learned a lot of the history. The guides and organization were excellent, and the transport both ways was very good. Although one of the viewing nights in Wiseman was clear and stars were visible, no Aurora was visible to the eye, even though some cameras when set up properly did capture some faint images and color. Tour members received excellent help in setting up cameras from personnel at the viewing cabin, site. Stayed two nights each before and after the tour in Fairbanks. History of this area of Alaska is fascinating and I will arrange another trip. Would like to go to the end of the Dalton Highway to Deadhorse. Weather was cold, 10 F. at night and around 20 F. and above in the daytime. Quite a bit of snow and ice. Not the type of trip for those that want to be pampered and expect resort-type food and lodging.
Відповідь від хоста
Apr 2019
Dear Dionges1, thank you for joining us on your Arctic Circle Aurora Adventure. We would love to have you jion us for an Arctic Ocean Adventure -- that is an adventure we have that does cover the full length of the Dalton Highway -- dip your toes in the Arctic Ocean! (offered in the Midnight Sun Season only currently -- BUT, you can take it at the END of the August/beginning of September and try again to look for the aurora). Thank you again for your review and best wishes for a bright spring! Kathy
Jan 2019
This was one of the most amazing holidays of my life. However, it wasn't all smooth sailing. We arrived at the NATC office to travel by bus to Cold Foot only to be chastised by reception that we were late. We were supposed to be there by 0915 and arrived at 0921 as the Lyft driver got lost. On the way we were to take in some sight seeing. Friends had recommended this trip and said that before you start the driver takes you to a supermarket to get some snacks for the trip. Didn't happen and this may have changed since my friends had done the trip. It was unfortunate that our driver got sick which delayed our tour by two hours. The issue was the lack of communication. We had no food and very little water with us. Eventually things were sorted out and we (English speaking) were transferred onto a bus of Chinese tourists with a Mandarin speaking guide. Our Mandarin is non existent so were kept in the dark as to what was happening. We did get to a roadhouse and had the best noodle soup and it was from that point that our trip really began. On our arrival at Cold Foot the staff couldn't be kinder. We were fed and watered and taken out to our first viewing of the Northern Lights. It was spectacular. The following day we took a drive up to Galbraith Lake and saw some fabulous landmarks along the way i.e. Dalton Highway, Alaskan Pipeline, Snowshoe Hares etc. The next day we went dog sledding. We were worried that the dogs may have been ill-treated but the Musher was very passionate about his dogs and mushing and we even got to meet the dogs and four puppies. The highlight was supposed to be the northern lights but I think the dog mushing surpassed that and was great value for money. We flew back to Fairbanks and the tour didn't stop there as the pilot continued to point out various Alaskan landmarks. I would like to thank Ben, Beaux, India, Loro and everyone else at Coldfoot who made our holiday extraordinary. Their knowledge and passion of the area was exemplary. Even with the delays and mishaps we always felt safe and confident that we would arrive at our destination in one piece. I would highly recommend this trip back to one of the last frontiers.
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2019
Wow, thank you Tuross for taking the time to write a thorough review. We appreciate you choosing Northern Alaska Tour Company and wish you a bright spring! Kathy
Qingzhou J
Jan 2019
My family (four of us) just took the "Arctic Circle Aurora Drive Northbound/Fly" tour; it's very very expensive (total $2916, $729 per person). It's the huge money and big decision for my family to book this tour! We booked it mainly because of the fly tour part; since there are lots of much much cheaper aurora tours at Fairbanks. Unfortunately, on day 2 at Coldfoot, we were told the fly tour was cancelled due to the weather; and we were sent back to Fairbanks by joining other Arctic Circle ground tour. Thus, our "Arctic Circle Aurora Fly/Drive" tour basically became a tour like "Arctic Circle Drive + one night at Coldfoot" tour (less than $2000 value)! I called Northern Alaska Tour Company and was told there is no refund! I understand the fly tour is depending on the weather, but the "no refund" policy" is the evil policy. The customers need take all the loss due to the weather, and they have no other options since Coldfoot is a totally remote location (not even a village) within Arctic Circle! All flights on 12/31 were cancelled, and the flight on 12/30 was cancelled (I knew it because we met those tourists at Arctic Circle for switching coaches). And the company knows the possibilities of fly tour cancelling are very high during those days. I felt so upset they did not give us any warning before our departure or offering us any opportunities to switch tour programs.
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2019
Dear Qingzhou J, Thank you for joining us on the Arctic Circle Aurora Fly Drive Adventure Northbound. We understand your disappointment that weather affected the method of your travel out of Coldfoot. No one takes joy out of having to make tour alterations and that includes us. We work hard to ensure the safe return of guests to Fairbanks to decrease the impact as much as possible to their overall itinerary to Alaska - no change, no cancellation is taken lightly. We have worked hard to make our rates as transparent as possible - a guest choosing to return by ground the package tour rate is the same -- flying back to Fairbanks or travelling by ground. We do have a refund policy if you cancel outside of 7 days prior to the tour date it is 100% refundable. Very generous by industry standards. As for weather - weather will affect your travel anywhere in the world. We share weather can affect your travel - on our website, in the tour programs, and during our briefings. What is known about weather is it can change. Just because flights were cancelled on one day does not mean they will cancel the next day...or for that matter flights can be cancelled in the morning but weather is clear and safe in the afternoon. If you or any future guest reading this have any questions we invite you to call us. Thank you, Kathy

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