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3-годинна екскурсія зі спостереженням за китами в затоці Монтерей у Каліфорнії

Затока Монтерей є головним місцем для спостереження за китами протягом усього року. Вашу щоденну 3-годинну подорож зі спостереженням за китами розповідає морський біолог або натураліст, який надає повчальну та цікаву інформацію про китів, дельфінів і широкий спектр морської дикої природи. Окрім навчання про дику природу, ваші морські біологи та натуралісти нададуть інформацію про природну історію місцевості та розкажуть про охорону природи.
Місто: Монтерей і Кармель
Sat 21 Sep
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Починаючи з $70.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $70.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (145)
John P
Aug 2022
Went out on August 11 with Captain Danny and Naturalist Isaiah on @discoverywhalewatch and had a wonderful time. We found a small group of humpbacks quite close to shore, and were treated to multiple breaches, lunge feeding and whale tails galore! Captain Danny kept us close in, and Isaiah provided tons of useful and interesting information, plus he sang a great sea shanty at the end of the cruise!
Aug 2022
This was an absolutely fantastic trip. The people at Discovery are the friendliest, most accommodating and helpful group we could have asked for; from checkin to safety briefing to on the boat to off the boat. The boat, while not huge or fancy, was clean and offered plenty of seating space. The wind was low but the swell pretty big on the day we went and the boat handled it very nicely, thanks to the skill of the captain and his crew. It is a smaller boat, though, so if you're susceptible to motion sickness, remember your Dramamine. They boat provided coffee, hot tea and hot chocolate, complimentary, and it was very well received by the guests. I was initially worried that the smaller boat would be less awesome than the much larger boats at the pier but, after finding the whales, we could see the bigger boats had people lined up, shoulder-to-shoulder from stern to bow vying for a space to see the amazing creatures. All the while, we were standing comfortably, hot chocolate in hand, with plenty of room and some amazing views. One whale surfaced directly under the boat, not 5 feet from where we stood; close enough to literally smell it's whale breath. ICK, but awesome!! The 3-man crew on our boat was outstanding and very enthusiastic. You can really tell they enjoy their job and are passionate about the wildlife. No hesitation to ask how we were feeling or to answer any questions we had. When we had none, they added some great and colorful facts and commentary throughout the trip. The return trip was super relaxing with everyone reveling in the moment; chatting and smiling. All in all, we saw (from what the crew told us) a minimum of 10 individual humpback whales and hundreds of sea lions. The whales cruised the surface, dived with flukes in the air, lunged out of the water feeding and fully breached, launching out of the water several times off in the distance. I would 100% take this trip again. Don't forget to tip the crew for their outstanding service and passion.
Paul D
Aug 2022
We had a wonderful whale watching experience. We were fortunate to see several humpback whales, followed by heading further out into the bay & seeing blue whales ahead of other groups! The information provided by Marine Biologists / Naturalist Isaiah, skipper Danny & Deck Hand (Andrew?) was fantastic, where they were only too happy to help out with any questions. A great experience, thank you!

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